I think in high school we learned about words like bereft. Words that sound like what they mean--onomatopoetic or something like that. I obviously got the concept but not the spelling. In any event,I have been bereft since Tuesday when Jess and her family moved to Philadelphia. I dare say Barbara shares those feelings but this blog is about ME. I know many of you have had kids go to college (our own dear Anna is in NYC via Ohio), deaths of loved ones, job changes, and other difficult transitions. I am not implying this one is worse than those but it is happening now and it is happening to me (and Barbara and the Helmling family). I know I can drive there, fly there, or train there. But it is not Hyde Square and it is not 5 minutes away. I know that even if I complained about some of those early morning calls requiring an extra pair of hands,I am going to miss the school pickups or the daycare deliveries or simply the spontaneous lets have dinner together offers. I am also aware this is not permanent. But I have had the following AHA moment--it is a transition not just for them but for me. We have to adjust and have already begun doing that--our living room has a vacant hole in the middle because we gave them a bunch of furniture so re-decorating is on the agenda. Kind of a symbolic hole, no? And we have decided to try and bring them, Anna, and others up to the Berkshires next summer so we can spend time with them. We already have tickets to fly down in mid-January. Bereft. Enough.
How can it be that the Republicans were so oppositional and recalcitrant for two years and then the week before Christmas, all this important legislation gets passed with their assistance. Did Obama do something different? Did the election force some things to get done? I did not ask and I am not smart enough to tell. All I know is that the treaty passed, don't ask was repealed, and that tax bill which I still don't get but the guy from the Atlantic has assured us is good--that passed.
I also know that I have enough paranoia to believe the Republicans are teasing me personally. That their intention is to block anything decent for the next two years and run on that. I have already seen enough and heard enough from He Who Has a Perpetual Tan and He Who is a Member of My Tribe--neither are bright lights and both are in charge.
My brethren in Israel continue to make life miserable for the Palestinians and continue to allow the building of settlements. I know not what to do except whine and complain about them and Netanyahu in particular. I despair.
The little men with little machines and shovels were out in force during the recent snow storm even shoveling a path from our front gate to our front door. Oh the joy and oh how my monthly condo fee is worth every penny even if no more snow arrives.
I think Brady has played at a level that very few players ever get to--it is just unworldly and even if they don't get to the Super Bowl, we have seen (especially the last 7 games) a very special performance. On the whole, I am a worrier and worry that this will come to a crashing end.
Speaking of which, the Celtics dodged a crashing end when it turned out Garnet's injury was not season ending and I am now thinking it is not so bad having him take two weeks off. Much like the Pats--it will heal his bones.
The Bruins never see an open net that they can hit. It is so pathetic watching them on offense. No one can score.
That's about it. Hope all of you have a happy, healthy, and peaceful 2011. Be well.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
For awhile there, I thought my unending supply of rage had ended. Either do to maturity or the great quantities of drugs I took to get rid of a cold, I could not find it. But, lo and behold, I have come out of my fog and am back in touch with my dark side. You, dear readers, are the very fortunate recipients of my re-connection with this quick special.
1. Don't Ask Don't Tell--So the Republicans have appointed a tea bagger to chair the House Military Affairs committee. He has promised to kill any effort to repeal DADT. Other similar House chairs are going after Obamacare (helped to be sure by today's federal court decision) and abortion rights. We do get what we deserve.
2. I thought I understood the Obama deal on taxes until I read this article by a guy from the Atlantic--Joshua Green. I like him a lot and he said, in fact, that this is a good compromise getting lots of money into the economy and helping the unemployed. He accused some of us (one of whom would be me) of over reacting. If so, I take it all back. However, I still believe the Prez has been way too kind and I would be happy to share some of my rage now that I have re-located it.
3.Temple Avodah in Newton caved in on the question of letting the folks from J Street speak. The big machers (that would be donors for those of you not fluent in Yiddish) probably threatened to pull their money out. Really a bad sign when dissent cannot even be tolerated in the House of God.
OK, both the Jets and the Bears were probably over rated. But Mr. Brady and the boys were stupendous especially in that winter mess yesterday. Brady is simply playing at a level beyond excellent; playing where few people dare to tread. We are lucky to be watching all this.
1. Don't Ask Don't Tell--So the Republicans have appointed a tea bagger to chair the House Military Affairs committee. He has promised to kill any effort to repeal DADT. Other similar House chairs are going after Obamacare (helped to be sure by today's federal court decision) and abortion rights. We do get what we deserve.
2. I thought I understood the Obama deal on taxes until I read this article by a guy from the Atlantic--Joshua Green. I like him a lot and he said, in fact, that this is a good compromise getting lots of money into the economy and helping the unemployed. He accused some of us (one of whom would be me) of over reacting. If so, I take it all back. However, I still believe the Prez has been way too kind and I would be happy to share some of my rage now that I have re-located it.
3.Temple Avodah in Newton caved in on the question of letting the folks from J Street speak. The big machers (that would be donors for those of you not fluent in Yiddish) probably threatened to pull their money out. Really a bad sign when dissent cannot even be tolerated in the House of God.
OK, both the Jets and the Bears were probably over rated. But Mr. Brady and the boys were stupendous especially in that winter mess yesterday. Brady is simply playing at a level beyond excellent; playing where few people dare to tread. We are lucky to be watching all this.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
If it were, we would be in a re-run of back to the future starring George McGovern and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Maybe not as bad as in 1972 since most of the left coast and some of the Northeast would be with us--but otherwise a total shambles. Obama would be a one termer. And we would have a Luddite (to use one of Barbara's favorite words) as our next President. Mitt Romney would look palatable.
This tax cut business just totally confuses me--he backs way down as a way to get unemployment benefits extended and to insure middle class folks get the benefits but allows those earning more than $250,000 to keep the cuts also. Gives business all sorts of breaks. Maybe it is a "good" expedient decision but it is so counter to what we thought when he was elected that it is appalling. But, as I have said before, there are more of them than there are of me.
Plus he is just not angry enough. His speeches are out of sync from his actions. Don't ask don't tell is supported by the Pentagon report, the Republicans continue to attack it, and he has not said one word. Whats up with that? I have always had the fantasy (even before he was elected) that his staff was smart and knew what they were doing--now I am not sure and I think minimally they are still recovering from the mid terms. Well, they better get over it soon because 2012 will be here quicker than we think.
There are over 5,000 vacant seats in the Boston Public Schools but every time the Superintendent tries to close some, the union freaks out. Then she starts to waffle and then the whole plan collapses. Closing schools means losing jobs--I get that. But empty seats without staff reductions makes no sense either. She is dithering too much.
Chuck Turner, now an ex- City Councilor, managed to turn his bribery conviction into a race issue. I don't care how much he took--but assuming he did it, he should be on the street like any other government official or elected official. Like Charlie Rangel--both of them good progressive people who abused our collective trust. And Maxine Waters is next.
In my new neighborhood, 3 men murdered in a local pizza joint. Apparently, it was gang related and furthermore has ties to conflicts in the Dominican Republic where the 3 of them were from. Even if all the guns in the city were suddenly to disappear, we are apparently not going to resolve these village-like conflicts. I have no clue what that means (or how to solve the dilemma) but I have a feeling, better schools, better police, more police--I have a feeling none of those will help. Its kind of like the tribal wars which frequently erupt in Africa. They go back years.
Beware: Those of you approaching 65. Medicare knows you are out there (much like AARP knew when you turned 50) and 3 months before that magical date, you will get your medicare card. I will say that I have had very few interactions with MY federal government. The ones with Social Security and Medicare have been very positive. I still believe the Health care bill should have just expanded Medicare and Medicaid and everyone would have understood it. Anyhow, they got me and I can hardly wait to reach that famous donut hole.
We all know Jeter was going to be a Yankee and all the yakking about it was just a bunch of shit from the talking heads who have nothing else to do--another example would be Albert Haynesworth's suspension. a lot of yakking about that too as if...
Mr. Brady and the boys really stomped on Rex and his big mouth. Not sure they will win the last 4 (especially Green Bay though they are lucky it is at home). But Brady is very very hot and they are getting just enough running to keep defenses honest. They have beaten the Ravens, the Colts, the Chargers, the Steelers, and now the Jets--two of those wins on the road.
BTW--don't care who else the Yanks sign now that Jeter and Rivera are in the fold. And, no offense, but Adrian Gonzalez is good but does not put the Red Flops in the World Series even if Kevin Millar (now a sportscaster???) says so.
By the next posting, Jess, Steffen, and the kids will be in Philadelphia. I have instructed them that they cannot under any circumstance become fans of any Philly team. Obviously, nothing else matters. We already have reservations for our first visit.
This tax cut business just totally confuses me--he backs way down as a way to get unemployment benefits extended and to insure middle class folks get the benefits but allows those earning more than $250,000 to keep the cuts also. Gives business all sorts of breaks. Maybe it is a "good" expedient decision but it is so counter to what we thought when he was elected that it is appalling. But, as I have said before, there are more of them than there are of me.
Plus he is just not angry enough. His speeches are out of sync from his actions. Don't ask don't tell is supported by the Pentagon report, the Republicans continue to attack it, and he has not said one word. Whats up with that? I have always had the fantasy (even before he was elected) that his staff was smart and knew what they were doing--now I am not sure and I think minimally they are still recovering from the mid terms. Well, they better get over it soon because 2012 will be here quicker than we think.
There are over 5,000 vacant seats in the Boston Public Schools but every time the Superintendent tries to close some, the union freaks out. Then she starts to waffle and then the whole plan collapses. Closing schools means losing jobs--I get that. But empty seats without staff reductions makes no sense either. She is dithering too much.
Chuck Turner, now an ex- City Councilor, managed to turn his bribery conviction into a race issue. I don't care how much he took--but assuming he did it, he should be on the street like any other government official or elected official. Like Charlie Rangel--both of them good progressive people who abused our collective trust. And Maxine Waters is next.
In my new neighborhood, 3 men murdered in a local pizza joint. Apparently, it was gang related and furthermore has ties to conflicts in the Dominican Republic where the 3 of them were from. Even if all the guns in the city were suddenly to disappear, we are apparently not going to resolve these village-like conflicts. I have no clue what that means (or how to solve the dilemma) but I have a feeling, better schools, better police, more police--I have a feeling none of those will help. Its kind of like the tribal wars which frequently erupt in Africa. They go back years.
Beware: Those of you approaching 65. Medicare knows you are out there (much like AARP knew when you turned 50) and 3 months before that magical date, you will get your medicare card. I will say that I have had very few interactions with MY federal government. The ones with Social Security and Medicare have been very positive. I still believe the Health care bill should have just expanded Medicare and Medicaid and everyone would have understood it. Anyhow, they got me and I can hardly wait to reach that famous donut hole.
We all know Jeter was going to be a Yankee and all the yakking about it was just a bunch of shit from the talking heads who have nothing else to do--another example would be Albert Haynesworth's suspension. a lot of yakking about that too as if...
Mr. Brady and the boys really stomped on Rex and his big mouth. Not sure they will win the last 4 (especially Green Bay though they are lucky it is at home). But Brady is very very hot and they are getting just enough running to keep defenses honest. They have beaten the Ravens, the Colts, the Chargers, the Steelers, and now the Jets--two of those wins on the road.
BTW--don't care who else the Yanks sign now that Jeter and Rivera are in the fold. And, no offense, but Adrian Gonzalez is good but does not put the Red Flops in the World Series even if Kevin Millar (now a sportscaster???) says so.
By the next posting, Jess, Steffen, and the kids will be in Philadelphia. I have instructed them that they cannot under any circumstance become fans of any Philly team. Obviously, nothing else matters. We already have reservations for our first visit.
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