Saturday, December 15, 2012


But they likely will because I cannot put my thoughts/feelings into words which adequately describe yesterday's massacre in Newtown.  My first thought:  As a parent, I sent my kids off to school and never ever thought I would never see them alive again.  How can that be understood?  Second thought:  I was with Oliver and Lilli last weekend.  I walked Lilli to the bus and accompanied Jess to Oliver's school--I am sure neither Jess nor I ever had the thought that this was the last time we would see them alive.  Third thought:  More gruesome than the first two, I thought that this small town probably did not have enough child sized caskets to deal with the tragedy.  There are not final thoughts since I will not get closure on this ever.  I can say this:  I don't want to hear any talking heads telling me how to interpret this 5 full minutes after it occurred.  I don't want to see any more memorials with flowers. I don't want to hear from instant diagnosticians who did not know the perpetrator but can diagnose what his "illness" was.  I don't want to hear from the NRA.  I deeply respect Obama's words and, if you saw him yesterday, you know he felt this as a parent first; and as President second.  What did he and Michelle say to the kids?  What did any of you parents say?  I have no clue what I might have said.

I am not sure where to take this except I do have more to say--maybe just itemize some odds and ends?

--Last week in Kansas City, a professional football player murdered his girlfriend and then committed suicide in front of a group of his coaches.  More guns, more flowers, more memorials, and then Bob Costas (on a sports program mind you) had the temerity of raising the issues related to gun control.  And of course got slammed by all sorts of people. The instant diagnosticians were out in force on this one also.

--I did have a terrific time in Philadelphia with Jess, Steffen, and the kids.  Mostly just followed them around and through all their activities and celebrated the first two nights of Hanukkah while there.  They go to Germany this coming week for the Holidays and to spend time with Steffen's family.  These bi-continental lives are very hard. The really interesting news is that in the spring Jet Blue will begin flying there and finally offer USAir some serious competition.

--Susan Rice "withdrew" and I am trying hard not to believe Obama gave her more than a slight hint that it was a good idea.  Those fucking Republicans continue to act like they won the election and that their main goal is to limit any of Obama's possibilities of success.  McCain and Graham need to be kicked to the curb.  Now if Kerry is selected, we will have another damn election here and will face the prospect of Scottie running again. A pathetic and ugly happenstance.

--Speaking of Kerry and the Republicans, a vote to approve an international treaty supporting the rights of the disabled lost because the Republicans saw it as just another UN kind of thing.  One of a handful of countries which failed to support it--wonderful.

--More about the Republicans.  I love their in-fighting over the direction of the party.  and I fervently hope that this self injurious process is self defeating in 2014. They hate Medicare but always forget about granny collecting it.

--Not sure about that fiscal cliff craziness.  But I am sure the fools in DC should be able to resolve it--it is not brain surgery.  But both sides seem determined to a duel in the sun and some Republicans just want to see what happens.  Hello!

--Elizabeth did get on the Banking Committee.  Please tell me why it became an ordeal.  She is probably more qualified than any other Senator but we had to have a BIG DEBATE  about it.  Give me a break.

--The folks living on the Cape want federal money to put up signs warning visitors about sharks.  Wait til the Tea Partiers see that--wait til I see that.  Better idea:  Just put two signs up--one on each bridge and tell folks that sharks swim in the water.  Done.

--Lost a filling and thought just refill it.  But nooooooo--now will have two root canals and a crown and also lucked out with an infection in one of the teeth.  Fast Eddie, my dentist, says it is age.  Just another doctor telling me that certain body parts are wearing out.  Terrific.

--Read a non-fiction book by Katherine Boo recommended by Babs about the "slums" of Mumbai.  Cannot quite remember the name--something with "Forever" in the title.  Engrossing but so depressing.  One more reason why I never ever want to go there.  Sorry since I know a few of my readers are connected to, if not from, India.

--Garry Trudeau has resurrected his "Duke " character in the Doonesbury cartoon.  Duke is based on Hunter Thompson who committed suicide some years ago.  Duke is now working for a DC lobbying firm and his project is the secession of Texas.  Now everything is going swimmingly until he realizes that Austin is in Texas. And he does not want Austin to be lost. Oh Anna I am glad you will continue to be part of the U.S. of A.  Has to be read.


--I warned all of you about Don Fehr--and don't give me any pro union arguments.  Talk about a cliff.  This will be Bettman' third work stoppage in his tenure.  Fehr and Bettman are a terrible twosome.
--The Blue Jays, Dodgers, and Angels have loaded up and spent some serious bucks.  And the Red Flops signed Napoli--he of the .228 and .237 batting averages.  And my pinstripes down there in NYC seem hell bent on signing the oldest players available.  We shall see.
--We all know Bounty Gate was real and that the facts are irrefutable.  I don't care what the players say or Tagliabue says or the coaches say.  They did it.  Period.
--I would not have predicted how the Pats manhandled the Texans and now I am not sure what to predict tomorrow night against the 49ers.  I do know a bye will help and it would not surprise me if they finish first.

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it.  Happy 8th night of Hanukkah to those of you who celebrate that.  And really, for all of us, think about Newtown and the grief of the parents and the survivors.


Sunday, December 2, 2012


On turkey day we had a terrific easy drive to NJ after hearing about the traffic disasters on Tuesday and Wednesday.  By the time we left Scranton on Saturday, we figured no sweat.  WRONG.  Totally messed up in Danbury and then another mess at the entrance to the Mass Pike.And as a point of information to all you EZ Pass advocates--it did not matter if you had one or not.  The road was totally clogged on the other side of the toll booths so going to the EZ Pass lane was not any better.  So there.

Welcome to Ronni, Patty, Sherrie, and Rick.  Getting close to 60/want to get to 100.  So send those cards and letters of folks who might love to hear my rants.  Also a very happy welcome to both Henry and Poppy--two special baby additions to my relatively small family.  So cute.

Moving on.  The Globe had two straight days of animal stories--dogs, cats, assorted other non humans.  As if there is not enough going on in the world.  And on the front pages of the first or second sections.  Really now. One article was about a new law which allows animals to be included in restraining orders.  I would love to see that in court.  ARF ARF keep him away from me.  Are you shitting me? Then an article in the Globe magazine about this woman who has decorated her office as if it were in Paris.  She had placed a book about Paris and a book about Rodin on the chair in the picture--can you fucking believe it?  More importantly, two women got married in the West Point chapel and one of the officiants was  the senior Army chaplain of the Academy--pretty cool.

More odds and ends--mostly odd.  Why is Arafat's body being exhumed?  What am I missing?  Is it to prove he was murdered and did not die of natural causes and of course the Israelis must have done it.  He is gone and they have to move on.  But of course we have Netanyahu who won't move on--five seconds after the UN raised the status of the Palestinians, he approved 3000 new homes on the
West Bank.  Five minutes later, Hilary expressed our country's disagreement with that decision.  He has basically told us to fuck off.  I am beginning to believe it is close to hopeless as long as Hamas has the rockets and the Israelis have a sabre rattling Prime Minister.

I did not know Susan Rice was African American--but that explains a bit about Lindsey Graham and John McCain going after her.  Both due to her gender and the color of her skin.  At least Hilary is white.  My mother would simply say:  OY.

After 3 attempts, a female Mexican mayor was finally assassinated.  She fought the cartels and tried to keep them out of her small town and lost.  So courageous and yet dead.  It is just plain ugly in some of those Mexican cities.   And yes part of it is due to the demand for drugs up here.  But meanwhile the violence just continues.

So I go to my local Post Office which truly (and kind of nicely) seems to be my local UN branch.  Problem is the PO staff tend to disappear for long breaks while the line lengthens.  Then you have some of my fellow JPers sending something to Bangladesh to some remote village with no zip code and requesting certified return receipts.  I mean they should be able to do that but with the staff heading out back, do you know how long that takes?  And it is not just one person, it is a whole group of folks sending stuff to these zip codeless places.

Digressing further, Grover Norquist is an asshole and he is increasingly becoming isolated.  Even some of the crazy Republicans are distancing themselves from him.  I look forward to the 2012 elections with him in mind.  Speaking of which, anyone hear from either Eric Cantor or Sheldon Adelson (both members of my tribe).  They seem to be a bit silent since the election.  Maybe their meds have not kicked in or maybe they are in bed with their stuffed animals sucking their thumbs. 

Can someone tell me why Barack can visit Myanmar one of the worst dictatorships ever and establish some sort of relationship with them--but not row his boat over to Havana and do the same thing.  He can't still be scared about those crazy old Cuban farts in Miami, can he?  The younger generation of those old farts actually went 50/50 for Obama and Romney and likely would welcome an open relationship with Cuba.  Come on, it is time and he almost has a free pass since he can't be re-elected.

A terrific article in the New Yorker of 11/12 about Daine Ravitch the education reformer.  I am not sure I understand all of her positions but I do know a lot of people are angry at her because she actually admitted to changing her mind about testing and charter schools,  Also you should see the documentary on the Rolling Stones on HBO.  I have no clue how Keith Richards has not od'd or died of lung cancer.  There are also terrifying videos of Altamont and the Hells Angels attacking the audience in the guise of security.


The Yanks have signed 3 key pitchers and lost their catcher--who I never liked but he is apparently good with pitchers.  He just cannot fucking hit.  They will find someone--but getting Kuroda, Petite, and Rivera done is important.  Good luck with Jonny Gomes you Red Flop lovers.  Rondo is very good but he is also a drama queen who needs a few slaps or a spanking.  I still believe they will be ok but they are struggling right now.  The Pats had an ugly win today and it should be apparent that they had better sign Welker because the guy is already over 1000 yards and will be over 100 catches next week.  I hate Nick Saban and Alabama and was way disappointed that they won.  Notre Dame is worse and I will not watch the game at all.

Now playing forward for the Michigan Wolverines BB team--Nik Skauskas from Missisauga Ontario.  A freshmen who just is deadly from 3 point range.  Could he be the next Steve Nash?  Too early to tell but even with those other more glamourous freshmen, he has been the standout on that team.

To Philadelphia this Thursday to spend time with the Helmlings before they go across the big pond for Christmas.  And little Anna arrives in less than 3 weeks.  Can't wait.
