Wednesday, December 31, 2014


That's a piece of the Michigan fight song.  And you are mistaken if you believe this first paragraph is about sports.  It is about priorities.  Jim Harbaugh was a quarterback at Michigan in the mid 80's.  Ultimately, he became both a college coach (Stanford) and a pro coach (San Francisco).  Today, he is the new Michigan football coach at, get this, a salary of $5 million per year. That's likely more than the President of the University. Now you know Michigan is a public university which means that their budget reflects your tax dollars at work.  Michigan is just one of a multitude of public universities which pay their football coaches ugly amounts of money.  Michigan, it turns out, has the biggest on campus football stadium in America.  It seats 110,000 and is nicknamed the "Big House".  It has either 6 or 7 home games a year and tickets are in the $40-$50 range.  Every game is a sell out so you do the math. The football program, to be fair, is the fuel (along to a lesser extent with the men's basketball program) which allows the lesser sports (including those Title IX programs which have so helped women's athletics) survive and thrive.  Without that football revenue, no women's basketball--as an example. In the scope of human endeavors, Michigan football is a pimple on the affairs of the world.   So what are the priorities and what should they be and what if they changed and in the end should I care?  I will close by saying I know folks who teach in higher ed and I am guessing they do not make 5$ million a year.  Point made.

--As I dropped Anna off at the airport this morning, I thought of the most recent airplane disappearance and cannot imagine what the families of those lost must be experiencing.  Glad Jess and her family have returned safely.
--Please explain how the North Face company got the rights to "This Land is Your Land" and are now using it in TV ads?  Is Arlo hard up for money?
--There will be a country called Kurdistan in the future--as predicted here first.  The combination of their fighting skills on the ground and the coalition bombing is forcing those ISIS lunatics into a retreat.  The Turks might not like it but it will happen.
--But we still have the Taliban attempting to take people back into medieval times.  I suppose killing over 100 school age children is seen by them as a positive step in their progress towards this goal.  I am getting very feisty about this.
--A great Hanukkah for Alan Gross and, truthfully, for a lot of us hoping for normalization with Cuba.  In a recent post I wished for this after the Republicans won the mid terms.  Obama might as well go for it--he is even reducing the population at Guantanamo.  The third generation of Cubans in South Florida support this--the Cuban folks my age are the ones opposing it and, truth be told, they are on the decline due to, ahem, age.  Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham may make life difficult for the Prez as he moves ahead with this effort--but after their initial outrageous outrage, they seem to have faded away to their little hidey holes.  Please note that Cruz's family came here before Castro took over so he escaped nothing.
--Loved it that Obama slammed Sony for backing off of the release of Seth Rogen's movie.  A stupid movie to be sure but really, the North Koreans have that much influence?  Give me a break.
--Great yet distressing article in a recent NY Times magazine about the political situation in Israel.  Fingers and other digits crossed that in the upcoming election, Netanyahu is kicked to the curb but I am not optimistic.
--I am a reader of obituaries.  I admit it.  I also admit being alarmed at the number of folks who pass away and are my age or younger--kind of freaky.
--If you read no further, last year was a sad and painful one for many of us who lost loved ones.  Plus, much of the world continues to be out of control.  I hope the coming year is a happy, healthy, and peaceful one for you and your families.

--I never liked Rondo--too much of a drama king.  Brilliant at times; but I am wondering if Danny told Brad before he was hired that Rondo would be gone.  Now, we can argue about whether the Celtics got enough but good riddance.
--No surprises given all the Pats who were inactive last week--they lost.  But I admit I am a bit uneasy.
--Rask is not playing out of this world--which given how few goals his teammates put in the net is a big problem.  BTW, I continue to believe Lucic is on drugs.


Monday, December 15, 2014


That's more or less a direct quote from Dick Cheney's mom.  He had been playing out in the yard during a hot summer day in Wyoming.  It was now time for him to come in and torture his cats. He practiced a lot so that when he got to the White House, he would know what torture was. I was reminded of this activity when I saw a quote from Dickie regarding the recent report on the CIA: "I would do it again in a minute".  He continues to believe water boarding was effective even though the report refutes that in every instance--even going so far as saying it was unrelated to the capture of Osama Bin Laden.  I am convinced he is so delusional he does not even know the difference between truth and lies.  I am usually not a friend of Senator McCain but since he is the only senator who has been a prisoner of war, he has been worth listening to on this issue.  He continues to be very clear--water boarding is torture and it was ineffective.  Cheney cannot even hear that.  He is a Dick for sure.

Moving on to other important events:
--A terrific picture recently on the CNN website.  Big American flag filling up the whole screen in the background.  In the foreground, a female solider just returned from Afghanistan.  She is in a full open mouth kiss with her partner who, as it happens, is another woman.  Wowza--it's the future.  Get ready for it or get lost.
--Sitting in a sub shop in the neighborhood.  Two women come in with ID tags around their necks.  Then I see the cuffs and the handguns.  They are plainclothes Boston detectives.  It's the future.  Get ready for it or get lost.
--And from the Lone Star state we have these items.  Teachers are now allowed to carry concealed weapons because it makes the classrooms safer.  Not sure what it does for educating the kids.  Next, a headline in the Globe:  "Brains missing from Texas university".  Really?  I believe my daughter still has hers so I am not sure what this is about.
--I wouldn't give Mark Wahlberg a pardon if my life depended on it.  There are many more deserving folks than him.  Having a big name and loads of money should not mean he gets to be first in the pardon line.
--I never thought too much of Lebron James except I knew he was a very good basketball player.  But he knows he is a leader not just on the court but off it--so I admire his willingness to wear the "I can't breathe" T-shirt when warming up in Brooklyn last week. A borough away from Staten Island.  Btw, another African American young adult killed by another white policeman and another jury unwilling to indict despite the video.
--We all know Cosby did something and deserves to be kicked around.  We also know Aaron Hernandez is guilty no matter how many legal technicalities his defense team wins.  I wanted to kick his teeth in when I saw a picture of him smiling as the judge threw out a bunch of prosecutable evidence.
--Saw Obama on Colbert last week--very funny and this Thursday is Colbert's last Comedy Central show.  Very hard to imagine him on "regular" TV.
--I'm paying under $2.50 for gas and unemployment is better than ever.  No matter, it will get ugly when the Republicans take over.  Give Ruth Bader Ginsburg strength, my friends.
--Happy Hanukkah, Merry Xmas, and an Enjoyable Kwanzaa.  Hope all you atheists have some sort of good holiday as well.  Safe trips to all including my darling children one of whom arrives and the other departs this week.

--The Bruins truly suck.  I was able to watch nearly a full game over the weekend.  I believe Lucic is on drugs and the rest of them just cannot score.  BTW, Seguin is leading the league in goals.  And they refuse to allow Pastrnak to stay up--not tough enough yet.  Yikes.
--The Pats have been terrific and I would give Revis anything he wants to stay with them.  He makes the defensive backfield work.  Browner has not hurt them yet with all those penalties though I worry he will commit a big one at a bad time.


Monday, December 1, 2014


In Muhammad Ali's heyday, he used to lean against the ropes and let the other fighter pound away at him. He covered up and usually never even came away with a bruise.  But it did tire the other fighter out enough so Ali could then go on the attack.  He utilized this strategy frequently and it usually worked. I believe President Obama needs to do something similar.  He needs to do everything that is likely to freak out the Republicans--close Guantanamo, formalize relations with Cuba, make executive appointments and decisions, advocate for climate change--he needs to come off the ropes and attack.  Maybe they will get tired; maybe not.  But he has no chance of reaching a compromise in these next two years.  He should let them shut down the government, sue him for making executive decisions, veto any effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.  Let the people of color in America know what the Republicans stand for.  Let those who now have insurance know the Republicans want to take it away.  He has nothing to lose so fuck 'em.

On the other hand all of us should hope that nothing happens to Ruth Ginsburg--the tiny but strong Justice who just had a stent put in.  she already has had both pancreatic cancer and colo-rectal cancer.  If any of us think the Republicans have blocked everything, watch what happens if there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

I am sick and tired of Palestinian terrorism and Netanyahu recalcitrance.  The attack in a synagogue killing 4 Rabbis was despicable but the ugly political culture in Israel is alarming as well.  Yet another terrific article in the New Yorker by David Remnick about that culture leaves me feeling awfully pessimistic about any kind of stability let alone peace.  And Hamas leaders applauded the murders in the synagogue--even after Abbas condemned them which means he cannot even control his own citizens.  I'm pretty much out of words on this one.

I am also out of words regarding Ferguson, Missouri.  It felt as if we were back in the 60's but without any leaders on the ground.  First of all, how can there be a police force in a predominantly black community that has no black police officers.  Did they miss the class on diversity?  Second, to paraphrase Jeffrey Toobin, what fool decided to announce the decision at night when (hello) it is dark and much more difficult to manage rioters than during daytime.  Third, the politicians who brought in the National Guard BEFORE the decision almost guaranteed that something would happen.  Finally, to be fair, it is very nearly impossible to get a jury to convict or indict a police officer when they have testified it was a life or death situation.  Just a recipe for combustion and that's what we got.

[Just saw a tape of an NFL game played yesterday in St. Louis.  Five of the St. Louis Ram black players came out of the dressing room and onto the field with arms raised as if they were being arrested.  A terrific piece of public theater especially when it turns out these 5 and other teammates have been in Ferguson all month working with kids.  But of course, the police have been offended and want punishment.  Hasn't there been enough of that?]

The casino bill was not overturned so I was wrong on that one.  But the one in nearby Everett is 5 years away from opening.  I actually don't care a bit about it nor do I care about the Olympics though if somehow Boston gets them, I'm outta here for a prolonged vacation.

Two other excellent articles:  One in the Globe about a hockey coach who decided not to get a colonoscopy and now has end of life cancer (by Kevin Dupont).  Only big time fools decide against them.  Second article in last week's New Yorker about Angela Merkel basically arguing that she is the most powerful woman in the world.

The son of "He of the Ancient Friendship" is coordinating the Pan Am games for the city of Toronto.  A monumental task and one which will allow all venues to be re-used.  The Pats loss yesterday was tough especially the first half.  Gronk has to make that catch in the end zone in the second half and the defense forced 4 field goals which should have been enough.  I worry about San Diego and a let down. They did have a great run.

When will the Yanks sign Robertson?  Yikes.


Saturday, November 15, 2014


I was following my man Nate on his website ("538") and he even underestimated the Republican tidal wave. I have more anger than I know what to do with and don't exactly know who to focus on or where to start.  I will say that watching Jon Stewart has helped.  His mind is nearly as twisted as mine and he is brighter. It continues to occur to me that there are more of them than there are of me--and that is very scary. So here goes:

--Every Democrat ran away from Obama and made sure he did not appear in their state.  They ran away from the Affordable Care Act, immigration, the economy, and anything remotely progressive.  I am not, however, blind to Obama's passivity.  He needed a good PR person or a big kick in the ass.  There were loads of things he could point to (troop reductions, the Affordable Care Act, the economy considering what he got handed to him 6 years ago).  But no, he was quiet and decided to go and hide and he did get the ass kicking just not the one he expected.
--Now he has two months before the senate turns dangerously rightward.  I am hoping he picks fights every day with Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan) and that good ole boy Mitch.  Make executive decisions and judicial appointments.  Because once those Republicans take over the Senate there will be nothing he will get for two years.  I want the Republicans to fight him on immigration and see if that helps them in 2016.
--The economy did not matter--hatred mattered and most of it was abut Obama.  And in my paranoid though process, no one can convince me that there is not still an issue of where he was born and the color of his skin.
--Good news though--Scottie got kicked way down into the gutter up there in NH.  Jeanne Shaheen took care of him and now he actually has to look for work.  Screw him--maybe move to Vermont and take on Bernie??
--I do love Elizabeth Warren--she is just terrific and I hope to hell she does not run for President--she will lose badly and is much more fun in the Senate.
--Two articles:  One sent to me and appearing in Salon recommending that the President welcome efforts to impeach him.  Seems like they might try anyhow so he should just open up his arms and let them come after him.  The second article was in the New Yorker and was about Hilary and her possible run in 2016.  She will have competition which is ok but no one should think it will be an easy ride for her.

Avoid the recent Hadassah magazine unless you want to hear a bunch of crap about how Sheldon Adelson's wife is a wonderful person or you wish to get blinded by the size of the diamond she manages to stick out in front of her.  Don't ask me about why I read that crappy mag.

Then we have the two guys on the plane back to Boston from Toronto.  Strangers in the night who talked for the full 90 minutes and would not shut up.  By the way Toronto has an in city airport closer to downtown than Logan is to downtown Boston.  And you get free snacks and beverages in the waiting lounge.  Awful good spending time with someone you have known for 60 odd years.

The Supremes continue to let lower court rulings stand on abortion and same sex marriage.  And the crazy fucking righties keep pushing them to make a hard and fast decision.  I am not sure what I prefer.

Should I care that the comet lander bounced 3 times.  This from an article in the Globe.  I think I couldn't care less.

--Remember these names:  Sequin, Kessel, Thornton.  Yeah they got Hamilton but nothing much else after getting rid of those 3.  Two of them are leading the league in goals.  The Bruins on the other hand have to hope Rask stands on his head and holds teams to one or two goals because THEY CANNOT PUT THE PUCK IN THE NET.
--Mr. Brady and the boys really smoked Denver.  Methinks the Colts will be tougher


Thursday, October 30, 2014


If it is balance you want, read the Globe and learn the following:  Target is opening a new store near Fenway Park.  The Globe had a more or less positive article about the commitment of Target to an urban neighborhood .  Then they searched high and low and found (wonders of wonders) a naysayer and a BU professor to boot.  He's not sure it will succeed because the store actually opens up on the second floor--not street level.  They could not just leave it alone; had to throw water on it.  That neighborhood and the North Station neighborhood are about to explode in terms of development.  That professor can go screw himself and in 5 years, he will be wishing he could afford to live in the Fenway (and don't even start on me about gentrification which I know is a real issue). There are not two sides to every story in this screed. All the Globe seems to care about in a one sided way are those poor animals and the Catholic Church--I of course think those are two items that definitely need balance.

Speaking of items, here are some more:
-Item:  Put the gloves, winter hats, and winter coats away.  It is way too early though I do understand if you don't want to wear light colors. It is only autumn and I don't care if there are a few flakes here on the weekend.  A flake does not a winter make (!).
-Item:  The Supremes avoided any ugly showdowns on abortion and gay marriage and let lower court decisions stand.  That means a majority of states now allow same sex marriage and allow abortions.  Of course, some states are defying the court and should be kicked to the curb.  The usual suspects.
-Item:Mass General wants to expand and open a hospital in China.  Good for them--maybe they can also open one in Turkmenistan next.  They are getting the shit kicked out of them here because they claim they will save money if they get bigger.  Highly unlikely and not proven anywhere.  The corporation that owns MGH eased out its leader because of this nonsense--he will take a one million dollar pay cut and run Partners in Health. Hope he can handle Haiti better than he handled the doctors in his MGH job.
-Item:  Because of those fanatic Republicans blocking the nomination, we have no Surgeon General.  And they also don't like the idea of an Ebola Czar.  Anybody think one of them or both might have been helpful if not thoughtful about this Ebola thingy.  They need to be kicked to the gutter--forget the curb. Too much hysteria from too many non-health professionals.  Putting politics right into the operating rooms.
Item:  My main man Nate Silver (538 website) is predicting the Republicans will control the Senate which is really dreary news.  On a brighter note, he is also predicting that Scottie will lose in NH.  Don't know if the gutter has much room left but I think I will try to squeeze Scottie in.
-Item:  Will hold my nose and vote for Coakley for Governor but I care more about NH.
-Item:  Netanyahu is pushing more settlements and these will be in East Jerusalem.  He just does not give a shit and seems to get away with it.
-Item:  The Turks have allowed about 250 Kurdish fighters to cross their border on their way to Syria.  Bless their hearts.  Meanwhile their own soldiers literally continue to watch the war through fences.  They should be embarrassed at their inaction while half the world is bombing those ISIS crazies.
-Item: I want all of you to rest easy--my social security will rise 1.7% in January.  Too late for some really big Xmas or Hanukkah gifts; but maybe I can now get a muffin or two.

Just learned that our former Mayor (Menino) has passed away.  Guy retired about a year ago and then this ugly cancer.  Grab the time you have and live it up. Who knows how good he was--but the streets were plowed and the potholes fixed.  Could not understand one word he said.

--Don't you wish you had Seguin and Thornton on your team.  And some defense men who didn't cough up the puck right in front of the net.  They better play close to .500 until the big boys are back.
--Cannot read too much into the Celtics victory last night but they did look good and very athletic.  Still out rebounded.
--Just hope the Pats do not get blown out Sunday.  Manning has looked kind of terrific.


Thursday, October 16, 2014


So here we go.  And speaking of speed, let's begin with Boston traffic.  It sucks and speed is not the operational adjective.  I get it that construction has to happen before the wet cold winter arrives.  I get it that the roads and bridges need fixing.  I do not get why these projects occur during rush hour. We are now a one car family and on some days I take Barbara to work in Waltham--maybe, as the crow flies, it is 10 miles.  Why does it take nearly 45 minutes each way? Because the roads are totally messed up, the towns have allowed the construction to begin at 8 in the morning, and the assigned police are just watching and sipping coffee.

Our slow as a turtle Gaming Commission neglected to discover that the winning bid for the Boston casino included land purchased from a known member of the "Mafia".  Missed that but managed to kill horse racing and took three years to do it.  I am feeling a bit better that the override will fail mostly due to the construction jobs it will create and because everyone in Western Mass. will want downtown Springfield to survive.  But the Commission is a joke and now say they want to broker some kind of deal to keep horse racing alive some place--a day late and way more that a dollar short.

The election is less than a month away and I have thrown in the towel--the Dems will not control the Senate. Which probably means the final two years of Obama's presidency will be a total stalemate.  No immigration reform, an attempt to repeal Obamacare, every effort made to limit anything Obama wants, and god forbid if one of the Supremes steps aside.  Yikes.  And if you say, "its about the economy stupid", you are wrong. Because, considering the mess he inherited, Obama has really salvaged the economy.  Unemployment is under 6% and thanks to energy efficiencies and the North Dakota boom, I paid under $3 a gallon for gas. Not enough for those haters out there.

The Turks are NATO members and want to be part of the EU--but they don't want to dip their military toes into the battle to confront ISIS.  So, literally, their soldiers watch the current battle on the other side of a fence separating Turkey from Syria.  There will be retributions somewhere down the line if they continue to sit on the sidelines.  Meanwhile those medieval fanatics are about to behead another person.

I barely understand the Ebola crisis--but I know this--Bill Gates gave $50 million to help in the fight against the spread but a lot of those African countries cannot even use the money since they have no infrastructure that can manage it.  I will say they better stop sending these patients to hospitals ill prepared to deal with them.

Speaking of nurses, though, can someone tell me why nurses at Brigham and Women's in Boston can choose not to get vaccinated against the flu and other contagious illnesses?  It is now a union bargaining issue.  I mean they are fucking nurses and they don believe in inoculation because of some screwed up sense of the unproven negatives. Bargain my health away if I am an inpatient there?

I want to end on a positive note.  We saw Richard Blanco at a reading last week.  He is the Cuban American gay man from Maine who happens also to be a poet.  He was the guy who read his poetry at Obama's inauguration in 2012.  He was wonderful in person and I promptly went to my library list and ordered up all the stuff he has written. Just inspiring--especially when he talks about the town of Bethel where he lives now.  Loved him.

It has finally gotten through my thick skull--those sports talk shows are not really about sports; they are simply entertainment pretending to be about sports.  And if there is no sports news, they make up issues like Brady and Belichik hate each other which they have created out of thin air.  Yikes, it took me long enough.

And Michigan sucks losing to Rutgers and barely beating Penn State.  They will lose to both OSU and MSU and Brady Hoke will be kicked to the curb.

If there really is a monsoon tonight, the Pats will struggle but the Jets are so bad, they still should win.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014


If you actually read my rants, you will remember that in my last blog I wrote about my seven first cousins and how we were now the family elders.  Make that six--Arlene passed away just after that was written.  She called me on each of my birthdays, on all Jewish holidays, and danced up a storm at all family events.  The six of us who remain are all men--four of whom are older than me.  This is really getting grim and I have been preoccupied with the losses over the past year and what lies ahead.  At times, I wish I had the strong religious belief of my mother--but I don't and, as I have said, this whole thing sucks.  Enough.

Ends and Odds:

--So the singer still known as Rihanna got pissed because her song got pulled off the air right after the ugly episode involving Ray Rice came out publicly.  Not pissed at him or the violence against his wife--but pissed because her song got pulled.  ME, ME, ME.  She needs a lesson in priorities.
--And Hope Solo attacks both her sister and her nephew and gets to continue playing.  There is some double standard at work but I cannot put words to it.   BTW, she is a member of the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team and this is not a sports item.
--Since we were bombing those ISIS madmen during Rosh Hashanah, do you think there were any Jewish pilots who said hell no, I can't go?  Just saying.
--Terrific article in last week's New Yorker by Dexter Filkins.  Along with Jon Lee Anderson, he is one of the best journalists writing in war zones.  Made me even more sure my prediction of a new country called Kurdistan will emerge. Apart from the whole mess with ISIS, Iraq is a horrid swamp.
--Suffolk Downs did not get the casino license for the Boston area which is not really a big deal except they will stop all horse racing this coming Saturday.  It is much less of a big deal since the repeal of the whole casino enabling legislation is likely to pass in November anyhow  Then, as they say, all bets are off!!
--A close relative sent me a letter written by a woman in Liberia.  Everything you have read about the Ebola epidemic is worse than what you read.  More people will die and the country simply cannot address the problem without outside help and lots of it. Not enough resources and no infrastructure.
--Meanwhile send Jeanne Shaheen money.  Good old Scottie is up there in NH not attacking her but attacking Obama and linking Obama to her.  Scottie has no freaking ideas of his own--just is an attack dog. Took advantage of Obamacare for his daughters but wants to repeal it now.  Fuck him.  Though I have to say, my boy Nate Silver is fairly confident the Republicans will take over the Senate.  Makes me cringe.
--Heard while walking around the pond:  "my poetry slam is next week".  I think I live in some sort of fantasy land.  I hope the person is a great poet but it won't matter to citizens of Liberia or Ferguson , Missouri.
--New decision about attire.  No more ties for the Crab.
--If you fast, have an easy one.

--Last night's performance by the Pats was one for the ages--at least my ages since I have not seen them ever play so badly.  There is just a hint in my mind that Brady is really starting to look his age--and then I deny what I see. And why is Revis all of a sudden beatable?
--Glad Jeter went out on his terms not the terms of the media.  Terrible year for the team and him.
--And what about the mighty Wolverines and that stupid coach putting their QB back in when he could barely walk--just had a "mild concussion".  Nothing is mild when it involves your brain.  Brady Hoke has to


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Like Chicken Little, I have landed and am stuck on the side of the glass is half empty.  I continue to hear difficult, if not grim, medical news from friends.  I remember one of Barbara's parents kind of warning us that once you reached a certain age, you went to a lot of funerals and a lot of your friends had major medical problems.  Of course, I just skipped over that insight.  Except it is happening with more and more frequency and I DON'T LIKE IT ONE FUCKING BIT.  Someone has to do something.

But I then move on and get in touch with my anger which nicely, if unhealthily, covers up all that sadness (I mean I was in the mental health field so I do get it sometimes).  Ends and Odds:

--An article in the New Yorker.  Two weeks ago, a piece on the declining influence of AIPAC (the major mainstream Jewish advocacy group). Guys like Kraft, Redstone, and Sheldon Adelson--big Machers--who don't want to hear about a two state solution.  Seems like they are losing their grip on the younger generation of Jews who actually have some sympathy for the idea of a Palestinian state.
--ISIS continues to publicly behead people and I continue to get more and more supportive of military action of some sort.  I am not in favor of a return to Medieval times but don't believe that is enough to make them go away.
--OK, I get it.  Bike lanes for all.  No helmets required.  Pretend you are a car.  Whatever.  But please someone explain the following.  There are great bike paths on an around the Jamaica Way (for you out of towners, that road is a parkway with 2 lanes of traffic in each direction but with no divider.  It is a perfect course for a car race which is how some of us drivers treat it.) Why would any cyclist ride their bike on the road , occupying a whole lane, while cars whiz by going at least 45 mph?  What does it prove--that someone has a death wish?
--Ah, the Globe continues its Catholic outreach effort.  They must really have done a survey or held focus groups because they will now have a special section called "Catholic Crux"--I have no clue what that means but God bless them.
--We had a primary and, while I voted, I really only cared about a couple of races.  My big dilemma will be in November when I have to decide if I can vote for Coakley again (she was the one who lost to Scot Brown after Ted Kennedy died).  She blew it big time in that election.  I am just not sure what to do because the Republican is not so bad.  I will predict that the voters will ban casino gambling.  At this point, I could not care less but then again I don't work at Suffolk Downs (our local race track) which likely will close.  But no one (I repeat no one) has yet told me how the casinos are worse than the lottery.
--If it is "the economy stupid", Obama and the Dems should be heavy favorites in November but my boy Nate Silver has them losing the Senate.
--I can almost understand how this Ebola epidemic in Africa spreads--in a non scientific way.  Given the poverty, given the dearth of medical resources, and given the influence of tradition on many people, folks just cannot keep up with the disease.  And the governments just do not have an infrastructure to fight it.  At least we are sending them troops to help.
--Mitt is making noises like he may run again--that fool.  I do worry about Scottie in NH.  I just hope those wise folks in the Granite State know he is an interloper and, if he loses, he may buy a house in Vermont and run against Bernie Sanders.
--Great seeing you ever so briefly, A.
--Those of you who read no further and are members of my tribe, have a Happy and Healthy New Year.

--If you saw Brady's press conference after their win against the Vikes, you might want to tell him to quit whining.  He is supposed to be a leader and he sounded like a baby.  Yup, the offense is still offensive but he is part of that problem.  If he is only going to pass to two people, it will not get any easier.
--Both Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson should be kicked to the curb and not allowed to play.  I am sick and tired of hearing that a professional player was sentenced to "anger management counselling".  As if that is the answer.  Taking money and the playing field away is a better answer though even that is not a complete answer.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

AW, JEEZ!!!!

The siblings were:  Abe; Hym; Polly; Itie; and Lil.  They have all passed away and are in cemetery plots in Auburn, Maine.  Nearby is the grave of their mother Annie Rachael.  Izzie, a brother, and their father Nathan are buried in Montefiore cemetery in Queens never having made it north.  Among them, these 5 siblings had 9 children.  I am, or was, one of those nine--seven of us are alive.  This set of seven constitute my first cousins but also constitute the family "elders".  I remain uncomfortable playing that role, sitting at the head of the table (instead of someone older like Barbara's father), want to look around, and have someone take my place.  This is by way of saying that Norma died during August. She was one of the 9 first cousins and the second to pass away.  As a friend mentioned after her death, this one confronted me in very direct ways with my own mortality and my own demise--topics I prefer to keep deeply submerged in my psyche.  I still cannot believe I am as old as I apparently am--or that the seven of us still alive will eventually meet the same fate as Norma.  I miss her.

Moving on to items perhaps a bit less depressing:

--A full page ad in the Globe during the last month sponsored by Christians United for Israel.  Withe friends like these--this right wing group may be taking over as Israel's lead support in America.  Ugh.
--A friend sent an excerpt from a book about Israeli High School students who rather consistently and rather sadly exhibit all sorts of racist opinions about the Palestinians.
--The same friend referred me to a NY Times article about the dilemma facing those of us who want Israel to survive, who want a Palestinian state to exist, and yet are appalled by the actions of Hamas.
--Salon had a great article (sent to me by a Texan) about the Black rage in Ferguson.  It was scarily reminiscent of the 60's.  Jon Stewart did a wondrous piece on that community as well.
--The Kurds will continue to be our best ally and the best hope of stymieing that ISIS group.  I am beginning to believe (a little too strongly for my own self opinion) in bombing the shit out of them.
--Went to a wedding in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn--an area which seems like its on the verge of being the next "in" spot.  A converted warehouse venue on the harbor.  While the ceremony was going on, I could see to my left the Statue of Liberty and to my right what is now called 1 World Trade.  A wonderful event, terrific food, and the setting was very special.  Also, thanks to my not really brother-in-law, we were staying a block from a place which is referred to as the best place for Hero sandwiches in NYC.
--Plus this:  we took the subway from Penn Station to Brooklyn and had to change once.  A guy making the same trip virtually led us the whole way, double checked to be sure we knew what he was telling us, and belied all the negatives about the unfriendliness of New Yorkers.
--The economy is better, we are almost out of Afghanistan, we are taking a measured approach to the crazy Middle East and they still hate Obama.  If the Senate goes Republican (including that asshole Scott Brown in NH), hold onto your hats. And I again wish Ruth Bader Ginsburg would resign before Obama is totally crippled.
--A sobering scary piece on Putin and his supporters in Russia in the New Yorker by David Remnick who really has his fingers on the pulse of that ugly beast (the person and the country).

--I think the Yanks loss Sunday to the Jays when they were up 3-0 was the final curtain call.  They will not be a wild card; but they have found some pitchers.
--Don't give a fuck about Mankins being traded.  He is a bull headed cattle farmer from California.  Wouldn't renegotiate; let him see how much fun it is in Tampa.  But don't write me if Brady gets demolished while throwing.


Thursday, July 31, 2014


In the not too distant past, we used to wake up to some serious rock and roll.  Then that station hired a couple of guys who preferred yakking to music and we changed to public radio.  This morning, when the alarm went off, the first thing I heard was that Israel has called up 16,000 more reservists.  I almost ache for the return of the yakkers.

Let me stroll out my bona fide credentials:  I want Israel to survive.  I happen also to believe that there needs to be a Palestinian state and, by having such thoughts, I am not a "bad " Jew.  I also thought "we" (meaning my tribe, the so called chosen people) were better than this.  Children are dying and have died in Gaza. Electricity and water are barely working.  Yes, Israel has the right to defend itself but we are verging into dangerous territory--and I am not just talking about the mounting casualties.  There is an ethical and moral side to this as well.  We are starting to fail the ethical and moral test when schools and UN shelters are bombed either by Israel or by misfired Hamas rockets.  It is alarming.

Ends and Odds
--Our Governor would like to open up a site for the immigrant children who are in detention along the US/Mexican border.  But it is becoming very clear that many of us in this state are not as welcoming as the Governor hoped--including some of our so called leaders.  Two great articles in the Globe about this.  One by a very Irish columnist who wondered how his grandparents would have gotten here during the Irish Potato Famine if not for America opening its borders.  The other was about Chelsea--a relatively poor and very Hispanic city just north of Boston.  This article focused on the school superintendent who made it very clear that her system is there to educate and not wonder about a child's legal status--and yet she acknowledged that there was a high percentage of her students who were not citizens.  BTW, you all do know our armed forces also take that position--don't need to be a citizen to fight for Uncle Sam.
--Two more typical and bizarre Globe stories.  The first about goats being let loose to clean up overgrown lots.  The second  about the Globe's decision to develop and operate a "Catholicism" website called Crux. Come on with all the Catholic stuff.  They are really becoming a paper with a very limited view of religion.
--John Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan) will not support impeachment but will support legislation to sue the President.  This is what we get from Republican leadership.  Oh, am I worried about the midterm elections and what might happen should they get control of the Senate.
--The mayor of New York while in Italy continues to eat pizza with a fork which apparently enrages all sorts of people with nothing else to do.
--Putin gets the Sochi Olympics which run $50 billion dollars over budget and then tells the rest of the world (especially Europe) to fuck off as he supports the Ukrainian separatists.  Terrific.
--Does anyone have or know where Kasey Kasem's body is--I am very worried.
--These two items only sound like sports.  A wonderful article in Sports Illustrated about Roger Angell, the 93 year old baseball writer for the New Yorker.  And there is this from ESPN.  One of their less than bright lights, Stephen A. Smith, said out loud that a certain football player's wife provoked him into abusing her. Fortunately two female sports journalists took him, stomped him so he hurt, and then kicked him to the curb.
--Off to the Berkshires tomorrow.  That young person from Austin will even join us.  You will hear from me again in September.  Hope you don't suffer any withdrawal pangs.
--Thinking a lot about Norma.

--Lester has been traded.  Not a Sox fan but I think Cepedes is worth it.
--According to all the media hypers, the Patriots are guaranteed to be in the Super Bowl.  And according to other players on other teams, they would be foolish not to go after Gronk and try to hit his injured knee.  And you would let your kid play Pop Warner?
--The AL baseball teams are playing for one of the two wild card slots--the AL West will most assuredly have one while the second is what everyone is after.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Let's pretend I live in Boston (turns out I do) along with a lot of other people.  Let's pretend there is a city across the river called Cambridge (turns out there is).  Let's pretend the name of the river is the Rio Grande (turns out it is called the Charles).  Let's pretend me and my friends want to live in Cambridge--they have better jobs, they have better housing, and they have no drug cartels like they do on my side of the river. Let's pretend it is illegal for me and me friends to go to Cambridge. And those mean Cambridge people stop us when we try to walk across the bridges, they stop our cars, and they stop our boats.  But we are both smart and resourceful so we hire guides (some of  them are called coyotes) to get us across often by swimming in the shallowest parts of the river.  Let's also pretend that except for a few residents of Cambridge who came over on the Mayflower, the rest of the residents all were either born in another country or their parents were or their grandparents were. Let's pretend, then, that most of them are either immigrants themselves or descendants of immigrants.

Let's quit pretending and just say that this immigration mess in which we send people back to strife torn countries (and some of those people are children) is fucked up.  The Ted Cruz's of the world who have forgotten their roots are mean spirited nasty unpleasant people.  And Obama blew it big time when he was in Texas and did not go to the border--are you serious?  Even if he was there for 5 minutes and patted two heads, he should have gone.  Yuck on him.

Speaking of children:  Three Israeli and one Palestinian teenager (not counting the number of dead since then) are dead.  Their parents have lost them forever and the adults on both sides are now blowing up each other.  I am beyond words.

Ends and Odds:
--The Governor of Maine is an idiot.
--The European countries also have mindless idiots fighting immigration openness--but did you notice that every European team had immigrants or immigrant descendants on their teams.  That seems to have worked out well--huh?
--So unemployment continues to slowly go down and the economy slowly improves and everyone still hates Obama.  Eric Holder was right--some of this is about race.
--And Boehner's (he who has a perpetual tan) response is to sue the President over Obamacare.
--Saw the wonderful, yet very sad, documentary about Roger Ebert.  What courage.
--Special Nike ad playing tonight focusing on Derek Jeter (and that is not about sports).
--A great documentary on POV/PBS last night about New Orleans and a race for City Council.

--The U.S. deserved to lose to Belgium.  And no, I am not one of those who deems their performance so great.  This country has 300 fucking million people--we should be better.  I am one who believes playing in Europe is better for a player's improvement than MLS.  And Landon Donovan would not have made a difference.
--Germany was predictably boring and yet won.  That final goal against Argentina was just splendid.
--The Bruins for whatever reason blew it by not signing Iginla--they need goal scorers and I will not even get into my Seguin pet peeve.

N:  You may not get better but all of us love you and are here for you.


Monday, June 30, 2014

H; S; Y; E; M; J

No, those letters are not code.  Nor are they some sort of new fangled word game.  They are the first name initials of the people in our lives who have died since last December.  Major losses all--some family; some friends--but all gone forever.  Some were old; some young.  Some passed away quickly; some too slowly. But since this blog is about me and I luckily am among the living, I have to take something/learn something from their passing.  Otherwise, I am wasting the rest of my time on this earth.  If I don't grab every day by the throat and squeeze as much out of it as I can, I have not learned anything. If I wallow in my own self pity, I have not learned anything.  If I don't enjoy and spend time with my family, I have not learned anything.  If I have not learned anything, what the hell am I doing?  

My thoughts are also with those among you who daily are dealing with life threatening illness--either physical or emotional.

On now to ends and odds:
--Bathroom renovations are not fun.  No matter how clean the workers are, dust seeps out everywhere. Then nothing is done on time and none of the materials required are available when you need them.  And then the crazy fucking neighbors complain to the Condo Association when they could just come over and tell me what their concern is.  But it will be a bathroom fit for a king and queen which fairly describes the two of us.
--And in a matter of weeks, we will be a one car household.  The little bitty Saturn (commonly referred to as the death trap), first used by Anna at Oberlin, will be taken off the road.  Hopefully, this will work since it is obviously better for the environment and our checkbook.  More on this later, I am sure.
--OK, the entire Middle East is a crazed fucking mess.  Egypt where executions of hundreds seem to be a daily occurrence sanctioned by the courts.  Libya where tribes seems to be carving out pieces of territory for their own and a peace activist gets assassinated.  Jordan which is inundated by refugees and starting to become unstable.  And what can you say about Iraq and Syria?  And we are with the Iranians and the Russians in support of Maliki--whats up with that?  And the Israelis and Palestinians go about killing and kidnapping and not living together in the sandbox. McCain would have us in every one of those countries having not learned a thing.
--Paul Waldman (who I never heard of) on the CNN website and my man Jon Stewart skewered Dick Cheyney for publicly accusing Obama of losing Iraq.  The man and his nasty daughter are both certifiable.
--Almost half of the Cuban Americans surveyed in Miami want the embargo to end.  And Obama says what exactly. Speaking of which, I finally saw the documentary on Luis Tiant's return to Cuba after 46 years in exile. What struck me was that his visit occurred in 2007.  We went about 5 years later and what I saw in the film looked the same as what I saw in person.  Oh so sad--especially for someone like him returning home. Reminded me of my visit to the places I lived when I was in Miami this past May.

So happy the Heat lost though I think all this opting out business is some sly Pat Riley plan.  

Yeah, the U.S. got through to the round of 16 and I actually think they have a chance against Belgium.  But they better figure out a way to be more offensive minded otherwise they depend too much on the goal keep and the defenders. I will say none of these teams look overwhelming--even the Germans.  

And it is close enough to July 4th to make my first baseball pronouncement.  My Yanks are very mediocre but are hanging around and doing it without CC and without Pineda. The Red Flops will come back while both the Jays and O's will hang around also.  I don' think the wild card will come from this group.

And Chiarelli not moving Chris Kelly and a defenseman in order to keep Iginla.  Let me just say they need Iginla because no one on that team scores consistently--Seguin did but Kelly fits better.  Right?


Friday, June 13, 2014


And that my friends is my bilingual capacity in French-oui. Had a great anniversary trip to Paris despite ugly weather most of the time and crowds which overwhelmed us a couple of times.  Went on multiple forced marches through the city courtesy of the Drill Sergeant and also took the Metro all over.  Saw Mona but had to fight our way in and, surprise, she is quite small--loads of folks taking selfies with her in the background and them in the foreground.  Otherwise we also saw the Venus Di Milo and fled.   Ditto the Eiffel Tower which is really an erector set but it too caused us to flee.  My favorite museum was the Rodin--the guy was just so prolific and in multiple media (ah, there goes Mrs. Reynolds smiling at me again from Latin heaven).

Re-read my last post and it even made me a bit squirmy--so my apologies.  However, in the end, it was a powerful positive experience even if I ended up confronting some ugly history.

Now, it so happens my main man Eric Cantor (he who is a member of my tribe) has been kicked to the curb--and deservedly so though it is a bit crazed to get too excited since someone to his right beat him.  I am also not one who thinks this is a BIG MEANINGFUL message about the 2014 or 2016 elections--though I could be wrong about 2014. Actually could be wrong about it all.  I cannot believe people of color, women, or any moderate to liberal leaning person will in the end want to return to the dark ages.  The deniers of climate change, the hateful folks opposed to gay marriage and abortion rights, the ones still crying over obamacare--I cannot believe they will prevail. Some of the states with strong Tea Party factions are write offs for the Dems anyhow--so screw 'em.  Call me naive but I cannot believe Jeanne Shaheen will lose to Scotty up there in NH.  You know what they say about paranoid people--just because you are paranoid does not mean they are NOT out to get you.  My paranoid thought of the week--was there a taint of Anti-Semitism in Eric's loss?  Just saying.

Ends and Odds:
--You can now carry a visible weapon in the great state of Texas--including bringing your rifle into Burger King.  They also passed a law in support of reparative therapy for gay people.  And Ric Perry is not even running.
--On the same day, the Globe had the following stories--one about Bears, one about Bobcats, and one about Bobtail rabbits.  Oh my.  I do, however, like their new weekly political section.
--Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, and Libya.  All combusting and McCain wants us in all of them along with John Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan).  They learn nothing. They are just all in on hating Obama.  One result of all this is that the Kurds could easily end up with their own country since they seem like they actually know what they are doing and are prime buffer territory.
--That rabbi in Sharon, Ma. is an embarrassment and worse--reminds us all that men in positions of religious authority can be very dangerous.
--John Oliver absolutely eviscerated FIFA on 6/8.
--Am I wrong or is there now at least one shooting in a school every week?  And the NRA continues to tell us that if we had more guns we would have less shootings--hello!!

--You heard it here first and more than once.  In the wake of the Bruins elimination, folks on talk radio are clamoring for someone who can score and maybe not play so much defense.  Sounds like Sequin to me--especially when you get shit from Louie.
--Danny Ainge will do something--he is not going to sit on all those draft picks.  I prefer Love over Melo.  With Melo, you would get the second head case (rondo being prima donna numero uno).
The Spurs are beautiful and despite how good Lebron is, I hate the fucking Heat.
--Rask never elevated his game like Tim Thomas did.

Happy anniversary to S and J.


Thursday, May 15, 2014


Caveat Emptor--this one is quite personal and if that makes you squirmy, you will find a few odd tidbits way down at the bottom.  Otherwise, we go on.  I have returned from my reunion and have the following thoughts.

Abe and Esther saved my life--it is as simple and as complicated as that.    And I don't care if that sounds melodramatic--it is true as far as my memory can recall. Married not to each other but to other partners and with other children in their homes, they were the parents of two of my peers. They were fixtures throughout my childhood and adolescence.  Abe was a surrogate father--taking me and his son to baseball games, giving me rides to places, helping my mother out, and, in general, filling a major paternal void.  Esther, my first grade teacher (and later the principal of my elementary school and the first Jewish principal in Dade County), was enormously supportive especially to my mother as she (my mother) struggled with being a single parent with a full time job. Esther was the the voice of professional reason/advice when my mother did not know how to parent a boy.  Together, they attempted to compensate for how different my life was from the lives of those around me.

Their children were at the reunion.  I have know them both for 60 plus years though I have been in close contact with Abe's son for most of that time.  I re-united with Esther's daughter at the reunion.  The comfort of a shared history is not to be under estimated.  Like their parents before them, these two peers symbolically and literally took my hand and emotionally helped me get through the weekend.  Having them at my side at the evening events made the events both tolerable and less anxiety provoking.  There were easier conversations and even when a third party would barge in (who I either did not know or did not remember), I was included.  On Saturday, Esther's daughter and I took a long tour of Miami and visited sights along our respective memory lanes.  Each of us struggled as we saw things that brought up both the good and bad of our childhood and young adulthood.  It was very difficult for us both but so important--and I never would have done it without her.  Even had lunch at a restaurant in a building that used to be Wolfie's which is of course gone. I will say this for Miamah--it makes Boston look like palookaville.  Not that I would move there but oh my is it big, tall, glitzy, and a true bi-cultural place.

Now to the most difficult part for me--brief though it is.  I am frequently criticized by certain people for using my history as an excuse for current behavior.  I get it.  But this visit confirmed for me that the power of that history has really integrated itself in my life, in what I chose to be employed at, at how I function as a parent, at how I function as a partner, and is just here everyday.  Factoids:  I am the only one I knew who had no car; the only one I knew whose parents were divorced; the only one I knew whose mother worked; and the only one I knew who lived in an apartment.  As I visited the places I used to live I was struck by their smallness and now their squalor.  For god's sake, my mother slept on a couch in the "florida" room.

I want to thank Abe and Esther for helping me get through a very rough time and thank their children for getting me through this reunion.  Them's the trees and the apples.

--This guy Crosby has totally fucked up our casino process.  I am now convinced I will be driving to Springfield if I want to gamble.
--A female Texas judge sentenced a rapist to 45 days in jail.
--Our Child Welfare agency has a new Commissioner.  A person with a background in transporataion--go figure.
--Colbert (on SI.Com) had a terrific piece on Michael Sam kissing his partner after getting drafted.
--What to do about those Nigerian girls--how do I wrap my mind around it?  I am thinking I never want to visit Africa.
--A shout out to Tess and Jake.  Bon voyage and Shalom.  Have a great trip and be nice to each other.

All I have to say is Seguin and Kessel--they actually put pucks in the net.

See you in a month.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The weather on Marathon Day was gorgeous--warm and sunny as if the powers that be were paying us back for last year's awful bombing.  I watched the ending and admit to taking some serious pride as an American won the race and held off those terrific African runners from both Ethiopia and Kenya.  Then I settled in to do my exercise which is way less than "marathonic" in length.  I surf the tube when I do this and usually end up watching a game or horse racing.  Less frequently I end up watching and listening to talking heads as they discuss sports.  So on Marathon Day, I caught a piece of one of these talking heads wondering out loud if Meb was a real American.  This guy has a name ending in a vowel--I would bet either his parents or his grandparents came from the old country and were not invited to be on the Mayflower. It was totally pathetic, embarrassing, and repugnant.  These idiots are bad enough when they stir up the sports pot--but for them to discuss issues of citizenship is really beyond the pale. Meb's father walked from the Sudan to Ethiopia (or Eritrea, I forget and it does not matter since it was 600 miles in any case), got to Italy, and then to America as a legal entrant to this fine country--and we are being asked if this man's child is really an American.

Now bear with me as I move on to a lengthy list of ends and odds.
--Let's start with anti-semitism which seems like a smooth if not sensitive transition.  The shooter in Overland, Kansas tried to kill Jews but missed and killed other innocent people; but he picked Jewish venues and his history clearly shows us all what he stands for.  Then, locally, we have all sorts of anti semitic graffiti appearing in the schools of Burlington, Ma.  In both elementary and secondary schools.  Leaders are doing all the right things--but really more of this shit?  Finally, in a place that I am not surprised to find it, leaflets in Ukraine urge Jews to register themselves with their city/town--just like you know who as a prelude to the death camps. And no I do not consider myself paranoid.  Just fucking angry.
--But then my tribe has to absorb the message of one of our members named  Donald Sterling, the NBA owner, who is flat out a racist pig.
--Speaking of smooth transitions, it is quite eerie watching the TV show "The Americans" and watching the news involving the Ukraine.  Putin really is taking us back except there are nukes all over the fucking place and a lunatic like Putin has some of them--as do the Europeans and us upstanding Americans..  And no I do not consider this paranoia either.
--I think our new Mayor is doing a fine job but he is mucking around in the casino business and insuring that we may never see a casino in the eastern part of the state.  Meanwhile, he is silent on the new $30 lottery ticket which apparently is different than gambling.
--And yet another terrific transition this time to politics.  I guess we just kicked Scotty to the curb in the Granite state--not to the curb permanently.  He is now a New Hampshire home boy running against Jeanne Shaheen--who had the audacity to support Obamacare.  He has picked another woman to do battle with who is smarter than he is.  I just hope Jeanne puts her brass knuckles on and kicks the shit out of him.
--Our child welfare agency is truly on the ropes with yet more children dying.  Their oversight of cases seems totally inconsistent and they actually have the gall to say that if they respond to an "emergency" within 24 hours, they have met a standard of care.  Ask a fireman/woman what would happen to a house fire if that were their definition  of an emergency response.  Why would anyone want that job and if someone does want it, they better be taking a lot of meds.
--Have no words to offer in terms of that South Korean ferry sinking. Too many people keep dying all over the place.  Some words from Iris Dement:  "I'm older now and have no time to cry".
--Georgia (the state not the country) has legalized possession of guns in churches. But what about synagogues--after all fair is fair.
--I will not stop for jaywalkers carrying yoga pads.  Seems a bit incongruent, no?
--The big silver bird is warming up to take me South to my 50th HS reunion--I remain petrified.  Will I need a translator for conversations with some of the good old boys and girls who have never left the South?

--I think the folks who go to the Master's and/or the Kentucky Derby just have a bucket list of places they want to go to and  want to get drunk in the sun. Why are they mostly white?  Sometimes it seems like they are watching NASCAR.
--The good news is that NBC is sending Tara and Johnny from their Olympic coverage team to Louisville to cover the Derby.  They are way cool.
--The Red Wings had me worried but the Bruins inhaled them after Game 1.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


So, one of those big silver birds delivered us to Turks and Caicos for a week of fun and sun.  I was neither the oldest nor the chubbiest guy on the beach--though it was close on the chubby spectrum.  One of the least comfortable questions consistently asked of me is:  "if you are retired, what do you need a vacation for".  It really leaves me itchy and scratchy and feeling as if I have to explain something which is kind of indefensible. But the truth is that it is different when you are out of your house, sitting on your ass, having a cocktail at 11 in the morning, and not having one fucking errand to run.  So tough; but still uncomfy.  Oh, about the piercings:  one woman had an eyelid pierced and another had the space between her breasts pierced.  No offense, but the first one was especially gross.  We had a great time.  Moving on.

The Globe had a terrific and lengthy story about the Richards family early this week--not so coincidentally, the paper got a Pulitzer for its 2013 Marathon coverage. The Richards were at that Marathon and one of their sons died; their daughter lost a leg; the mother lost an eye; the father lost hearing in one ear; and while the remaining son was virtually uninjured, god only knows what it has done to his mental health.  The article had us in tears. Yesterday's paper came wrapped with a two page picture of the survivors.  Overwhelming.

But then there is this from the same paper.  Their religion writer (who has yet to write one word about religions other than Catholic) had a lot to say about Lent.  And the Globe also had a "feature" about ravens. I look forward to the return of the great white sharks and their front page pictures.

Those of you who read every word of this screed know my driveway empties onto a one way street.  I have gotten very good about anticipating bike riders coming right at me as they ride the wrong way (being that I am a great and flexible human being).  So imagine my surprise to see a SUV coming right at me just like the bike riders--and not even pretending to be on the right side of the road but coming right down the middle.  I pull over and slow down.  As he passes me I give him THE EVIL EYE.  He flips the me his middle finger and motors on.  I remain beyond speechless in the "what the fuck" category.

Other items:
--The mess in the Ukraine is getting messier and messier and I have no clue.
--In Errol Morris' recent film which I have not seen, both Rumsfeld and Cheyney appear and continue to deny any culpability about their lies.  We are very lucky both are gone especially Cheyney who is very scary.
--Republicans, bless their heart, are still fighting the Affordable Care Act.  They also blocked the equal pay bill and the extension of unemployment benefits.  I hope this continues right up to the fall elections.
--Saw two members of the Pussy Riot group on TV.  We just don't know what political bravery is in this country and it is not Rush Limbaugh.  These women are heroines.  Plus parents!!
--Oklahoma passed a state law denying municipalities the right to raise the minimum wage--really who would want to live there.
--Is there any reason adults continue to be called either Butchy or Junior?
--10 days until my reunion--I am loading up on my meds as we speak.  What if one of these unrepentant Southerners wants to discuss Marc Rubio?
--Be strong, Norma.

--Glad the Bruins finished first overall but the Red Wings have me worried.  I was thinking anyone but them.  Any day Jerry York and his hockey team loses is a good day for Boston and America--bye bye you Eagles.  However, the "double" performed by UConn was very special and to think they have done it twice recently.  I don't suppose anyone wants me to summarize the stats of Seguin, Kessel, and Thornton--huh?


Friday, March 28, 2014


I have been retired for a bit more than 9 years.  During the first 7 of those years, I did some consulting--not a lot but enough to bring in some extra money and to keep at least some of my toes in the waters of Human Services.  Nicely enough, at tax time, I was also able to declare certain things as expenses--like a home office.  But the fat lady has sung and those days are officially over.  At a recent meeting with our accountant, it was clear that my consulting "business" (which had already been on life support) was no longer.  I actually am ok about that though on some level it does seem I have to now tell folks over cocktails that I am retired--and not that I do "consulting".  That feels very weird.

I love my bank.   It had been a branch of a small banking company called Wainwright which we loved. When they got bought out by Eastern bank, we were very worried about these big guys and how they would invariably muck up our personalized banking experience.  Lo and behold, all the personnel stayed the same. They are as diverse as the neighborhood and greet me by name the minute that door opens.  Yesterday, I was waiting in line when one of them said:  "Mr. Berns, I am going to open up this window for you; come on over".  Are you kidding?  I'm there, bro.

Ends and odds:
--The basketball coach at the University of Florida (a state school) has a contract with $187 thousand dollars just in incentives.  Priorities, right?
--Romney, McCain, and Graham (a la Mo, Larry, and Curly) would have had us in WW III if they had been President and responded to the Russians taking over Crimea.  The Europeans have first call on this and working through them is the only alternative.  Those three stooges have no clue. The alternatives all suck though sanctions against the oligarchs seems like a great option--like the guy who owns the NBA's Brooklyn Nets.
--Nate Silver (he of the 538 blog) is back with his new group--now a division of ESPN.  In his first post, he is predicting that the Dems will lose the Senate.  Two big problems are the Democratic women Senators from North Carolina and Louisiana.  He thinks they are both going to get stomped.  Big problem, folks. Though having Nate back is great--get it all you parents?  Nate the Great.
--For some reason, the latest news of former Mayor Menino's recurrence of cancer has really bothered me.
--A terrific HBO documentary about the photojournalist Tim Hetherington.  He frequently wanted to be ahead of the soldiers as they moved into certain areas so he could take video of the civilians as the soldiers approached.  He died in combat in Libya.  Go see "Restrepo".  Nominated for an Oscar, it is about an Army unit in Afghanistan. He did the video.
--This is not s sports item despite its beginning.  We have up here an announcer for the Red Sox whose name is Jerry Remy.  His son, Jared, is in jail for murdering (allegedly) the mother of his child.  For more than 10 years, judges basically gave him a pass when it came to all his brushes with the law--the majority of which involved domestic violence. I do not have enough words in my vocabulary to tell you what I think of the judiciary by their inaction.  It is pathetic that the focus in the media has been on whether the father should stay on the job.  My thoughts are that these judges should be kicked to the curb.  The son is a steroid freak who hopefully will not get away with murder.
--Could not pay me enough to be a fireman, cop, or soldier.  Too scary.  Two firefighters died here this week and both ironically worked in a firehouse about 200 yards from where the marathon bombings occurred.
--The big silver bird is getting ready to take us to a very warm place tomorrow.  Miss y'all.
--Be strong, Norma.

--Critics be damned:  Kessel has 36 goals; Seguin has 32 goals; and Thornton has 60 assists. No Bruin has more than 60 points total.  And yes, I know how good the Bruins are but nobody has yet to tell me why highly skilled offensive players never fit in.
--Are you all proud that the Pats proposal to lengthen the height of the goal posts has passed. Whew--and I was so worried. Are our teams good or what.
--Don't expect me to say anything about baseball until July 4th.  I bet you are already poised for that
conversation, huh?
--Miami is a pretend city kind of like Dallas or Houston.  So now they are getting an MLS franchise so they can pretend a bit more that they really matter.  They actually don't.  Matter that is.


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Ugh--had just read an article in the New Yorker (Maybe I mentioned this in my last blog???) about how Putin detests Gorbachev for allowing the dismantling of the "old" USSR.  Putin is a regular tyrant and, with his Olympic showcase over, his truer colors are emerging.   He is revving up the Russians who live in the Crimea and assuredly they will approve seceding from the Ukraine tomorrow.  And now a report that Russian troops have moved into a portion of the Ukraine itself.  The Euros have to lead on this along with NATO.  I had a very ugly day dream of a localized war breaking out over this incursion--yuk. There are all sorts of implications for them none the least of which are both security and energy.  Plus those nice little trio of Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) must be shivering in their boots. Here in the old US of A we have that foolish loser John McCain calling for military intervention and/or aid--within five minutes of Obama charting a course of diplomacy.  He was joined by his evil twin from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham who speaks with a nearly unintelligible southern accent. Jon Stewart has started mimicking him perfectly.

Then of course there was the convention of Conservatives led by all the usual suspects including the NRA who deem no place safe unless you have weapons and lots of them and damn that government anyhow.  Plus none of them like the Affordable Care Act despite its growing numbers.  And, oh my, there are actually gay people in the South.  What to do?  It has gotten so bad, Rand Paul has begun to sound semi rational. Obama did a terrific piece on Between the Ferns".  It is an online show hosted by Zach Galifinakis who more or less was interviewing the Prez who was really just pushing Affordable Care and enticing especially young folks. It was hilarious.

Meanwhile, our Governor has already got one foot out the door and his administration seems like it is totally in chaos.  The awarding of medical marijuana clinic licenses was botched when a former Congressman surprisingly (?) ended up with multiple contracts.  The casino implementation is taking next to forever and then there will be court action slowing it even further.  The state child welfare agency continues to "lose" kids but it is not a management issue and "I fully support the Commissioner"  says the Gov.  He cannot get out fast enough.

The St. Patty's day parade tomorrow in South Boston (led by, get this, someone whose nickname is Wacko--I kid you not) will not allow any gay groups to march.  So not sane politician will be in the parade and both Sam Adams and Heineken are pulling out of sponsorship.  South Boston by the way is chock full of gen xers many of whom, yup, are gay.  Wacko indeed.

--Orthodox Jews in both Jerusalem and Brooklyn (the black Hats!!) continue to fight against serving in the Army.  After all they have to pray especially for more settlements which they apparently have no problem fighting for.  And they have to study all day every day. Busy men.
--Obama's budget has about as much chance of being approved as I would have fitting into a speedo (close your eyes and imagine that!!)

I have taken the plunge and will attend my 50th High School reunion.  I have at most 3 people to talk with but one is my close friend from Canada--really from kindergarten just about 62 years ago. Very nervous about keeping my mouth shut and not engaging in too many socio-political conversations.  Lots of folks from below the Mason Dixon line in attendance.  And they will be different and that's a fact, Jack.

Thankfully, Anna was no where near that drunk driver in Austin and is fine.

Too many talking heads talking too much shit about what the Pats should or should not do well in advance of any news--and now they have had 3 major signings in the last 48 hours and those folks still won,t shut up--just moving onto the next problem to be addressed.  The Bruins are very hot and at a very good time.  Have a shot at finishing first in the conference and perhaps in the league.  No one wants more info on Seguin, Kessel, and Thornton, I guess--but trust me, we got nobody with their offensive skills.


Friday, February 28, 2014


For those mono-linguists among you (as opposed to moi) those are the first two lines of the French version of the Canadian national anthem.  The English translation is:  "O Canada, our home and native land; true patriot love in all thy sons command".  Which is my way of saying that all I cared about in terms of the Olympics (and this is not about sports!!!) was ice hockey--both men and women.  And of course our brethren from north of the border took gold in both.  I happen to believe the men were lucky (just squeaking by Latvia) but those women were very very good.  Moving south of the border.....

Maybe Georgia should secede once they formally approve their new license plates which display the confederate flag.  Ditto for Mississippi where students at Ole Miss hung a noose on the neck of the campus statue of James Meredith.  Both those states just seem to yearn for the good old days.  And Arizona whose Governor vetoed that horrific law which would have allowed businesses to refuse to serve gay and/or lesbian customers.  Not that she did it because it was morally right to do it--no, she did it because it was bad for business.  They would have lost the upcoming Super Bowl for one thing.  My favorite talking sports head happens to be Jewish and he said something along the following lines--"how will those stores know who is gay or lesbian?  My people have been through something like that when we had to wear yellow stars".  Really it all makes you wonder what century we live in.

Odds and ends:
-Bruce is playing at Mohegan Sun Casino.  Such a disappointment for me. Seems like the wrong place for The Boss.
-Partners Health Care got its ass justifiably handed to it as it tried to buy yet another hospital.  Their argument, more or less, is that bigger is better--better for service and more financially efficient.  Which ain't necessarily so.  But some sort of health review panel said nope--go back to first year calculus and show us the money.
-I do not believe for a second that the mess of bullying in the Dolphin locker room is isolated.  It happens in other places where macho men do their work.
-Children are dying all over the world and I am just not sure how to wrap my mind around it let alone what to do.
--Ukraine, Syria, Iraq,Thailand--all in some sort of major upheavals with all sorts of people dying.  At least Obama is sticking to his guns (so far) and getting us out of Afghanistan.  Now if he could just reach across those 90 miles to Havana.
-Ted Nugent is a big fat asshole who no longer is even a good musician.
-Are there any tailors left in the former Eastern bloc countries?  I mean those suits worn by the male coaches were so nasty, I could do better with a needle and thread.
-Roger Angell, age 93, has written for the New Yorker for nearly 70 years.  He had a very small piece last week about aging and how it feels--other than requiring him to have a daily evening scotch!!
-Go visit Austin but skip the Ric Perry part of the tour.  Go to the great restaurants, the food trucks, the natural sites and tell Anna we sent you.  Hah.

-Can anyone really tell the difference between ice dancing and pairs skating.  The women in all the ice skating events looked like they had on breakable masks and plastered on smiles.  Yuk.
-Bode Miller, Shani Davis, Shaun White--all over rated and way too hyped by the media in America.
--The $60 million dollar stadium for the Allen High School team is closed indefinitely due to structural cracks--they probably will play in the Cowboys stadium now.  Hope it falls apart with no one inside.

Be strong Norma.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


You probably had 2/15 circled in your calendar in anticipation of receiving these words.  But, alas and alack, here I am in all my written glory and 3 days early.  Seems I am going to be in Rick Perry's neck of the woods for a few days making sure all is well in the South.

Now, one of my favorite whiniest/complainingest  readers has insisted I lead with the following.  A Rod is an asshole and that is not a sports story.  He deserves the suspension and I deserve (as do most of you) not to hear his name for another year.  So the squeakiest wheel did get the grease.

Another item which seems like sports but which is really a spectacle is Sochi.  Can we stop raggin on the Russians and how they did or did not prepare for this?  While, meanwhile, down there in Brazil, entire favelas are being plowed under as they prepare for the World Cup.  So Sochi has palm trees and is a winter venue on the shores of a gigantic salt water sea.  And the water is orange and cannot be drunk nor can you use it on your face.  And the locks do not work.  But, as far as I know, unlike Salt Lake City, there are no Mormons--pick your poison, I say.

And yet a third sports item but not really.  Michael Sam has come out of the closet though in fact he outed himself to his Missouri coaches and teammates last summer.  He wanted  to "own" his own narrative.  Good for him. Now enter the clowns especially the anonymous ones.  Attributable quotes have all been positive except for one (more on that later).  Anonymous ones all  involve men showering--hello I thought it was about football.  These are the same guys who drive drunk, use guns, and sometimes are charged with murder.  The one attributable quote (unfortunately) belongs to the kid's father who decided he would not want to play football with his son. Terrific support there, pop.

Three experiences/observations from the hood (that would be Centre Street):  In a second hand store waiting patiently.  A guy rushes up to the corner holding a book with stains on it he calls blood.  He wants verification because he does not want to catch hepatitis.  The book has probably been there for 50 years and the clerk does not look to me like an epidemiologist--and for sure she has no microscope or white coat; she does have a mess of piercings and tattoos.  Second, again very patiently, I wait in line at a bakery while the guy in front of me and the clerk discuss flushing out your colon which this guy has just done and together they are deciding which bread would be best now that he is "cleansed".  And, finally, never get behind a person sending some nasty looking vial to some nasty third world country who is trying (again patiently) to explain its properties to clerks who actually look like they would like to run and hide.  All true, I swear.

Our great Congress people cannot pass an immigration but did pass a farm bill which cuts food stamps and it gets signed.  Eric Cantor (he who is a member of my tribe) broke his silence with an attack on Obamacare which he claims will cost us 2 million jobs.  He apparently skimmed a gigantic analysis from the Congressional Budget Office.  Obviously he skipped the good parts because Paul Krugman in the Times did not skim and promptly ran over Eric.  The good news is that Doonesbury has one of his characters working for Elizabeth Warren.

Saw a picture of some Ultra Orthodox black hatted men (of course, not a woman among them) fighting with Israeli soldiers (who do include women).  Not over some more settlements they would like to build in some Palestinian's back yard but because they do not want to serve in the Army and Israel is going to make them do just that.  Love to see them in helmets and flak jackets.

Spectacular Chevy ads during what little I have seen of the Olympics.  Referring to their cars as "family" cars, they proceed to show us families.  Guess what--some are White, some Hispanic, some African American, some with a single parent and (TA Da) some with two male parents and some with two female parents.  My mouth fell open.

Dogs with sweaters and feet pads have to go. Maybe they could be sent to Miami Beach.

Seguin has 24 goals, Kessel has 31 goals, and Thornton has 48 assists.  Balanced scoring is wonderful unless you need a really big goal and Chris Kelly is out there patrolling the wing.

Very powerful message for the Bruins allowing Chara to miss two games so he could carry his country's flag in Sochi.  Bruins said he has done a lot for the team and this was important.  Whoa. Sends a great message to free agents and those now on the team.

Did not watch one play of the super bowl.  I hear smilin Pete and his boys won.  Too bad Wes


Saturday, February 1, 2014


Not exactly which is like so much else in this screed.  Turns out the synagogue I belong to streams its Friday night religious services.  Which, for me, raises the questions of what it means to "go to services".  I suppose (as someone near and dear to me suggests) it is another effort to reach out to folks who either don't, can't, or won't actually go to the services in person.  But what if one night (kind of like one of those pop up thingys) we all decided not to show--would there be a service?  It is all kind of too convenient.  Enough.

Let's move onto other items of note:
--Henry and Samantha have Scott back which is terrific.  Fortunately for me, I have not know any men or women who were in the military and served in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Then Scott got called up right after Henry's birth.  What a relief to know that they have been reunited.
--OK, no cruises for me.  I already was soured on them because of having to eat at the Captain's table and wear a jacket and tie.  But now you take your bowels in your hand if you hit the high seas with one of those ships.  Nope.
--Cardinal O'Malley has been castigated by his right wing brethren for receiving some sort of blessing from an Episcopal minister who lo and behold was a woman.  Can you imagine?  They probably think he has to go to the mikvah to cleanse himself.
--I would like to add the Wahlbergs and their foolish but large family to the list of things I no longer give a fuck about and don't want to hear about.  They join those folks on the Scituate waterfront who have continued to whine about winter storms--I may have to go down there in the summer to be sure none of them are bathing 2 feet from their front door since they seem so upset at the water coming over the wall.
I will check up on them for your reflection and thoughts.
--If Whitey Bulger did not exist, Keven Cullen of the Globe would have to either invent him or find a real job.  Really, 3/4 of his columns are about Whitey or his girlfriend or the victims or on something related. Who cares anymore except for old farts in Southie?
--Speaking of which, the saga continues in terms of who can march in that drunken mess called the St. Patrick's day parade.  Too much diversity is not a good thing and we still hate busing over there in Andrews Square.
--The Globe did have a terrific article about Southie and the recent election and the role of the new arrivals--and by that I mean the "yuppies" who have started to gentrify the neighborhood.  Some folks are mighty upset at their presence.  And still hate busing.
--When Obama delivered the State of the Union speech, each head-on shot of him showed both Biden and Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan).  Biden looked like a man in need of some serious tranquilizers while Boehner looked ready to puke at any minute. Had a hard time figuring out how to put his hands together in order to clap.
--David Remnick had a terrific but long article about Obama in the recent New Yorker.  Despite all the crap thrown at Obama, there are some major accomplishments that are forgotten. However, I do wish he closed gitmo and reopened a relationship with Cuba.
--It is time folks to get rid of those wreaths on your doors.  6 weeks since the holiday and it is time.  We know who you are and I am pretty sure you are not watching the live streaming of Friday night services just for the hell of it.
--Why do we  all of a sudden name winter storms.  It is so stupid and meaningless.  Must be those boys and girls at the Weather Channel have to figure out things to do at every staff meeting to enhance our experience.
--Stumbled upon a great Springsteen documentary on Showtime.  Called "Springsteen and I", it used footage from fans who had unique experiences at concerts--like the woman who got pulled up to dance with him and the guy who got pulled up to play guitar.  Used their words, their video--and of course his great music. Though I am not sold on the new album.
--And finally there is this--I knew no one growing up who had cancer or who had a family member with cancer.  Heart attacks for sure. Yet now, it seems as if every other person has cancer or has someone in their family who has it.  What's up with that?
--DCF has to be blown up and we have to start over.  All these committees and outside evaluations and investigations will leave us in the same position.  Without serious prevention efforts, piss poor parenting will continue to lead to children dying.
--Where indeed have all the flowers gone.  Pete Seeger is no longer with us.  Just a major loss and a link to some very ugly political times which should not be forgotten.

--Did I tell you the Pats could not afford to fall behind?  I did but even so, if Brady hits Edelman and if Talib does not get injured--well "ifs" are worthless.  I do have one further thought.  Both Welker and the guy who took out Gronkowski could have delivered their hits (which were legal I should add) anywhere but both purposely went for knees.  Not to maim perhaps but let's not be naive.  Knees are risky business.
--I am beginning to hate Rondo.  Another article today about he might test free agency.  I never thought I would say this but now I am thinking he should be traded--he is a big baby.  And so is Big Papi except bigger and I would not add one dime or one year to his contract--live with it, big guy.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Oh yeah, they are related in my twisted mind.  As I approach my 50th High School reunion (and nope I have not fully committed to going), I have been thinking a lot about what has changed in these 50 years.  A bunch of shit for sure--but, coincidentally, today the above two words hit me in the course of my daily life.  You all know that back then, neither existed.  First of all, tilapia exists now only if farm raised.  You cannot go fishing and catch one--they are cheapish for fish but are not wild.  Someone "made" them.  And reflexology?  Did not exist either--I suppose some bright therapeutic star (no doubt on some serious illegal drugs) just stumbled upon it while delirious--almost sounds like something out of a Hunter Thompson novel.

Before moving on to other edible and non edible items, I would like to share with you a list of things which I offer as a balance to any of you with resolutions for the New Year.  I call them my "Sick-of-Lutions".  I no longer want to hear about the seawall in Scituate while we are in the midst of a snowstorm.  Nor the woes of the folks owning houses 10 feet from that sea wall.  Why don't we hear from them in the summer when they are out in the water or tanning themselves on the beach.  Who asked them to move there anyhow?  I no longer want to hear the Jamaicaway referred to as the "JWay".  You are an out of towner if you use that phrase and need to be kicked to the curb.  You especially need to be kicked if you use the phrase while wearing Birkenstocks with wool socks while it is snowing.  Proving what exactly? And I especially would appreciate not seeing any more pictures of Bob Kraft and his almost underage girlfriend frolicking with identical sunglasses--Myra is rolling over in her grave over that.

Now other assorted items:
--Africa and the Middle East are exploding.  It is sad--two of the poorest areas of the world and they cannot stop killing each other.  I am really out of any insight except religion is part of the whole deal.
--My jam making monks out there in Spencer, Ma. are branching out--they will now make beer.  Their jam is terrific and I wish I could still drink beer because I bet that will be good also.
--An article sent to me by a close relative called "Don't ask/Please Don't Tell" by Joyce Waddler.  About what us boomers are now talking about and it is usually some ugly medical chat.  The Times apparently has a regular column for Boomers.
--Speaking of newspapers.  The Globe announced it had hired a new reporter to focus on "Catholics"--their word choice not mine.  Slamming home the point that they know who their audience is and it surely is not members of certain other religious groups.
--The Not a Big Surprise Department:  Governor Christie got caught.  The guy is a fucking bully and we should not be surprised he also retaliates. I just saw a clip from last night's Jimmy Fallon show--Fallon and Springsteen satirizing Christie with the "Born to Run"tune but different lyrics.  Hilarious.
--The Who Cares Department:  Liz Cheney dropped out of the Wyoming senate race after first trashing her gay sister when she began running.
--Until our Child Welfare agency (DCF) starts funneling money into prevention, there will be story after story like last week''s about the kid who just "disappeared" and no adult did anything except lie and cover up. There are clear indices which put kids at risk that everyone knows (e.g history of parent's alcohol or drug abuse)--and yet so little money is put into prevention programs it is pathetic.
--Three of my close relatives have serious illnesses and a friend lost her father.  The new year has not brought much good news but I hope these folks gather strength from friends and family

--A great quote from Leigh Montiville in the Globe:  "if you can't figure out your wife after 25 years of marriage, how can you be certain what Brady is like".  This in repsonse to all those folks who think they KNOW.
--Any day that Nick Saban and Urban Meyer lose a football game is a good day for America.  They are both assholes who are really half as smart as they think they are.
--Seguin and Kessel each have 21 goals and Thornton leads the league with 45 assists.  No Bruin has more than 15 goals.  But these three were not good enough for the Bruins who cannot score at all.
--Julian Edelman has Hebrew letters tattooed on the inside of his upper left arm--but is not Jewish.  Whats that about?
--The Pats were wonderful this last week against the Colts.  Life gets tough this weekend.  I will be pacing and hoping they do not fall behind.
--Texas just hired its first African American coach in any sport and it was in football which prompted one of their bright light benefactors to wonder about his abilities.  Ah, the South.
