Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WE WON!!!! WE WON!!!

Yup--4 Super bowl victories for Mr. Brady and the boys.  But since many of you don't give a shit, more about that later in the special sports section.  Now, for some very odd ends.

--Satchel, the dog, requested this bold faced apology.  Seems the salt which melts snow is bad for the paws of dogs--and I made fun of that in my last blog.  So, Satchel, my apologies.  Let me add here that I saw the real  Satchel Paige pitch in Miami while growing up.  He had to be in his forties--I still feel honored to have seen him.
--More dog info which you do not need to know.  Lap dogs accompanied us on each leg of our recent flight to Texas.  It is absolute lunacy to take your dog on a plane; but I grudgingly admit neither of them barked once.  Must have been on serious drugs.
--Speaking of Texas, why do we continue to make a big deal about Miami being a bilingual city when San Antonio has been one longer and is seemingly much more diverse.  Though it does have the following university:  "University of the Word Incarnate".  Yikes, I cannot even begin to know what that means but their official nickname is the Cardinals--get it?
--Let's play our little pretend game--you have played along before so you know the rules. Come on.  Let's pretend you are a cancer patient and in active chemo but at home and more or less doing well.  But you have to steer clear of folks who might have something contagious. Let's also pretend you have a first grader who you pick up every day.  Let's continue and pretend that 5 kids in your child's class belong to that brilliant group who do not believe in vaccines.  No longer pretending--YOU ARE AT RISK AND DON'T EVEN KNOW IT.  Used to be you could blame this kind of idiocy on the poor who either could not afford the vaccine or did not know about it.  But by tracking zip codes, it has become clear that those vaccine disbelievers are in the middle and upper income groups.  This is madness politicized by mad politicians who seem to believe it is a multiple choice test and about government control.  It is called science for fuck's sake.
--Good for Jordan, bomb the hell out of ISIS for killing your pilot.  They are your neighbors and it is important you help fight them.
--Germany manged to create a Committee to review anti semitism (yeah) but neglected to put one Jew on the committee (Uh, hello)
--Our rather boring mayor blew it by approving the Patriots Super Bowl parade--some streets in this city are still not passable.  Yet that made sense?
--I would have bet my millions that our MBTA Director would have been fired.  But she surprised us all by resigning.  Don't blame her.  West of Worcester, no one wants to spend a dime on what is perceived to be Boston's problem.  Plus--what could a Southern African Amercan woman (with purple nail polish) accomplish with all those white Irish pols?
--That Luddite Kansas governor, Sam Brownback, took away all anti discrimination protection from LGBT employees.  It takes a weak man to do that.
--Do you know Jon Stewart has an Alabama jar?  He does. And he puts a quarter in it every time Alabama does something enlightening.  So last week, he put it on the desk and dropped his first quarter in it--ever. Seems they complied with judicial rulings on same sex marriages.

Brady had two interceptions the first one of which might have fallen a normal QB.  But that 4th quarter was a masterpiece.  I don't know if he is the best ever; I don't care about the football inflation issues; and I especially don't care that Pete Carroll is as stupid as a log.  I care about what Brady did in that quarter and what his offensive line did--the same line that everyone hated on all season.  Plus, please tell me what other coach would have an undrafted free agent from a Division Two school (I'm talking Malcolm here) playing a key role in those final seconds.  I hate his arrogance and his I'm smarter than you attitude but Belichik is a fucking great coach and Butler made one hell of a play.
--And the Bruins are in a death spiral.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

AND THE WINNER IS....................

Nah, I don't know since I am purposefully writing this way early in the day because I have to prepare myself both physically and psychologically for tonight's game.  If you care about "deflategate", check out my Sports Talk section (don't you just hate all these made up "gate" words?)  I happen not to give a shit about the psi of the footballs but since I do have an opinion on everything, you will find it there.  Now moving on to the realer world.

The murderer of the Brigham and Women's surgeon also had 4 kids--which means 8 children will wind up traumatized by this brutal attack.  And the attack is already off the front page because we have so many other things to talk about.

Like John Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan).  Did you see him during Obama's State of the Union speech?  Let's assume he just ate a lemon so his sourpuss is understandable.  Let's also assume he did not agree with one word of the speech.  Let's finally agree he has no respect for either the man or the office.  We are talking about the Speaker of the House.  A fine role model for politicians. Boehner also decided to invite Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress.  Did not clear it with the Prez but did it to kick sand in Obama's face.  And worse, Netanyahu accepted since he is another SOB who disrespects the man and the office.  And he is not even the stupidest.

We now give you Bobby Jindal (Governor of Louisiana) who somehow decided to burnish his presidential ambitions by going on a tour of Europe.  He then decided to tell some reporter that in many European cities, the police have "no go" zones--areas they will not go into because they are populated with Muslims and the police are scared.  Maybe he needs to go home to New Orleans and check out that police force before he gives advice to folks across the pond.  He is an idiot but with a big ego.  I actually hope he becomes the nominee of the GOP.

Ends and Odds:
--The Globe sent its religion reporter (really its Catholic religion reporter) to Manila to cover the Pope's visit.  But have no money for any bureaus anywhere.  Go figure.
--Another tirade from Sara Palin (and I thought we already kicked her to the curb) because Obama wants to preserve more Alaska wilderness.  Here's the problem:  every single Alaskan gets an annual check based on the oil pumped out of the wells in Alaska.  Now that the price of oil is really way down, so are the royalties and some folks up there are pissed.  So when the Prez wants to preserve more land and not allow more exploration, Sara and her allies see lost revenue.  Blame those pesky Washington outsiders.
--Partners, the parent company of MGH among other large hospitals, just got its merger teeth kicked in by a judge.  She is disallowing a merger with yet one more hospital.  Partners claims bigger hospital systems mean lower costs which has yet to be the case.  About time they got smacked down a bit.
--I have seen with my own blood shot eyes a dog wearing slippers because of the cold.  Seriously?
--Jon Stewart had some video of Huckabee in Iowa talking about pigs which was just hilarious.  Another Republican I would love to see nominated.
--Terrific piece in the NY Times (sent by a friend) called "Fire on the 57 bus in Oakland".  I am pretty sure no other paper would have devoted so much space to this story.  Won't divulge the contents here--suffice it to say it is both excellent and sad.
--Slight delay in the next entry since the big silver bird will be taking us to the Lone Star state.  Hope to see a special person and avoid Governor Rick.

--So 15 years ago,when Mr. Brady became a Patriot, he was give 15 footballs.  He then told the person who gave them to him which one he preferred.  Likely under inflated. That person is no longer there but the message has been communicated like folklore down through the various people who are in charge of the footballs.  "This is what Tom prefers" was the message.  And you know what, the Colts suck and would have lost anyway--so there.  But, trust me, every NFL fan in the world hates us. And someone is going to get slammed for the whole deal by the NFL.
--And then there is this.  Despite all the sexual abuse at Penn State and Jo Pa's complicity in covering it up, the wise men at the NCAA have restored all his victories so it looks as if there is no blemish on his record. That truly is fucked.
