Thursday, April 30, 2015


How do I get the right words out of this computer when so many god awful things happened in the last two weeks.  A close relative sent me two articles from the on line version of the Atlantic which helped me.  Both reminded me that context is important.  Mindful of context I will begin.

--Context in Baltimore is important.  Before any of you jump up and down about the violence, let me be clear:  it would have been "better" if the protests there were non violent.  But who am I to stand in judgement of that African American community and their experiences?  The context is that the Baltimore police force has a long history of documented abuse of the citizens of that city including having settled numerous civil suits which documented the abuse of prisoners.  So, for me, it really proves that we have not moved into that post racial society despite having our first African American President.
--Context in Kansas is important.  Sam Brownback, the Governor, has abolished the state income tax which has disproportionately hurt communities with significant numbers of low income people--many of them people of color.  He is also pushing some of the most restrictive anti abortion legislation in the country.  The context is that maybe those of us who believed the changes generated by the decade of the 60's would be permanent--maybe we were/are way off.  He will not be kicked to the curb though he deserves to be.
--Context in the Mediterranean is important.  Refugees from all over Africa especially the Northern parts are fleeing and trying to get into Europe.  They are literally dying and, much like Hispanic people coming across our own southern borders, they pay outrageous "fees" and put themselves in the hands of nasty folks just to cross over.  Then the boat sinks.  The Euros had cut budgets focusing on these border crossings and had, prior to the cuts, been successful in reducing the number of deaths.  Then, boom, less money and fewer Euro ships monitoring the waters. These refugees in Europe like those in our Southwest are no different than the refugees escaping Europe and the Nazis.
--Then there is Nepal and really I have no clue what the context is there.  Except it sucks and we need to help.
--In a more semi hilarious context, we have that fine Senator Cruz saying the country is run by "liberal fascists".  And Bobby Jindal, that fine Governor of Louisiana, making budget cuts so deep that LSU (the flagship state university) has filed papers warning it may go bankrupt.  Yes there is context:  it is that these are two stupid fellows who really should just shut up since it is quite difficult to speak with your foot in your mouth and someone else's foot up your ass.
--Those fine legislators in Tennessee have decided that the state book is the bible--and they don't mean the Old Testament version and they certainly don't mean the Koran.  There are just some places I don't want to go to.
--I do believe Hilary is in for a big fight both in primaries and, if she wins, in the general election.  Like Barack, people don't like her.

Now some cultural tidbits:
--I love Helen Mirren.  Just saw her in Woman of Gold and want to run away with her.  A movie about art stolen by the Nazis and she made a very thin movie very good.
--Read anything you can find by Mark Leibovich--he mainly writes in the NY Times Magazine.  But he has written a couple of books about Washington and the "insider culture".
--Warren Buffet has no clue why folks oppose same sex marriage.  In light of that we all better hope that Justice Kennedy comes through because he is likely going to be the swing vote.
--I had mixed feelings about this Bruce Jenner business but was convinced by a friend that his coming out was important to the trans gendered community.  Then I read that he signed a contract for a series on "E!" which will document his further transition.  Now I am feeling a bit like him and the Kardashians are total publicity freaks--even if his freak might be beneficial to some people.

--Lebron is beyond any other player partly because he is such a physical specimen and then because he has those incredible skills.  Rondo was and is an asshole and that trade, which got the Celtics Crowder, looks better and better.  Though Chiarelli deserved the boot if only for trading Sequin.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


We have had two very notable trials going on here over the last few months.  The federal trial of Tsarnaev was almost a non trial--his lawyers admitted he was one of the Marathon bombers.  The only issue was whether or not he could avoid the death penalty which the feds still use.  Hernandez was tried in state court and, as those jury deliberations progressed, I got more and more nervous they would acquit.  Because we all KNOW he did it and we KNOW he committed the other two murders whose trial will be coming up.  But he too was convicted and faces life without parole.  So, we the citizens of Massachusetts, went two for two. It remains "easier" for me even now to wrap my head around what Hernandez did and almost get it--the actions of a gangster and his crew.  I will never be able to "get it" with respect to 3 innocent people who died and over 250 who were injured by the bombs.  It won't compute.

Benny and Johnny (he who has a perpetual tan) sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.  Remember that foolish little jingle from childhood?  Well Boehner and some of his crew went over and made aliyah in Israel welcomed with open arms by Netanyahu.  This after Netanyahu's speech to Congress which, along with his racist campaign, helped him get re-elected.  I bet they are buds now.  Then Benny decided that any deal with the Iranians would open the door to another Holocaust.  He plays that card as often as he can to scare the bejeezus out of us.  All of Europe (as well as the USA) is not only in support of a nuclear deal with Iran, the Euros are even likely to recognize the Palestinian statehood.  Yet Benny goes on and on and on--just like the energizer rabbit.  Kerry has done a masterful job and it is a deal worth making especially if it can forestall Israel bombing the shit out of Iran.  Which Benny is quite capable of approving.

Ends and Odds:
--The shooting in North Charleston was dealt with quickly which means someone learned something from Ferguson.  But, in the end, they are still killing African American men.
--Danny Shecter, the news dissector, passed away.  In the good old 60's , he was on WBCN in Boston along with a bunch of truly great and very progressive DJ's led by Charles Laquidara.  WBCN is gone and now their cultural critic is also.  RIP.
--The Governors of Arkansas and Indiana got scared shit less by major corporations threatening to pull businesses and conferences out of their state over legislation allowing businesses to refuse to serve certain customers if those customers----who the fuck knows.  I only know these Governors are both idiots. and deserve to be kicked to the curb.
--Obama is opening up about all these Republican candidates who are taking shots at him.  I hope he spends the next 18 months being totally unshy about these personal vendettas which have lasted now nearly 7 years.
--The Supremes will soon be hearing cases involving gay marriage and the Affordable Care Act.  I read a great piece in the Times pointing out the the biggest, most conservative, law firms in America are staying way away from the gay marriage case.  Not because they support gay marriage but, yikes, some of their best lawyers and/or clients might be gay and they think it is a loser of a case.
--Terrific interview of Edward Snowden by John Oliver.  And his former boss, Jon Stewart, did an incredible wild piece on the battle between religious holidays--as in Christmas versus Hanukkah.
--Hilary is running and this will get ugly believe me.
--Obama is lifting sanctions against Cuba.  Cannot wait for Cruz and Rubio to deal with that.

As I watched part of the Master's , I thought:  Where do all these white people with baseball hats come from?  Is it a convention?  I thought they would be singing "way down South in the land of cotton" any second.  Another great day in America was the day Kentucky and Calipari lost.  Seven members of that team immediately declared for the NBA draft.  Bet that they took some tough courses down there in Blue Grass country.  Chiarelli is gone--deservedly so.  He butchered the salary cap and allowed oldsters to block the advance of youngsters.  As opposed to Danny Ainge whose oldest player and the only one on the team with a family is 29.  They are about to exit on stage left when they face the Cavs.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AND THE WINNER IS...........

A person who is not a member of my family (!) but is a friend came up with 14 additional people who are justifiably excited to be receiving this screed for the first time.  He will get a meal on me.  As for the rest of you slackers, what's up with your disinterest in such an important contest--better odds than the college basketball pool.  Who knows when you might get the chance to compete again.  Moving on.

Notes of Interest:
--Netanyahu won but only after attracting all the right wing voters with his racist belligerence which demeaned and defamed the Palestinians.  Then he said he did not really mean it.  At least Obama had the cojones to say that he did mean it and it was more than unfortunate.  Boehner should go hide somewhere since he gave the guy a platform.  Kudos to anyone in the House who stayed home.
--Speaking of Israel, my soccer fan relative and I watched the Israelis play Belgium in a Euro qualifying game.  This is important for two reasons:  The Israelis get placed in the Euro group despite their Mid East locale (perhaps to keep them away from all the Muslim countries?) and members of the Israeli team were clearly Arabs who are citizens of Israel.  The team happens to be lousy but it is "integrated".
--More on Israel.  J Street's statement after the election (Dated 3/18) was terrific as was David Remnick's brief piece in the New Yorker.  Really Bibi needs to be kicked to the curb.
--Ben Carson calls the President a psychopath.  And people say the animus towards the Prez is not personal.  Give me a break.  They hate him and not just his policies.
--If you have not noticed Eric Holder is still AG because Mitch and the boys will not even allow a vote on his successor.  They have tied her approval to language further restricting abortion.  They really are pathetic.
--I might vote in the Republican primaries just to be sure they nominate one of the crazies.  Right now I would vote for Teddy-boy Cruz.  He had the nerve to oppose the Affordable Care Act and is now using it for his family.  Seriously.  And with no apologies to the 16 million Americans who actually benefit from the Act. The Supremes better not fuck with this.
--I honestly do not completely understand the religious freedom law recently enacted in Indiana (and perhaps in Arkansas today).  But considering who opposes it and who has canelled conventions, it must really be an ugly thing.  This guy Pence is just a polished version of Cruz.
--What to say about the German plane crash?  Just scares the hell out of me.  Periodically either suicidal or depressed or both?  And somehow escaped any administrative action?  Oh my. He will be on my mind the next time I fly and I don't want to hear it couldn't happen here.

Any day Rick Pitino loses is a good day for America.  Ditto for Calipari though I admit I have Kentucky winning it all in my pool. Watched Wisconsin last week when they played I don't know who--5 white guys on that Badger team playing against 5 African Americans.  Do they just collect big tall white guys up there in the Great White North?  As much as I think watching the Celtics this season has been fun, watching the Bruins has been painful.  And now that luddite Julien might break up the Spooner line because Krejci and Connolly are almost 100% cleared medically.  That Spooner line carried them in March while the Campbell line went 0 for March--not even an assist. This winter has taken me way out on a limb supporting the Pats.  I have no clue what Mr. Bill is doing.
