Thursday, September 15, 2016


I may not be chicken little but I am now officially a full time resident of the INSTITUTE FOR THE VERY, VERY, VERY NERVOUS (I stole that from Mel Brooks).  The man whose name will not be mentioned, the man who admires the popularity of Vladimir Putin, the man who seemingly is the fave of every young white man in America--that man is catching Hilary.  He is going to build a wall; he is going to "evict" immigrants and potentially split up families who have children born here; he has a list of 11 white men to nominate to the Supreme Court--that man might win.  What parallel universe am I in?  I am totally going to blame her and then I am going to blame Bernie and then I am going to blame anyone who votes for a third party candidate because they don't like either of the "big" candidates.  The folks who do that will deserve what we all get.  There are big fucking differences and it might not matter here in this state; but if you are in NH, Ohio, or my former home of Florida, voting for a third party candidate could get you (and me and my grandchildren god damn it) this misogynistic insensitive man as the next leader of the free world.  I will move on but I am far from finished.

Ends and Odder things:
--My synagogue continues to slap itself on its back for selecting a woman as its Senior Rabbi.  I guess it is kind of neat; but it seems to me we ought to quit this self congratulatory crap and get on with the business of being a spiritual home.  She might be fine but we are not better people just because we selected her.
--Let me be clear that I have minimal interest and even more minimal skill when it comes to computers/technology.  So I was pleased as punch when I could extend the return date of my library book online.
--I follow 538 and Real Clear Politics websites.  Both confirm everything  about the gap closing.  My man Nates's electoral map is going from deep blues to pinks.  It is ominous though he insists it ain't over til it is over.  Worse yet, senatorial races that were close and had Dems ahead are also getting closer.  Just have to look north to NH to confirm that.
--I am on the verge of needing a hearing aid but will first try to salvage my pride with one of those hearing amplifiers.  Medicare does not cover hearing aids despite being set up for moi and the rest of the elderly.
--So, I get up at the crack of dawn to meet my civic responsibility and serve on a jury.  I get my closest relative/best friend to get me to the subway also too fucking early.  I actually (no lie) was shocked to see that people actually go to work at that hour and could not even get a seat.  BTW, I am now offered seats just like I used to do for OLDER PEOPLE.  Anyhow, I get to the courthouse and find out I did not read the fine print and, given my age, I can choose not to serve.  I thanked the woman and took off and of course, in hindsight, wonder if I should have stayed.
--Why do some bus stops have shelters and some don't.  I now try to wait for buses where they exist but I don't get it.

--I was shocked, shocked I tell you, at the recent win by the Pats.  I figured this was going to be a loss and maybe they would go 2-2 with Brady out.  Now, after what I saw and the next 3 teams they play, they should go 4-0 unless they start choking up.  We can wait on elevating Garrapolo as the world's best.  I may have given up on my Yanks too soon but I still don't think they will make it.  The next four games with the red flops will are key.  One of my birthday gifts last winter will allow me to see the Saturday game with that same relative/best friend.  And the football team in Ann Arbor is looking good.


Sunday, September 4, 2016


It's almost labor Day and I cannot shake the feeling that I gotta get ready for class.  But, alas and alack, that ain't happening.  But it is kind of weirdly funny that my mind continues to work that way.  As a close relative of mine would say, in the olden days, a group of us would rent motel rooms for Labor Day weekend up there in Sunny Isles, spend a lot of time drinking, spend a lot of times chasing parties if not other adolescents of the female persuasion, and pranking all sorts of people.  Then back to school.  Those memories, unlike the memory of what I ate yesterday, do not fade.

Been out of touch for more than a month and can only say:  USA, USA, USA.  Oops, I forgot about Usain Bolt.  Moving on to even stranger items of interest:

--The man whose name will not be mentioned has tightened the race for the Presidency.  Even my boy Nate has acknowledged this though his odds still give the edge to Hilary by about 3-1.  All digits remain crossed and cause daily discomfort both physically and psychologically.  I wonder:  are there more of us or more of them?  OMG, how can that man represent us with other world leaders (except of course Putin).

--The little money we contribute is going to women running for the Senate against Republicans as a hedge against that man winning.  So, get your checkbooks out because these states have women running who have a good shot at unseating the Republican candidates and putting the senate in the Democrats hands.  They are: NH, NC, Ill., Pa., and Nev.  Those five plus Feingold in Wisconsin and Bayh in Indiana will do it.  As in who gets nominated for the Supreme Court.

--So, the U.S. has taken in 10,000 Syrian refugees and we are supposed to clap bout it.  Of course, compared to our neighbors to the North, that is pathetic.  And compared to the need, it is almost outrageous. The NY Times devoted an entire issue of its Sunday magazine to the refugee crisis and the chaos in the Middle East.  It was stupendous but so depressing.  So, in a country of 300 million, we take in 10,000 and feel smug.  Yikes.

--The Democrats have better speakers than the Republicans.  And they are more diverse.  That's what I learned from those stupid conventions.  That and Bernie finally came around--now he has gotta get out there and get some votes for Hilary. I also hope you saw Sarah Silverman tell off the Bernie supporters--"don't be ridiculous".

--Floods and hurricanes in the South.  But I gotta say they can do their road construction year round.  Unlike you know, those of us up here.  Travelled a lot this summer and rather consistently, on highways and back roads, was held up by road projects.

--Then there is this.  Comcast will switch out my old cable box for a new fangled one--for free.  Ah, but I get charged for the service call.  Ok, so being retired and all, I can schedule it at my convenience since everyone including Comcast assumes I don't have anything else to do.  So, it will be this four hour block (!) or that 4 hour block.  6.5 hours later I get told that the Tech missed our appointment.  Can you (a big communication company) get in touch with the Tech?  Nope.  They really are out of touch and I can only hope FIOS is better because I am there when they arrive.

I have to admit those Red Flops do have a terrifying offense and Ortiz is just plain out of his mind.  Now about that bullpen.  My boys got younger and will be fine next year but will not do much  this year.  Big question of the day:  Will Tommy make nice with Jimmy?  Better question:  Who the fuck gives a shit if they still win 12 games?
