Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Remember those 3 good ole boys in Louisiana sipping bourbon, smoking, collecting Social Security, insured by Medicare, and complaining about those Eastern elites.  Well, they moved.  Yup, I have been informed that they left Bumfuck, Louisiana.  Where did they go, you might ask (mightn't you?)?  They moved to Where The Hell is That in Alabama.  They moved in order to vote for the Judge.  Let me quote them (more or less accurately) on why they moved:  "We moved just so that sumbitch liberal lawyer did not win and, anyhow, who cares what the Judge did way back when he was young".  Where do the evangelicals go when you really need them.  These are really the sounds of silence.


--Donna Brazile needs to go away, avoid all media requests, and shut up.  We do not need her or anyone else analyzing the 2016 presidential election.  Each one of us knows about it and each one of us every day experiences the results.  We do not need her to remind us.  Nor do we need one more person to be divisive in the advance of the 2018 mid term elections.
--So, POTUS (if I have it right) basically is arguing that Putin said the Russians did not interfere with the 2016 election and, anyhow, how many times can Putin be asked.  This in the face of his Intelligence staff who believe just the opposite.  And, no, he does not need to explain that shit.
--Though he should explain his coziness with Duterte, the Philippines dictator who POTUS even dresses like.
--Proud of this?  Now that Syria signed it and we pulled out, we are the only country on the face of the earth not a signer of the Climate Accord Treaty.  And no, it is not enough to tell me that this is a principled position.  This is another position designed to rip apart anything supported and approved by Obama.
--Oh, this just in,:  the individual mandate which is part of the Affordable Care Act, is eliminated in the newest version of the tax plan.  So, get in line at your nearest ER because that's where uncovered folks will be heading.
--I am sick and tired (to almost accurately quote Chris Rock) of candles and flowers and flags at half masts after yet another killing spree.  And no real talk about gun restrictions.
--After being in Italy, I keep thinking of Mrs. Reynolds, my High School Latin teacher for 3 years.  I was a mediocre Latin student.  She was a frail thing, real tiny, who used to sneak up behind you and smack a ruler into her palm (seemed like it was an inch from your ear) to scare the shit out of you and force you to focus.  But I learned a lot from her and experienced those lessons as I walked through the streets of Venice and was able to loosely translate words.
--Simply stuck on the following:  Travelling through the Balkans I could not figure out if the post-Yugoslavian chaos and war was purely political or (as I suspect) also very religious.  Each time Serbia was mentioned, we were reminded that it is an Eastern Orthodox country.  And Bosnia Herzegovina is a Muslim one.  And Croatia is a Roman Catholic one.  Still not sure how to figure it out. I have figured out that Serbia is not a place I want to visit.
--BTW, bet you did not know that Bosnia /Herzegovina has 3 Presidents.  A long story.

Sports Talk
--I love watching the Celtics.  They are so young and, unlike the Bruin rookies, the Celtic rookies seem to be consistently good.  Still not sure about the Pats and how good they are--but very easily they could go 13 and 3.  Plus I'm thinking that if they can beat the Steelers, and lose just one more, they will have a bye and home field.

Gobble Gobble Happy Turkey Day.
