Tuesday, May 15, 2018


How much more can there be?  The swamp has not been drained but I feel like we are all wallowing in the mud created by POTUS and his cronies stirring up the swamp.  Ivanka and Jared (two people who are old before their time) represent us while, nearby, Palestinians are killed.  And yup, I know all about Hamas, their violence, their relationship with Iran, their corruption, and their complicity in not supporting negotiated peace efforts.  But POTUS started this latest conflict by moving the capital to Jerusalem.  That city has historically been the sacred "home" for three religious groups:  Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  In an effort to prop up Netanyahu and throw a bone to certain Jewish groups, POTUS has moved the capital, damaged any hope for peace, and created a context for the latest uprising.  It is truly painful.

--Two people who must go are Pruitt and Devos.  Every move they make eradicates the progress made and the changes implemented by Obama ands crew.  In Education and the Environment, these two are taking us backwards in time to the good old days. They are kicking sand in our faces.
--What to say about the White House staffer saying about McCain--he is dying anyhow?
--I'm finished with Cohen and Avenatti.  They need to get off my television and go back to work or something.  I may be repeating myself but someone mentioned (way back when) that the Stormy business could be more impactful than the Russian investigation.  Avenatti needs to keep releasing all that info but silently, please.
--Animal updates from the Boston Globe.  Big story about seals who have survived winter storms despite being physically hurt and were being released after recuperating.  Another big one: UMaine students who are stressed out now have a herd of goats on campus to ease that stress.  I knew goats ate poison ivy but did not know they are similar to anti anxiety meds.  And, finally, not too far from here, a  wild turkey was shot in a drive by.  The paper is pencil thin but manage to bring us these nuggets.
--Dr.  Bernstein just told me I was the healthiest 72 year old he had ever seen.  Plus he gave me some special drug to grow my hair back like his.  EEK.
--The missus and I volunteer at a food pantry in a nearby church.  So do about 15 others.  It is a small effort but I love it.  Problem is some of the volunteers monitor the food like it was being taken off their table--"only take two of those, dear".  I make sure they get 4.
--POTUS wants to "close the country"  Where were his forebearers from anyway?  They were certainly not on the Mayflower.  And, therefore, they were immigrants who might not have gained entry if we closed our borders.
--Does POTUS really think his base wants to do the work of hospice aides or hospital janitors?  Are those the jobs they are dying to do so that we can force out the immigrants currently doing them?
--And Rudy is an asshole.  As is Kanye.
--Congrats to 3 relatives:  one leaving middle school for the big wide halls of her local High School; one getting a job at a large news organization; and one getting a Master's Degree on her way to a big
job in sports management.

The Bruins were fun to watch and next fall will even have more young gifted players on the team.  I am not sure how the Celtics will beat Lebron but whoa are they fun to watch.  The two J's (that would be Jaylen and Jason)  are just terrific.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Thanks to the fabulous Marvin Gaye for the title.  My head is spinning.  And I am not sure what is going on.  The questions are out but who leaked them?  If the leaker (or leakers) ever get identified, I am hoping it is not Mueller or members of his team.  That would ruin and de-legitimize the investigation just when it seems to really be focusing on POTUS.

No collusion/no obstruction.  The only people who believe that are members of his base who really do believe it is just a sinister DOJ effort to undermine POTUS.  He can do no wrong and the media are out to get him.

As pieces of my body literally fall off or get broken, I wonder why, when I was young, no one warned us this would happen.  Gotta move on.

--Domino's now offers pizza insurance.  Why, a naive person might ask?  Because what if you have bought a pie from them and you drop it?  A disaster.  Who cares about shit like that a more immature person might ask.
--Fashion advice:  When you wear clogs, please do not wear a cowboy hat along with them.  And if you do, do not hold up the line at the bank whilst you chat up the tellers.  EEK.
--If you want to be scared shitless category:  The latest NY Times magazine has an article about Devin Nunes, the California congressman who chaired the House Intelligence Committee.  He and his cronies cleared POTUS.  He is a conspiracy theorist who has much more nonsense up his sleeves.
--If you want to be scared shitless category (Part Deux):  McMaster being replaced by Bolton will lead us to some very bad places.  The first might be the Iran nuke deal which, by the way, has been successful. With Bolton's new role and with Netanyahu essentially scaring everyone with info years old, POTUS has the support to crater that deal.
--There is a daschund museum in Germany.  Seriously.
--Every time I see Macron, I wonder what it was like to have a relationship with one of your teachers.  Problem is I cannot remember any of them well enough.
--I do hope Macron and Merkel have some leverage with POTUS but I am skeptical.
--Even if you only drink tea or even if you do not know where Yemen is, you just have to read the Dave Eggers latest book about a man who sets up a business to export Yemeni coffee to the states.
--Travel note:  Spent 5 days in London with no rain.  Temps in the 70's and 80's.  Actually, without knowing it, saw the Queen herself.  Excellent travel companions and good food.
--Barbara Bush struck me as a kind and elegant woman.  POTUS blew off going to the funeral.
--He is a fucking bully.

Good time to be in Beantown.  Bruins and Celtics both in the playoffs with strong young teams.  Very sick of the Brady drama and the Gronk soap opera.
