Thursday, November 15, 2018


Which sometimes is not a good thing.  We went to a gathering at our synagogue after the Pittsburgh massacre.  An overflow crowd; the event was streamed.  All the "politically correct" politicians were there and said all the right things--and I honestly appreciated that.  But this is what I was thinking:  what if the doors are locked from the outside and we are attacked--where do I go/what do I do?  That is what Pittsburgh did to me.  I am reminded of Pittsburgh when I see the police cruiser parked outside the synagogue.  I am reminded of it when I read that swastikas have been painted on public schools and at the UMass campus.  I will remember:  Parkland; Las Vegas; Charleston; Charlottesville; Thousand Oaks; Orlando; and Pittsburgh.  Angry white men with automatic weapons--a common theme.

Coincidentally, went on a road trip to the deep South a few weeks ago.  Spent time in Montgomery,
Selma, and Birmingham.  Visited places I had only seen on tv back in the day.  The bus boycott
museum is housed in the old bus station where the freedom riders were assaulted.  You do not forget that.  Rosa Parks is honored for not giving up her seat--you must not forget her courage.  Walked on the Pettus bridge in Selma where decades ago Federal troops had to protect the marchers on their way to Montgomery (Selma, btw, is an ugly decrepit little town though it does have a Rexall pharmacy!!).
Keep those old tv pictures in mind.  And never forget Lester swinging the ax handle or George standing in the door.  POTUS can draw a line directly to this two racist gangsters.


--Are we to be optimistic that the House is now in Democratic control?  I'm not there yet.  Not when RBG is in the hospital. And Mitch is in control there.
--And Jeff Sessions is not heroic just because he got his ass fired.  He chose his path and he did a lot of damage. No kudos for him.
--I do wish Nancy Pelosi would step aside if not now then by the 2020 election.  The Dems have to
get younger at the top.
--Anyone hear from Jared lately?
--Lock your doors and get extra food because the caravan is about to invade.  You do know that there are Middle Eastern terrorists mixed in among the Latin Americans, right?
--Read anything and everything you can that is written by Bari Weiss.  A Jewish woman who was a member of the Tree of Life temple.  Her words after that massacre were incredible.
--Brexit is a good example of what happens when the zealots (on either end of the spectrum) are in charge.  Things go haywire.
--I do love Southwest Airlines and how they load passengers.  I actually saw them turn people away who were trying to board out of order.  You can check your bags for free.
--Tomorrow, I will be paying a $71 co-pay for some medication.  I know it is socialism but shouldn't there be some government control over prescription prices.

Shalom and Happy Thanksgiving.