Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Honestly, there are too any things that are impossible to make up.  My favorite newspaper (the Globe, of course) had a by lined lead about a wild goose that was rescued by a suburban Boston fire department.  Seems the goose was just moseying around a pond which somehow turned very rapidly to ice.  The goose got cooked--hah, I mean the goose got caught in the ice and could not move.  Fortunately, an alert citizen called 911 and the fire department arrived on the scene with a sharp ax and freed the goose.  It's pathetic that with what is going on in the world, that goose becomes a story.  The line to adopt this animal must be a mile long.

And then there are these items:
--The national champion Clemson football team visited the White House and met POTUS.  Had to eat fast food because the kitchen staff is on furlough!  Then POTUS tweeted about the visit and informed us that they young men ate "hamberders".  He cannot be a Russian spy because he is too stupid.
--Read the Doonesbury cartoon on 1/13.  And while you are at  it, read the editorials in the 1/13 NY Times by these 3:  Leonhardt, Weissman, and Dowd.  Doonesbury is hysterical and the editorials are both well written and insightful.
--The Globe did find the time to spare a reporter who wrote a terrific article about the dual diagnosis of poverty and poor health.
--On January 1, I saw a picture (cannot remember where) of newly elected judges in Harris County, Texas.  All were women and 18 were either African American or Hispanic. That diversity is what we are supposed to be afraid of as opposed to being proud of.
--No points for the Republicans for censuring Steve King.  First of all, he has been a bigot for a long time and the Dems would have gone after him anyhow.  If I lived in that Iowa District that elected him, I would be embarrassed.
--Romney gets no points for his editorial either.  He is a talker--let's see if he can walk the walk.
--Ruth Ginsburg is not well and I am very worried.  Need to double up my prayers.
--Ms. Ocasio is not shy and she will be a handful for the Speaker of the House since I don't think she will take kindly to being managed.
--Reading mysteries written by Martin Walker and am totally in awe of the courageous partisans who fought the Nazis in France during WWII.
--OOPS, what will the Brits do now that Brexit was defeated in Parliament.  A big pile of poop has just dropped on their doorstep.
--AW passed away and my thoughts are with JW.
--But congrats to A and A on their upcoming nuptials.

It is a good day in America and not just in the sports world when both the Cowboys and Bama lose.  Nick Saban is a twin of Mr. Belichik--and I do not mean that is not a compliment.  However, what Mr. Brady and the boys did to the Chargers was quite the thing.  Brady, for one, did not look 41.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Ok, it is really quite nice that these early 2020 presidential candidates represent the diversity of this country. Beto would have made it even more representative.  I love it.  But, when I close my eyes and attempt to envision one of them debating POTUS, I cringe.  I cringe even further (is that even a thing?) when I close my eyes and think of POTUS voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania who might be willing to support someone other than the current President.  It does not compute. Don't get me wrong.  These four senators are excellent right where they are--in the Senate offending Mitch at every possible opportunity. Keeping my eyes closed, I imagine/fantasize POTUS in jail and little Baron in a juvenile delinquent facility. Perfecto.

--"Get ready for an influx of sadness".  A direct quote from, of course, the animal's favorite newspaper--the Globe.  Because, despite murder and mayhem all around, they have decided to write about pet euthanasia in the closing days of 2018.  Seriously!
--That same day in the comics, a resounding critique of POTUS in Doonesbury.  So it would seem I should be heading to the comic section if I want some serious issues raised.  And nope, don't tell me about how some people get attached to their pets because I have also heard this:  pets getting organ transplants from other pets.  What would the victims of the Yemeni civil war think of that as they starve to death?
--I am nothing if not consistent.  Somewhere in that same paper, an article about a fire in someone's home during which the pet was saved (yippee) but a human tenant died.  This from a paper that has no permanent correspondents in DC.
--Do you know anyone who wears cuff links?  I sure don't.
--An article in a recent Huff Post by a terrific writer (LS) who blasts away at Susan Collins.  Collins deserves our anger and if, in the next two years, I hear one more story about how conflicted she is about a vote, I will puke.  It is her job to have courage.  She needs to quit whining and either fight POTUS or toss her cards into the discard pile.
--So 15,000 children are still separated from their parents.  Two have died.  And before he could utter a words of sympathy, POTUS decided he had to blame someone.  The kids died because the Dems did not approve his wall.
--Do not tell me how great the wall in Israel is--it is repugnant and the killing of a Palestinian medic at that wall is worse.  Keep the bad people out.  Ask the Germans how that worked out in Berlin.
--Mattis and Kelly resign and we now have Stephen Miller (yup, a member of my tribe) in charge of foreign policy along with Bolton.  That should scare and piss off all of us.
--Have a happy, healthy 2019.

Just sayin', Boston is now home to 3 of the most inconsistent teams in the NHL, the NBA, and the NFL.   I cannot figure them out.
