Monday, December 30, 2019


Ask yourself this:  How can there be a town with a name like that?  Seriously--and do not tell me about the tortured history of its name.  I wonder who lives there and if kids, when applying for jobs/colleges, put that on applications.  "you're from where?"  EEK!!  I intend to get to the bottom of this mystery as soon as I can.

But let's first chat about a quote from the Rabbi at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.  In the aftermath of the shootings in Jersey City and the machete attack in Monsey, he wondered if it was open season on Jews.  I wonder how secure my synagogue is and wonder why politicians (except for Governor Cuomo) are silent in the face of these attacks. POTUS has a daughter and her family who are members of my tribe and his mouth remains closed.  He opened it during Greta's visit to the UN so he could bully an adolescent.  but he is silent in the face of anti-semitic terror. But I now know I am part of a nationality--not just a religion.  What the fuck does that mean?

Ends and Odds:
--Is AG Barr the worst example of an AG in our lifetime or what?  He is a toady at the beck and call of a miserable SOB of a boss.
--Rudy is till loose even though he has been documented interfering in our foreign policy as a private citizen.  He needs to be in a butterfly night and given some serious meds.
--Adam Driver, who I like, has been all over the place recently.  Home alone, I saw him in a movie called "The Report".  It is based on an expose of the CIA's use of torture after 9/11.  Anyone who watches MSNBC has seen John Brennan pontificating about the current Administration and its decisions.  Turns out he supported the toruture of prisoners and cokes away from the movie as no angel.  Driver was terrific.
--You do know that we will not let children in those "immigrant" detention facilities receive flu shots.  You know that right?  I mean Stephen Miller must know a lot about medicine, right?  what does that say about us as a nation?
--Did you further know that Thailand has taken in more immigrants than we have--even though we are nearly 6 times bigger and certainly wealthier?  It as embarrassing to hear about this on our recent trip.
--During the recent impeachment hearings, 13 more Federal judges were rammed through by Mitch and POTUS.  Lifetime appointments.  You bet senate elections are important.
--Robert Kraft went to the White House to celebrate Hanukkah.  He has no shame.

Monday, December 2, 2019


But here I am in living color or some such.  The big silver bird took me back and forth from SE Asia. The Thais and Cambodians both live under repressive dictatorships.  Three generals over see the Thai government having staged a coup after a "fair" election.  The Cambodian dictator is an individual who, almost ironically, was a member of the Khmer Rouge. On top of that, each country ha a monarchy!!

Those facts are beside the point--almost.  The point is that despite the dictators, the people we interacted with were warm, friendly, and spoke lovingly of their countries.  Thailand is a country of 60 million people.  Bangkok is enormous and is bigger than NYC.  Also, full of traffic congestion and crazed scooter drivers. It is way more advanced than its neighbor Cambodia.  An example: the rice in Cambodia is still farmed by hand without any machinery.  Thailand's rice is harvested by machinery with people helping. The Thais, btw, have taken in more than 2 million refugees from Myanmar.  Steven Miller be damned.

Finally, it is important to note that the Khmer Rouge literally forced the evacuation of Phnom Penh and other cities.  Emptied them in order to force the residents to work on farms so that they could be re-educated.  2 million died out of a country which at that time had a population of 10 million--20 %.
It does much more than simply boggle the mind.

A side benefit of the trip was that I watched no TV.  POTUS did not intrude.  A respite I enjoyed.  Saw not a minute of the House hearings and continue to believe he will not be leaving office unless he loses the election.  BTW, if you want to read about his supporters, Maureen Dowd turned her column over to her brother in yesterday's NY Times.  It is scary to read and made me very nervous about POTUS winning next November.

Most of my toes and fingers continue to be crossed hoping RBG survives this medical crisis and can
last for 11 months.

Looking out at the first snow of the year and "weathering" (get it?) the hysteria of the weather people.

He looked old yesterday.  That would be Mr. Brady.  I think Edelman should take next week off and force Brady to throw to the other receivers.  He has put all the other receivers in a sort of purgatory.
But at least, up here, the Celtics are fun again without Kyrie and the Bruins are winning.  I can live with that.

Hope you had a good holiday.  See you in a month.