Friday, April 23, 2010

See You By The Pool

I will be the slightly overweight (but nonetheless studly)guy without the umbrella drink. Hopefully, they will have a nice single malt. Gary and Somee are getting married in Puerto Vallarta a week from tomorrow. Apart from being very happy for them, I am personally very happy because Anna will be there as will Jess/Steffen and the kids. A good time will be had by all. I will not even whine about the circuitous flights we will be on--just will enjoy the moment and welcome some joy into our lives (what a positive attitude, huh?).

Wouldn't you think the Vatican would have learned something from the sex abuse scandals in the U.S. generally and Boston specifically? Apparently not--denial follows denial follows blame the victim follows blame the media and the walls go up higher to protect the hierarchy. They learned nothing and one thing they especially did not learn was how to handle their own PR. They gotta know that all sorts of fools (not me of course) have access to the internet and will be trying to nail the Pope. But nope, they refuse any calls for transparency or openness sticking instead to their belief in the infallability theory--since I am infallible I can do no wrong.

So we are halfway to having casinos. Now we have our state senate deliberating and taking their time and studying the issue and mostly stalling until they can figure out what their constituents want. Actually, mostly stalling until they get told how to vote and find out whats in it for them. The realization finally hit that THERE ARE NO OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE UNLESS TAXES ARE RAISED--and since they are gutless, taxes are not on the table. Plus big time bucks are on the table in terms of fees, construction, and ultimately gambling. I happen not to believe they can turn back now but do believe they can delay it for a while.

So I gotta hand it to Mr. Obama. He can do more than one thing at a time and he can thank Goldman Sachs for perhaps allowing him to be successful again. Financial Reform is coming and Wall Street is about to get kicked where it hurts. Some Republicans are going to think long and hard about voting in a way that seems to defend Wall Street. Then, this coming week Kerry and that Graham character from South Carolina are introducing a big environmental bill. These are major major initiatives and when taken together may not be perfect--but they are important and should put the Bushies to shame.

But not Mr. Cheny who sticks his nose into the Florida senate race and claims Charlie Crist is too tight with Obama and we should all vote for Rubio--who is only tight with the tea baggers. Last I heard, Cheney lives in Wyoming and should mind his own business. Rubio is dangerous much like our own Scottie Brown who is worse than we could have imagined and an embarrassment--its Kennedy's seat for God's sake.

Okay some of you may think this is sports but it is really about college athletics and their total prostitution to big time football/basketball. Turns out the NCAA is not just investigating Rich Rodriquez for his fine work at Michigan--they are looking at some of his efforts at his previous school West Virginia. I have been onto this guy from jump street when Michigan, to its everlasting regret, gave a million bucks to West Virginia to break his contract there. He has got to go to the curb and be kicked on his way there. Damaging two programs while under the supervision (ahem) of Athletic Directors and school Presidents.

Now real sports:

The Celtics and the Bruins have looked better than I expected. The Bruins especially have played way above the way the played in the regular season. They just have to hope Rask stays hot and they don't run into a high scoring team--like the Caps. The Celtics will likely get by Miami but then will have Mr. Lebron in front of them. Serves them right for lazing through a third of their games. The Cavs in my mind are suspect unless Lebron goes berserk.

And, oh by the way, the Yankees look very good even though I wont discuss that sport until July 4th!!

Cerveza por favor--a round for all my friends and a Glenlivet for me.


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