Tuesday, August 17, 2010


First this title: It is in caps because it is stolen. Barbara and I were at Jacob's Pillow this past Saturday and heard a pre-dance talk. During the talk I had one of those "A-HA" moments. I know that rabbis drive me crazy when they believe they need to mediate my relationship to God--whomever that might be. Sermons especially make me nudgy. The a-ha moment this week was that I realized I don't like any kind of mediation--not just rabbinic. So, in the course of the speech, this person used the above captioned phrase to describe the dance we were about to see. I wanted to fall out of my seat--but being mature and all I kept it together and got to the point of actually having the following insight--I want to enjoy the dance or the music or the temple service without having the professional tell me or interpret for me what it is I am about to see or hear. I want it unfiltered on my terms not theirs.

Moving along. A friend reminded me of the website fivethirtyeight.com--this is the very nerdy guy's website (name is Nate Silver I think) who predicted every state accurately in the 2008 presidential election. We need to keep an eye on the website as we approach November. Right now, for instance, he is predicting that the Dems will hold onto majorities in both the House and Senate. Specifically, he even has Barbara Boxer beating Carly Fiorina in California. What is especially interesting for you past or present Floridians is that he has Charley Crist beating that tea bagger Rubio. Anyway, check him out.

Barbara is in Pennsylvania with her brother and sister helping break up their mother's apartment. Which is very important to them and has had the following unexpected impact on me. I get up every day with her and we breakfast together in the salon. In her absence, I have found myself sleeping later which means it is now almost lunch time and the morning is nearly over--feels very odd. One of my readers who refuses to give feedback electronically has given me feedback in person. Wants to know how I spend my time and other factoids about a retiree's life--the last few sentences are for you and Gus, my friend.

No word on Elizabeth Warren and I am not sure how to interpret that--either Geithner is killing her chances or Barney and the boys are fighting hard to get her in that consumer position. Obama and his crew have us over a barrel (us meaning any sort of person even slightly to the left of center)--he knows we will vote for him so he is really going after the middle. I would fire Summers along with Geithner but it will never happen since Wall Street loves them both and Obama needs Wall Street.

So the casino bill died and the gutless wonders escaped town without even voting on it stuck in some sort of stalemate. Meanwhile, the lottery had its best year ever. One of you suggests that if the lottery were new and just now coming up for approval, you would vote against it. As my mother would say, you cannot get blood out of a rock. And you cannot get revenue out of taxes since those same gutless wonders will not increase them. So huh--where does it come from? I'm over it until the next time!!

I know how important this is to you so I will share--I am doing quite well (thanks) avoiding all talking head shows. Withdrawal without any meds.


The Yanks have stopped hitting and have only two consistent starting pitchers--cc and hughes. Then they have riviera and actually may have solved their bullpen woes by getting rid of joba. The hits are not coming but the rays are and they are real. Also (hello, up there in Canada)watch out for the jays who are very hot and this guy bautista almost has 40 home runs. Not sure about the red flops. They certainly are within reach but have big starting pitcher problems after bucholz and lester. and dont tell me about beckett and lackey--they are the equivalent of vazquez and burnett on the yanks.

rich rodriquez and the Michigan president spent a day in Seattle having their hands slapped by the NCAA--I hope they kick the shit out of him and maybe he will be fired--I'm even willing for those mighty wolverines to have another losing season if it leads to his dismissal. he is lucky he is not in jail.

More later. Go Pats. Sayonara

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