Saturday, February 26, 2011


So I am one day post this very important birthday. As days passed leading up to it and even now, I have had the following recurrent fantasy. I have never been to China and therefore have never seen the Terra Cotta soldiers. But here is the fantasy: I am the Commandante and all my little pill boxes are the Terra Cotta soldiers. They line up each morning, salute me, and prepare themselves for the battle they are about to wage in my body. They fight on my behalf and hold the lines against the enemies within. If I include the support regiment (those would be my vitamins), I go into battle each day with 8 fighters side by side following the instructions written on their backs. I continue to win those daily battles and hope, as i have celebrated this birthday, that I win the war. Enough.

North Africa and the Middle East is blowing up. Dictators and crazy men (that would be Khadafy--and if you have not read his words, find them so you can confirm my diagnosis). Obama of course is getting his ass kicked by Republicans who have no ideas of their own but are sure he is doing everything wrong and are talking about it QUITE LOUDLY. I may sound like a broken record but first of all I am not sure what he is supposed to be doing--invading all those countries? Second, I think he is doing stuff and it is called quiet diplomacy. Let the thing play out and keep the Israelis and Saudis (who are as worried as the Israelis) cooled down. I mean Sara and Michelle (Bachman) have no clue and yet swipe out at him a minute after he does or says something. What I don't get is why he (or some attack dog on his staff) don't go after them. You can be too passive also. The "coolest" thing for me so far was to see these women in Bahrain with their black burkhas covered head to toe but with designer sunglasses, make up on, and cell phones--all protesting in the streets.

What to say about the once great state of Wisconsin. Russell Feingold gets kicked out, the Governor is a Tea Party person, and the legislature is now Republican. If I were the Democrats I would go further than Chicago. I am not a total union guy--but the Wisconsin public unions have agreed to very important financial give backs. Walker is out to bust them and wants more.

The good news for Obama (and I suppose the rest of us) is that the economy is coming back and if it comes back consistently, he may have a shot in 2012 especially if the Republicans bring on someone resembling this guy Walker.

On the other hand a fine example of the Health Care mess. When you receive Medicare, in most cases you need also to purchase a supplement to cover the gaps in Medicare coverage. I got one through Blue Cross. Then just before my birthday, I get a nice letter from them wishing me a happy birthday and asking me to see my doctor and have a bunch of tests. The same tests I had in November when I saw the doctor. So I call Blue Cross and tell them this story. Their response: "you are new to us and we treat you like a brand new recipient". I tell them they have my permission to get the records from my doctor. Nope they want the tests done again unless I decide not to follow up--which as my little protest, I have decided not to have them done. But this kind of crazy duplication without regard to cost is killing the states and the feds.

Bob Kraft (owner of my beloved Patriots) and his wife put their money and their public face where their pocketbook is. Two examples. They gave a bunch of money to MGH not for a building but for Community Health Center fellowships--to encourage and pay physicians to practice in them. Then they got a big award from the state wide LGBT advocacy group for their contributions and their support. Gotta love them


Proud to say I did not watch the Super Bowl. So disappointed at the Pats loss especially to the fat guy from the Meadowlands. The worse game I have seen Brady play and it had nothing to do with a stress fracture.

I have often said that once athletes reach a certain level of skill, 90% of their performance is related to the area from their neck up. Watching Tiger Woods almost cements this theory. The guy is a soft boiled egg and could fall apart any minute. He is unhardened jello. It is almost sad. And what about those prissy guys at the PGA--on top of everything else fining him for spitting on the golf green. Come on is it a sport or some sort of white glove evening dance. Give me a break.

I never did like Perkins but for the life of me I cannot figure out who will get a rebound or push Dwight Howard away from the basket. Jeff Green may help Paul Pierce but I am not sure how they get rebounds when that was already a major weakness. I think the Bulls are now even a tougher series given their height. And then I end up saying they still have roster spots and perhaps Ainge knows something I don't know. My fingers are crossed.

Was with Jess, her family, Anna, and Babs in NYC this past weekend. I miss not having Anna and Jess et al closer. What to do?


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