Friday, July 1, 2011


"Changes were made uptown and the Big Man joined the band". I don't have a clue if Clarence Clemons was a good sax player or not. I do know, having seen the E Street Band a few times, that he and Bruce had fun up there. I also believe that this was no ebony and ivory (tickling the keys) kind of thing--these two were like brothers on the stage. They were in the foxhole together and made wonderful music while there. A major loss to the Band, his friends/family, and those of us who love the music of the E Street Band.

I might be one of only a few people who was hoping Whitey would never get caught. I do understand that the families of his victims care deeply and have that right. But come on he is 81, walked into Tijuana to get his meds (one of which I take with a prescription and it costs a bit more), had $800,000 in that one apartment, and assorted guns. Probably had some other places to live too and he paid our fine city a few visits during his little escapade. And did you see the bios of his victims? 90%were thugs just like him. Now he takes a helicopter up from Plymouth and he gets lawyers at our expense. Bizarro.

My man Jon Stewart took on Chris Wallace a couple of weeks ago and the clips I saw were grand. Apart from the fact that he is a great comedian, he is extraordinarily bright and was more than a match for Mr. Wallace who must embarrass his father daily. I get the news from Stewart now and, as I have said, I can barely tolerate any other talking heads--even in sports. Stewart got Wallace to admit on air that Fox believes its mission is to present the "other side" because the rest of the media is so liberal. Oh my.

And yet I happened to catch Charley Rose a week or so ago--heavyweight panel of Tom Friedman, David Brooks, Roger Cohen,and Dave Leonhardt. All from the NY Times and all down on Obama not so much for his decisions but for his lack of leadership. The four sit on different points of the political spectrum and disagreed about some substantive stuff--but on leadership they were united. I have to say I am with them on that one.

So Eric Cantor (he who is a member of my tribe) walked out of the negotiations on the debt ceiling. Took the coward,s way out and showed no leadership. Now it takes a mad scientist to even understand this issue though it does seem to get a bunch of folks all worked up--but if he is a leader, shouldn't he lead and not run back to Richmond?

I continue to root for Michelle Bachman since I fear Romney as a much more worthy opponent for Obama. She will, if we are all patient, start saying stuff that will confirm her need for some serious medication.

And Mr. Weiner (to be fair, he is also a member of my tribe) resigned. No surprise nor is it a surprise that political men act so badly when their egos are as big as this room. Party affiliation has nothing to do with it--just more men acting badly.


I remember, but not perfectly, a quote from Larry Bird which went something like this--I want the pea at the end of the game. Pea meaning the ball. Lebron wanted it anywhere but in his hands and absolutely choked. If the NBA ever plays another game (and as I said about the NFL, I don't care), someone down on South Beach will be looking for work and I'm betting it will be Chris Bosh who proved his worth but must feel like the odd man out--I predicted this folks so pat me right on the back. Wade on the other hand played up to his potential.

Ah, the Bruins bringing the Cup back home. Another prediction: If the Canucks and Bruins play against each other during the next regular season, there will be a brawl. There was no retaliation for the ugly (and I mean ugly, scary, and my eyes were closed) hit on Horton. But they won,t forget and someone will instigate something. All four lines played above their skill levels but Bergeron's line with that pest Marchand was just special. And then there was Thomas. Watched it and enjoyed it with Steffen down there in the South!! By the way, for better or worse, the NBA owners are looking jealousy at the NHL hard cap situation and love it.

The Vancouver riots. At first, I was ready to blame alcohol and youth. But then I read some more (Imagine) and realized Vancouver has had these things before (and not just about sports) and people in the crowd were prepared with gasoline and rags to burn things. So it was a fore thought. Given the history, it was a symbolically combustible event which good city leadership might have predicted. Not to belabor it, but on the night the Bruins won, the mayor ordered all bars locked and all patio furniture brought in and sent out gobs of cops. Even the patrons inside the bars had to stop drinking. That,s thinking ahead. Without leadership of some sort, then the alcohol and the energy of the young lit the place up. That's the most I can make of it.

No baseball comments since it is not quite 7/4 but I will say Sabbathia is a horse and the Yanks are exceeding expectations with an elderly corps of starters.

Enjoy the 4th.


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