Monday, July 2, 2012


No, no--the bear was in Brookline and the great white sharks were in the ocean off Chatham.  Then the bear went to the berkshires via car and the sharks went onto--well, who knows where the sharks went.  But maybe they are in the other animal story found in today's Globe--the one about stem cell use in animals. Barbara wanted to watch the news last night and the first 4 stories were about accidents involving death or injuries to adolescents.  Now aren't you glad I'm back and glad that your anticipatory excitement was justified.

Had another terrific vist with the grandkids and took them along to Scranton for an overnight.  They both can now play Sorry and Lilli and I have combative games of war.  Took in a Bat Mitzvah during which I lifted the Torah to perfection--showing the entire congregation the 3 columns you are supposed to show.  Then Tess, the future George Mason student, had a graduation party.  Then home with the car spewing smoke on the Tappan Zee bridge--an adventure.

Moving on....I'm thinking that before the Supremes ruled, someone told Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan) and Cantor (he who is a member of my tribe) to zip it up.  I thought they were in witness protection or something since we had not heard much from them.  Maybe Romney kind of nicely suggested to shut up.  But whereever they were, they are "out" now that the Supremes have ruled.  Let's repeal the whole law, they shout.  Here's what I say--fuck you.  That conservative court made a decision and we live with it just like their decision in Bush/Gore.  Live with it.

Speaking of the Supremes, their decision (even if I do not fully comprehend it) is monumental.  First of all, some of the law's policies are already in place.  If your kid just graduated from college and has no job, he/she can stay on your insusrance--think the Republicans want to mess with that.  How about pre-existing conditions?  How about the fact that annual physicals have no co-pay?  This screwed them up though they are far from done.  It further screwed them up since it was almost totally based on the Mass. law sheparded by none other than the Mitter.  He cannot wiggle enough to get out from under this despite thundering about the first day in office (after he is elected) he will "cancel" it.  I almost double dare  them.  This decision folowed the immigration decision which gutted about 90% of the Arizona law and the decision regarding juveniles who murder and requiring states to offer them parole.  Almost an enlightened trio of major decisions.

By the way, Nate Silver on his blog has started projecting the November presidential race.  Much to my surprise, he has Obama winning.  Now this could fall in the category of no good deed goes unpunished or be careful what you wish for or some such aphorism; but this is much rosier than I would have thought. The states include all 3 of those in the upper mid west--Minn., Wisc., and Mich.

Speaking of rosy (not), someone needs to tell me why Menino has not endorsed Elizbeth Warren (on the other hand if I get one more email or phone call from her campaign I might scream).  All I have come up with is that she is not part of the old boys network or she has never "done" anything for him (since she of course has never been in office) but keeping his big fat yap shut is just plain miserable.  I mean Scottie is still against Obamacare.  This depsite the fact that one of his college graduate daughters used the benefit I mentioned earlier.

I worry that the Syrian situation will force Obama's hand into doing "something".  It is getting very ugly over there and Assad is showing no willingness to back off.  It is getting harder for me to understand why Libya and not Syria.  If that "something" happens, it better be as part of some UN or Arab League sponsored effort.  I read that we already have CIA teams in the country assisting the insurgents.

It is entirely not good for the environment but I do love having central a/c.  Oh my--in my prehistoric youth, I was packed off most summers with a bathing suit, glove, bat and lunch on my bike to Shenendoah Park.  There to spend the whole day with Charles, Gary, and David.  I cannot remember if we were bothered by the heat or not.  I do know that after 40 years up North, I hate it.  I did lose regularly to Charles on rainy days when we played ping pong indoors--he was convinced that the game itself was a political one being how the russians and the chinese dominated it.  I was not that bright.

So in an effort to return some dollars to the Medicaid budget (dollars cut a few years ago when things were worse), our enlightened legislators will now allow recipients to have their front teeth fixed because it will be better for them when they interview.  No back teeth work god forbid.


So, in the very first round of the Euro Cup, I watched two games with teams whose names were viirtually unprounanceable because they had almost no vowels--Poland, Greece, Russia, and the Czech Republic.  All also got elimnated quite early.  Spain just won the thing--they are referred to as the "tika taka" team because---if 6 of them were in a phone booth, they could still pass the ball to each other like tic tac toe.  I mean you have to see them do this even if some of the soccer is so boring and some of the players just dive all over the fucking place.  They won it with out my favorite Spaniard David Villa. Furthermore, how can someone with the last name of Ibrahmovic be Swedish?  On the other hand a lot of Europeans are fairly angry about the immigrants in their countries.  Yet when you look at the diversity of some European teams, you know they have no problem with them on their national sooccer teams. Germany has  players with Kurdish roots, Hispanic roots, and one with Turkish roots on its team. Anyone notice Mr. Baloltelli from Italy as an example?  And why does America produce world class goalies but no one who can put the ball in the net?

I hate Lebron but he basically bullied his way and his teams to that win over the Celtics.  But KG is coming back and that is both good and imortant.  The loss of Tim Thomas and his Tea party politics is no loss--let him sit.

Youk Youk--my favorite Greek Jewish third basemen.  Gone along with his crazy batting stance.  I hate the red flops but this was a good move.  Now it is almost 7/4 but not quite so I cannot get into a lengthy analysis of beisbol (as they say in Cuba)--but Cano is so far ahead of any second baseman in the game that it is scary.

Thats it.

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