Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So I am nearly horizontal, having my second root canal, trying to keep my eyes closed as they dig around inside my mouth/tooth.  Except of course the noise is inside  my head and driving me crazy.  So I open my eyes and what do I see--4 nostrils one of which is all yukked up.  And there is nowhere else to look because of course they all now have surgical masks so the first exposed face part is the nose.  Oh what a sight--so I am thinking that even if my mouth was not crammed full of crap, what would I have said.  Probably nada so I closed my eyes again.  Gross.  Moving on.

The Tea Party has been "betrayed" according to them and there will be consequences.  This is of course aimed at Republicans who voted to avoid the fiscal cliff.  Here is hoping those consequences include a bunch of Republicans losing in 2014.  And of course the NRA is on the warpath even going after Obama's kids for having secret service protection.  They are quite out of touch also but seem to have a lot of money and a lot of politicians who want it.  They are also threatening consequences even as a Sheriff in Oregon says he will not enforce any gun ban that Obama signs.  What the fuck is it with these people?  Jon Stewart had been on vacation and came back looking for targets and boy were there a lot.  He absolutely trashed Congress and the NRA and was terrifically funny while doing it.

In terms of Congress, they are simply a bunch of wusses afraid to make any tough decisions.  I will say, though I detest those Tea Partyers, they are willing to put up or shut up.  They are wrong on almost everything but boy are they willing to stand up and be visibly wrong.  As opposed to John Boehner (he of the perpetual tan) who calmly says he won't negotiate--and that is that.  And of course with this debt ceiling crap on the near horizon, Boehner will have another chance  to do nothing.

A terrific Doonesbury strip today which has to be read--in it a Tea Party guy who is talking to Boehner refers to him as "suntan".  Was with a group of people over New Year's and we agreed that if there were 8 members of Congress at the meal instead of us, they could not decide what to order.  They are so ineffectual it scares me.

Clarence Thomas finally spoke after literally 7 years of silence on our high court--who nominated him anyway?  Problem was he did not ask a question but tried to tell a joke which no one understood.  He is as stupid as a rock.

Another reason why I continue to feel itchy at my synagogue.  One of these upcoming Fridays, the theme will be "Torah Tefilah Yoga".  I am thinking that means we will all get into a lotus position and pretend that is religion.  And we will all say the prayers in Hindi.  I know the tent needs to be extra big to insure diversity but enough--after a while, stretching the tent can lead to rips in the fabric (nice analogy, no?).

On the other hand Ricardo Blanco, a gay Cuban poet/man who lives in Bethel, Maine, has been chosen to read his poetry at the Inauguration.  Obama really has gotten this gender thing right and believe me Mitt would not have come close.

Saw "Zero Dark Thirty".  Have two things to say without giving up any details.  I am astounded that a woman made this and it is her second film about a war.  Second, I am not a big war/military fan.  But those guys (and they were all men) who went into Pakistan and got Bin Laden are either the craziest or the bravest men I have ever seen--probably a bit of both.  And Obama approved this without knowing for sure that he was there.  His folks put the % at between 40 and 60 percent that he was there.  Gutsy all around.

Love it that the Yanks let Soriano go--he is a very short fuse away from a blow up and they get draft choices and it might mean Rivera is getting along ok.

Read not one word about the NHL lockout or the Notre Dame/Bama game.  Now that both are over I will say that Bettman and Fehr should both be fired and I hate both the South Benders and the Tuscaloosa folks. 

The Celtics are not all the way back and to repeat--they need a big man.  But having Bradley back and Sullinger playing more has made a big difference.  Sullinger has a big wide body and a big butt which gives him a lot of room underneath the hoop.  I am really not liking Rondo.  Michigan finally lost a BB game and have the Celtics problem--not enough height though I am guessing they will get no lower than a 2 seed come March.

Still cannot believe the Pats hung up 40 again on the hapless Texans.  JJ Watt was a non factor and Brady was excellent.  I hear Oliver even saw some of it down there in Philly.  For some reason I am less worried about the Ravens than I was about the Texans.  I have ordered some delicious and decidedly less than healthy snacks for this coming game. 


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