Monday, October 19, 2015


If you grew up in Miami in the 50's (and I know 3 of us did), you probably watched WTVJ--the CBS affiliate .  Weaver the Weatherman joined Jack Cummins and Ralph Renick to form the evening news team. This is only relevant because I was reminded of Weaver the Weatherman last night and today.  Temps last night dropped into the 30's and temps today did not get out of the 40's.  So, I am about to give you a pass if you wore a wool cap, had gloves on, or put on a winter coat.  However, you get nothing but derisive snorts if you wore LL Bean rubber soled boots--there was no rain, no sleet, no snow, and no precipitation in general.  Those boots are not to be used as some sort of fashion statement.  Wear your fancy leather boots or some other contraption.  Keep the Bean boots in the closet until I give you permission to bring them out. I could wait for Weaver's report but I am guessing he is no longer with us.

--Two great articles about guns.  A piece in the on line version of Rolling Stone and another by Adam Gopnik in the New Yorker.  Both written after yet another shooting spree this one in Oregon.  The Donald opined that if the teachers had guns, it would not have happened.  My thoughtful fantasy:  separate the hunters from the NRA and try to convince them they have nothing in common with people who use Saturday night specials or automatic weapons.  Isolate the NRA and get them to defend these murderers.
--Obama in his comments on the Oregon murders was positively despondent--mentioned that he had done this 16 times in the almost 8 years of his presidency.
--The Blount County Tennessee Commissioners passed a resolution asking God's forgiveness for the decision on same sex marriage.  They probably believe they will get a quick response from him/her (was that politically correct or what?).
--A great video clip from Saturday Night Live with Hilary acting as a bartender and the woman who portrays her on the show acting as a customer in the bar.  Hilarious.
--An article in "All You"--a mag I bought with expiring miles--with the following headline:  "My pet is my hero"  Really how fucking pathetic can that be when so many living human beings deserve that label.
--Our abstemious (look it up!!) Mayor wants to ban alcohol related ads on all public buses.  Has also filed yet another suit against the casino.  This guy is dangerously pious about these things.  At virtually the same time, our state Treasurer proposed to use our lottery to compete with Draft Kings and Fan Duel.   Confirming what I believe--the lottery is not really gambling; it is something else.
The migrants continue to cross the Mediterranean, continue to drown, and continue to get stuck in ugly tent cities all over Eastern Europe.  The Germans continue to play a lead and act as role models for some the nastier governments like Hungary with its new razor wire fence.
--The mistakes built into the use of drones and/or long range missiles was in full display when we bombed the hospital in Kunduz.  With friends like us.....
--Too much "grinding" has forced some fucking school to cancel dances until the prom.  Adults are so two faced about this sex stuff. I read somewhere that the Europeans are much more concerned about violence in movies than sex--and we are much more concerned about sex.  This grinding business just confirms it.
--Spending time with good friends is to be appreciated and enjoyed.  We had a great time with our Toronto contingent and then went to NYC to visit other friends.  It is like comfort food for the soul.
--Listen up, spuds.  As Mary Travers sang:  "Our bags are packed and we're ready to go".  We are going to SE Asia this coming weekend.  I am totally freaked out and in high anxiety (Where is Mel Brooks when you need him?) about the 16 hour non stop flight we have to take.  Also very excited.  But, alas and alack, you will not here from me again until just before Thanks giving.  So try and manage your withdrawal slowly and safely.
--Continue to get healthy, C.

The Pats beat the Colts but the crazed New England fans wanted a bigger beat down because of Deflategate.   The Pats are 5-0 so shut up.  That Michigan loss was horrific but the following was worse:  the young man who flubbed the punt has been getting death threats.  That really is sucky and low.  The Bruins lose 3 in a row and the bridges are lined with fans ready to jump.  It is an 82 game season assholes.  Rooting for the Cubs because of Theo and the Jays because of my friends in the Great White North.


1 comment:

  1. I'm curious about what your next rant might be.. . Why spend the hard earned money of the Vietnamese to have Ho Chi Minh's body re-embalmed each year -- in Russia no less?
