Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I re-read my last screed and realized how whiny it sounded.  ENOUGH.  I have to get back in touch with my inner anger which I always thought and still believe has an anger supply which is inexhaustible.  Ready?

--I am sick and tired of PIN numbers and call centers.  I have too many PIN numbers, cannot remember them all, and end up using the same one for everything--which I realize is stupid but is also easy to remember.  Now the call centers are another story.  The most difficult part is that the folks I am speaking with are generally not in this country, do not understand me, and I have a hard time understanding them.  I am aware that this nearly smacks of some sort of racist attitude.  But really, if I am about to spend (let's say)$2,500 on a trip, shouldn't we both understand each other.  Just in case I end up in Mongolia when I wanted to be in Montreal?
--Got some articles from close friend CN about the anti democratic trends in Israel.   Those articles combined with the Frontline documentary on Netanyahu leave me pessimistic about any change in Israel and any two state solution as long as he and his party is in charge. His rigidity and his denigration of the Palestinian people combine to make the situation virtually hopeless.  And he has a lot of support.
--Have not heard one word from those fucking anti immigration Republicans about the Cubans held up in Central America.  They got out of Cuba and ended up stuck in Central America.  They are about to be airlifted here and because of long standing agreements will immediately be issued green cards.  Cruz, Rubio, Trump--not a peep.  I guess because they have escaped from that Communist island.  Syrians are different, don't you know.
--I already miss the humor of Lindsey Graham and the idiocy of Ben Carson.
--A judge in Alabama (I believe on their Supreme Court) has instructed court clerks to issue no licenses for gay marriages.  And you think the South isn't different?
--But then again--the guy who replaced Jindal in Louisiana just signed into law an expansion of Medicaid--something that good ole boy refused to do (well actually he is not really a good ole boy being how he is from a family of Indians--and not the Native American version either).
--Frank Bruni had a great editorial in last week's NY Times about Cruz and Trump and how their language is so hateful.  Speaking of which, I love it that Trump has now decided that Cruz may not qualify for the Presidency because he is not really an American.  Just like Barack?
--The internal politics of my synagogue apparently sunk the candidacy of two candidates for senior Rabbi because they were perceived as too young (they were in their upper 30's).  I am so disaffected that I actually do not give a shit.  But it is kind of pathetic.
--Now we get to the real big issue of the day--the Boston Globe.  It had already become a shell of its old self since it was bought by the owner of the Red Flops.  Have any of you seen it's Saturday edition? If it has 20 pages, it would be a surprise.  Then, to save more money, they changed their home delivery company. And royally screwed things up.  No papers delivered; papers delivered that were early editions so that even scores from the East were not included; reporters sent out in the night to deliver papers; and it continues two weeks after the change.  Get this:  they offer you credits not in the form of subscription reductions but in the form of extensions.  So instead of having a reduced bill, I will get two weeks added if and when I cancel.  I have already informed them that I am finished with exxtensions and will reduce my next payment.  They can cancel me if they want.  Screw 'em.

I worry about the Pats playing the Chiefs.  I am not a believer in the "turn it on when you want" school of thought.  And apparently there is supposed to be a monsoon on Saturday.  While I enjoy the Celtics, they are in a bad funk.  Couple that with the Bruins continued inability to score (and their stupid coach's unwillingness to play younger players) and we have a winter drought of pro team excitement.


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