Friday, July 1, 2016


That would be Nate Silver--he of the 538 blog/website; he whose father was Jewish but not his mother so despite the misleading name, he is not a member of my tribe; he who is "owned by ESPN"; he who nailed the 2012 presidential election getting every state; and, finally, he who got every Senate seat accurately in 2012 except for N. Dakota.  But who ever gets anything right about North Dakota and now that oil and coal prices are depressed, their boom town mentality and resurgence is about to go sideways.  So, right out of the gate, Nate says Hilary has an 80% chance of winning.  He just warms my heart that boy.  But I will not get complacent--I will fight on with words, money, and perhaps some work for Hilary.  Moving on....

--Congrats to ML for the publication of her second novel--a coming of age story set in Philadelphia.
--McCain "misspoke" when he said Obama was responsible for Orlando.  He may be a hero (and he is) but God almighty, blame is cheap.  Thoughtful interactions cost plenty and none of the Republicans pay that price.
--Passing by the Boston Police station after the murders in Orlando, I noticed that they put up, at half mast, the LGBT flag.  What a message even if the violence against the LGBT community is not changed an iota.  A message is sent to the LGBT community in Boston, and God forbid, to members of the force who may be gay or transgendered.  I kinda felt, you know, a bit proud.  BTW, our mayor who has seen two of his staff indicted this week, has been terrific about LGBT issues.
--And even after Orlando, our fine U.S  Senate could not see fit to pass the remotest and most minimal gun control legislation.  So it is quite fine with the NRA for people to own automatic rifles--for no purpose what so ever and don,t even tell me about hunting.
--This is quite ugly and even awkward but bear with me.  The German National soccer team coach was seen on video doing the following:  sticking his hands down the front of his pants and then SMELLING THEM.  Not bad enough?  Then shown sticking his hand down the back of his pants ( I mean way down)  and then SMELLING THEM.  Gross stuff but they keep winning.
--You may want to keep Obama's latest nominee to the Supremes off the court but, come on, how many 4-4 votes can you tolerate.  Speaking of which, they decided 3 cases from Texas (which I am beginning to think is starting to become the worst member of the Confederacy and perhaps the one with the most lawyers with nothing better to do). The court tossed out its restrictive abortion law, supported the used of race in an affirmative action case from UT; and let stand an immigration case which limited Obama's executive right to make certain decisions.  Except for a close relative, that state is so fucked.
--And how could I end this without the following from a Globe headline:  "Firefighters rescue donkey stuck in hole".  Really I could not make this shit up.

--So, Iceland has a total population of about 330,000--fully 10% of them went to France for the Euro soccer championship.  In their last game 98% of the population remaining watched the game on tv.  You go, boys.  Or national soccer team just plain sucks--we need a do over in terms of who is on the team. I just hope Ainge has a big signing in his back pocket--the media and the fans are really all over him.  Truly, he could fully man two NBA teams when you combine his recent draft picks with his existing roster.  The following are the averages more or less for the 3, 4, and 5 hitters in the Yankees line up:  .220, .230, .190.  I cannot even write their names.  But in the rare instances when they have a lead, their bull pen is lights out.


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