Friday, February 1, 2019


And Sarah even told me so.  I have a number of questions about this God business.  How did he/she communicate this information to Sarah--in writing, verbally, telepathically?  And how is she so sure it came from God?  Perhaps POTUS whispered sweet nothings into her ear and mentioned that God spoke to him.

Listen, I get that the Christian faithful only care about judicial appointments and are in a very happy mood about all the conservative judges who now populate the Federal judiciary.  But, I honestly do not understand how they can tolerate God being used as a weapon to fend off the likes of me.  They have already tolerated all sorts of POTUS indiscretions and now God is speaking to Sarah.  And, before I get too crazed, how many sets of pearls does she own and are they real?  I need answers.

Moving on:
--The silence of Republican Senators continues.  In the face of lies and outright rubbish comments made by POTUS, these folks zip it up for fear of offending his base.
--Roger Stone is a true caricature.  His "V's" a la Nixon are hilarious.  Hope he can take a few of his suits to the pokey.  I want to see him in court or testifying.  A show it would be.
--No one asked me but the ban on transgendered people in the military its another brick in the wall of terrifying his base about the "other".  I personally would appreciate any person of any gender who gave up their life to protect me.
--A Go Fund Me campaign raised 268K to pay for the search for the body of a soccer player presumed dead in a plane crash.  So many other things go wanting and money pours in for this.
--Max Kellerman (I believe he was/is a college friend of a reader) is a sports talking head and appears with Stephen A. Smith daily on ESPN.  Does not like Tom Brady--fine.  But the two of them together are simpletons who (as simpletons do) oversimplify everything.  No gray in their world.  Loud mouths both.  And Max went to Yale!
--A quote from Doonesbury which sums up my thoughts:  "The creaky voices--the way everyone under 40 sounds like they're over 80".  He is taking about the NPR commentators.  I'm with you, bro.
--More yucky Boston Globe stories--a big feature about the best way to move your dog when you change abodes..  The world is falling apart (jPOTUS just cancelled a nuclear arms treaty) and the Globe gives us pap.
--On the other hand, a great article about the Boston Public School valedictorians and what has happened to them.  Not much in the way of good news.
--Maureen Dowd in the Times of 1/20 wrote an excellent piece.
--Do not watch the weather channel unless you have seat belts on your coach.  Everything is critical and dangerous.  Yikes.


I am confirming that we need to restrict ourselves to what happens between the lines, on the ice, and on the court.  I fight any urge to find out tan athlete's opinions about anything.  The latest from Kyrie Irving who is an astonishing bb player.  He also believes the earth is flat and supposedly has us all worried about his impending free agency.  You know what, please do go to the Knicks.

I am narrowly optimistic about the Pats in the Super Bowl.

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