Saturday, February 1, 2020


Got all my snacks and adult beverages lined up.  Put new batteries in my remote.  Reserved my special chair.  That way i will be all comfy cozy when Punxsatawney Phil decides to appear.  Yup, in a major coincidence, Phil and the Super Bowl occur on the same day.  Such a relief that Mr. Brady and the boys are not in it--that would have caused some serious internal conflicts.  And, yes, I am one of those folks wringing my hands about the prospect of Tommy leaving. Oh, the sadness.

--I do have friends who remain optimistic about the November election (Im talking about you BG).  But, I am getting more and more worried.  Up here in the Hub of the universe, I remember the bumper stickers that read "don't blame me, I voted for McGovern".  That should have taught us a lesson.
--But then, I see POTUS with those head  shots on tv.  Adoring white people with their MAGA hats
behind him.  They love him and, while they are at it, they hate us eastern white liberals because we have "forgotten" about them out there in the heartland. and that is not paranoia--it is my very private reality.
-- With the likes of Netanyahu and Steven Miller, we Jews no longer have a claim on morality.  We used to or, minimally, said we did.  But these two and others are just evil and lead us not just into temptation and not just into the desert; no, they are leading us to an unleashed demagogue.
--Jeff Jacoby is the Globe's "conservative" columnist.  But he is one of those mainstream ones who cannot stand POTUS. He is also a member of my tribe.  In a recent column, he linked the anti semites on the right with those on the left. You know the Neo-nazis who want to purify the country and the folks on the other side who are gung ho in support of all things Palestinians.
--This business with the Prince and his bride seems way unimportant tho I hope they love Canada.  Some of the response by the British citizenry is more than tinged with racism given Meghan's skin color.
--And it is official they are not part of the EU.
--I am astounded by law and order Republicans who have no problem with the White House refusing to honor subpoenas.
--Let's be clear--the leaks, the whistle blower, the witnesses who did appear, and the House Dems have all been proven correct.  but that Hahvahd lawyer (Alan, Im talking about you) tells us that was all in the national interest and, as such, it is not impeachable.  POTUS is right, he can grab whatever he wants or even shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his people will still support him.
--Just as long as he keeps out those "filthy" immigrants, just as long as he reduces support to poor people, just as long as he goes to pro life rallies, and just as long as he dehumanizes his opponents--as long as he continues to do all that, we will still support him.
--Do not tell me I have to listen to the other side; Do not tell me I misunderstand my fellow Americans; do not tell me I should watch Hannity and crew.  I have gotten the message and it is all  about white bread.
--Collins and Romney get no reward for being courageous.  Its is not courage when you do what you are supposed to do.
What do you think of William Barr?  How about Rudy?  they are running amok and making a case for really tightening up on Law School admissions.


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