Thursday, April 1, 2021


--Major, Joe's dog, was banished to Wilmington because there was a biting incident at the White House. Then he gets to Wilmington and,a couple of days later, there is another biting incident. Oh, those dogs--just like humans except, well, they are animals and have pea sized brains. --The area South of Boston is known as the South Shore--duh. As an fyi for those of you not from around here, it consists of the towns you pass on the way to the Cape. Some people refer to that area as the "Irish Riviera" due to the fact that many folks who live there came from city neighborhoods predominantly Irish. Now we have the fine athletic staff at Dluxbury High Slchool. In this screwy pandemic year, high school footbal is being played in the spring. The coach at this fine bastion of academia decided he needed a code to transmit plays to his team. Two of he codes were "rabbi" and "Auschwitz". MMM--do you sense a trend? It was all fine and dandy until someone actually learned of these play calling trends. Oh, you are reading too much into this--these are just kids. That was the first explanation. Then the Coach was fired and other games were cancelled. A day late I'd say. Either they are not teaching well in that school or the kids are not listening. But in the end, I am not shocked--it is there below the surface. Anti semitism will raise it read again aomeplace else and we will be shocked all over again. --Kind of like the recent attacks on Asian Americans. These things do not go away. They simply submerge until one of the people (a la the capitol rioters) feels irked by diversity and has access to weapons. --Teresa Hanafin is a Globe reporter with a blog. I like her writing a lot and in response to folks who refuse the vaccines, she had this to say: "it is astonishing that they take pride in their ignorance of science". Where is the Trumpster when we need him. --It is time for Deborah Brix to go away and quit trying to resurrect her career. Talk about a day late and a dollar short? Where was she during the last 6 months of the Trumpster's presidency. Kick her to the curb with the rest of the apologists. --In the midst of the pandemic, our transit system (MBTA) went about cutting some servies and eliminating others. Demand was down they said and in the narrow sense they were right. But the stimuus bill will give them tons of money--yet they insisted they stil had to make the cuts. Until of couirse, our Reps and Senators in DC basically said restore everything or maybe you wont get any money. This governor simply is not interested in public transit. They quicikly and fearfully caved. --I continue to be sick of teachere'unions who continue to fight a return to face to face education. The city had to set up a special and separate vaccination site for the union members and even then, they were not sure it was a good enough location. I say Fuck 'em. --We finally have a Secfretgary of the Intlerior who cares about the land and its importance to us citizens. She is a Native American woman who has already set about minimizing if not eliminating many of the trumpsters drilling decisions. --When NCAAm baseketball teams finally hire a woman to coach a men's team, then I lwill know that there has been a big change in that world. I have seen far too many men coaching the women's teams and nary a woman coaching the men. --Speaking of which, I had a grand old time texting back and forth with OH to discuss the brackets. We both got demolished but he was a fierce competitor. --Have no words or even language for the Denver murders. As a local reporter put it--If laws did not change after Newtown and the murder of children, why should we expect them to change now? --The "normalcy of this President is astonishing. Shalom

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