Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is a for real rant. So, prior to Barack's news conference last night, I had already seen some yakkers on the internet discussing whether or not he was over exposing himself. Now, we just had a president who barely spoke complete sentences and hid away from the press. Backed up by a Vice President who acted like Darth Vader and, as we now know, might have done some serious illegal things. I was already worried.

Then I watched the news conference. Truth be told, I thought he may have talked a bit too much and perhaps over complicated some things--but at the same time, he seems determined to "share". Which I think is good.

The news conference is over, the yakkers come on, and BOOM--first comments are not about health care which only took up about 50 of the 55 minutes. They are about Gates and the Cambridge police. The yakkers believed that the first 50 minutes were more of the same and the last 5 minutes would be today's headlines. This guy is taking the lead on a major reform, answers a bunch of tough skeptical questions,and the yakkers skip right over it.

Moving ahead to this morning. Pick up the paper and what do you know--the yakkers were right. Big headline is about Gates and smaller headline is about healthcare. Now I do "get" racial profiling and do believe it exists and this situation was an ugly mess. But, relatively speaking, it represented 5 out of 55 minutes. I am holding my head so it does not break into fragments. First of all the yakkers set the tone and practically told the world what the headline should be and, second, what about healthcare?

gawd almighty.

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