Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Some random thoughts:

-If you wish, enjoy Michael Jackson's music. But don't forget this is a person who allowed little boys to sleep in his bed with him. Oh sure never convicted; but in my book he is more likely a pedophile than he is a person to be admired. The same goes for Woody Allen--love his movies at times; but he could easily be identified as someone who committed incest.
-As the Globe gets thinner and thinner, they also are relying more and more on wire services and journalists from other papers. Check the bylines out. Which only makes it more and more obvious that the best writers in the Globe are in the sports pages (even if you hate sports). Bob Ryan and Kevin Paul Dupont to name just two are extraordinary writers--articulate, insightful, humorous.
-I am quite tired of shrines/flowers placed at scenes of alcohol fueled car accident deaths. Always young people. Seems almost done by rote and loses any meaningfulness.
-Senator Sessions is a true idiot. Rejected by his current colleagues when he was proposed for the federal bench because of his "extreme racial views". He is now giving Sonia lessons on proper use of the language. Give me a break. Truly astonishing to see a bunch of white boys sitting in judgement. Jeffrey Toobin in a recent New Yorker put this in perspective with a cogent article about our esteemed Chief Justice and the pattern of his votes.
-Going to NYC this Thursday and, instead of seeing my Yankees, will go with Anna, Neal, and Tess to see the Cyclones play on Coney Island. Will definitely catch a foul ball.
-The sadly will return for Sy's memorial on Sunday.


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