Thursday, December 31, 2020


Well not exactly. First of all, I'm not out on a Florida golf course even though,technologically speaking, I could work from there. Second, being a retiree, I'm not workinng at all. Third, the virus has me virtually home bound too frightened to go out except to get my scripts and/or buy food. Fourth, I'm very busy psychologically pardoning all the people who have offended me over the years and did not show me sufficient loyalty. That list is long and takes up a lot of time. Finally, the light out here in the mall's parking lot is terrible and my beach chair is not as comfy as my bed. But down here in Florida, the elderly are prioritized over health care workers thanks to our great Governor. So I'm in the first come/first served line for the vaccine. Hope they don't run out. --Who cares that Barr left? He already gutted DOJ and gave all sorts of support to POTUS. I hope he never finds another job--tho I expect there are other heartless lawyers out there ready to hire him. --I hate it when I get messages from political fund raisers who ask me to join ther "team" or be part of their "family". I am not on any team and only a member of my immediate family. I cannot understand if these folks believe those words are so enticing and creating some sort of inducement to send more money. Arggh. --Is anyone else sick of POTUS stealing headlines from Biden? A wise nwoman I know believes that after 1/20, the media companies should join forces and eliminate all POTUS headlines. --Glad Mike Flynn got pardoned. Now he can devote all his efforts convincing POTUS to invoke maritial law. That shit is scary, folks. --And, I do worry about the relative silnce of those militia groups. We have not heard too much from them but they are not gone. POTUS will be back in DC urging them on next week. --Every time I read or her that Congress is on the verge of making a big decision and isn't that going to be dfifficult--I think what else are they supposed to do except make decisions. Tough luck if they are difficult. Make some decision and move on. Mitch and the gang are not doing brain surgery. Truly, I could make some of these decisions in half the time. --Heard a Richie Havens CD the other day. He sang a Jackson Browne song called "Lives in the Balance". I believe Browne originally sang it in the 1970's. It could be about 40 years old. Yet, the words are so relevant today that it is worrisome that some things have not changed. Seriously, people are dying and some folks are worried about budget deficits but did suppport those tax cuts. --I hope all of you, if celebrating, had good holidays. SPORTS SENTENCE: The loss of Chara to the Bruins is far less consequential than Brady's loss to the Pats. On the other had, Chara is a much more consequential person. HAVE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2021. Shalom

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