Saturday, December 5, 2020


Thanks to Brother Ray and Sister Gladys for loaning me this title. I won't be on the train but it is on my mind. I do not believe both Georgia senate seats will be won by the Democrats; but I am feeling like one of them may. My totally uninformed thought is that Reverend Warnock has a better shot than Jon Ossoff. First of all Kelly Loeffler is an idiot. Plus I happen not to like Jon at all. POTUS is there today and maybe he will totally go off script and fuck things up. Whatever--if I am Joe, I am on the phone today with Romney. He is a Senator who actually has congratulated Joe and who mght actually in some rare instances cross the aisle and vote with the Democrats. Those other Repbublican snators are plainly embarassing themselves and this country. Not even acknowledging the victory--a bunch of babies. Moving on. --Kayleigh refused a question from a CNN reporter because the reporter was an "activist". What does that mean to a liar like Kayleigh? She is like the asskisser from High School who got better grades than me. Even though I was smarter!!! --John Kelly came to the party way too late. I am not interested in his opinion of POTUS now--not after he was one of the chief enablers just a year ago. --Will not even waste words on Lindsey Graham. --The election is over folks--Joe won by almost 8 million votes. And yes, I do know POTUS got a bazillion votes also. Too bad for his supporters. But he can say whatever he wants about fraud. But it is OVAH as we say in the Hub. --The virus is rampaging through the upper Midwest. Governors who fully bought into the rants of POTUS and chose to ignore Dr. Fauci--those governors are now dealing with major increases in the incidence of the virus. They are also states with limited mdical care and likely chose not to expand medicaid options even though much of the financial increaes were reimbursed by the Feds. Just saw a video of the South Dakota Governor bird hunting and dropping a pheasant or two. Great shooter but not a big believer in science. --I believe in a free press and free speech. But I am already sick of the media for being already critical of Joe for not doing this or doing that. He is 5 weeks away from the inaugeration. Then he has 4 years. Judge him after January 20th. I know these are the same people who heavbily criticized POTUS; but at least those comments were based on actual performance not future predictive decisions. --What was that crap dripping off Rudy's face? He realy has gotten.unhinged--have you seen him in action recently? --The Globe reported about a wild turkey who attacked some folks. Big headline along with a cat rescued from a fire. Yikes. --Jacob Sobronoff is an MSNBC reporter. Just read his book about the separation of children from the3ir parents at our southern border. Makes me want to drain the swamp of heartless bureacrats who just pass the buck. At its heart,however, the book is so so sad and should embarass us all. --On the other hand, Carl Hiasen's recent book is a laugh a minute and is set near Casa Bellicosa in Palm Beach. That is a made up name for Mar -a-Lago. --No good deed goes unpunished cagtegory. The Children's Museum announced that Stonewall Kitchen will open and operate a cafe at the Museum. Stuck there with kids, food becomes impportant as many of you know. But lo and behold, they will serve PB and J. So all the anti peanut folks are up in arms. You just cannot win. Please do not tell me abouit peanuit allegies--I am aware of that issue. Happy holdays to all of you. Hope in the coming year, you remain healthy and stay safe. See ya in 2021. SHALOM

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