Thursday, December 31, 2020
Well not exactly. First of all, I'm not out on a Florida golf course even though,technologically speaking, I could work from there. Second, being a retiree, I'm not workinng at all. Third, the virus has me virtually home bound too frightened to go out except to get my scripts and/or buy food. Fourth, I'm very busy psychologically pardoning all the people who have offended me over the years and did not show me sufficient loyalty. That list is long and takes up a lot of time. Finally, the light out here in the mall's parking lot is terrible and my beach chair is not as comfy as my bed. But down here in Florida, the elderly are prioritized over health care workers thanks to our great Governor. So I'm in the first come/first served line for the vaccine. Hope they don't run out.
--Who cares that Barr left? He already gutted DOJ and gave all sorts of support to POTUS. I hope he never finds another job--tho I expect there are other heartless lawyers out there ready to hire him.
--I hate it when I get messages from political fund raisers who ask me to join ther "team" or be part of their "family". I am not on any team and only a member of my immediate family. I cannot understand if these folks believe those words are so enticing and creating some sort of inducement to send more money. Arggh.
--Is anyone else sick of POTUS stealing headlines from Biden? A wise nwoman I know believes that after 1/20, the media companies should join forces and eliminate all POTUS headlines.
--Glad Mike Flynn got pardoned. Now he can devote all his efforts convincing POTUS to invoke maritial law. That shit is scary, folks.
--And, I do worry about the relative silnce of those militia groups. We have not heard too much from them but they are not gone. POTUS will be back in DC urging them on next week.
--Every time I read or her that Congress is on the verge of making a big decision and isn't that going to be dfifficult--I think what else are they supposed to do except make decisions. Tough luck if they are difficult. Make some decision and move on. Mitch and the gang are not doing brain surgery. Truly, I could make some of these decisions in half the time.
--Heard a Richie Havens CD the other day. He sang a Jackson Browne song called "Lives in the Balance". I believe Browne originally sang it in the 1970's. It could be about 40 years old. Yet, the words are so relevant today that it is worrisome that some things have not changed. Seriously, people are dying and some folks are worried about budget deficits but did suppport those tax cuts.
--I hope all of you, if celebrating, had good holidays.
SPORTS SENTENCE: The loss of Chara to the Bruins is far less consequential than Brady's loss to the Pats. On the other had, Chara is a much more consequential person.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
At this point, I am fairly confident that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in just about one month from now. I have much less confidence that POTUS will put on his big boy pants and act like a grown up. Bad enough to ignore the hacking stuff; but to remain silent in the face of COVID and its devastating impact is--I'm not sure what word fits here. People are dying and there is not one word of support for the families who have lost loved ones. Have to move on. And no word from him about why each state's vaccine allotments have been cut.
--That Loeffler woman running for Senate in Georgia is an idiot and happens to have that Ivanka look--barbie dollish and running on empty upstairs. Oh, she did not know the guy she was posing with was a member of a neo nazi group. Absolutely not. Serioiusly? I kind of think the Dems will not win both seats. But she is the most vulnerable of the two Republican candidates.
--I love this item. The day the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine, MSNBC had as a guest a Doctor from Childrens Hospital right up the street. Name of Ofer Levy. Me,I am thinking he might just be a member of my tribe. As the interview concludes, Ofer reminds us all that it is Hannukah and he wants us to know it is a holiday marked by lighting candles. He then links the holiday to the vaccine which symbolically is illuminating our way out of the COVID tunnel.
--Not suirprisingly, POTUS has no empathy--just acts like a baby who takes his toys and runs home. We always knew he was missing a few key genes. One factoid for me is that every time I think he has gone way too low--he manages to go lower. With Tucker and Sean egging him on, he is living either on fantasy island with Fernando Llamas (look him up) or on Gilligans Island. I really wonder what the MAGA people think about this.
--State dollars are in very short supply here so I get it that the MBTA (our transit syustem) needs to think about budget cuts. But the impact on people who use that system and frequently are low income people of color--those cuts have to be delayed and, if not, will force more people into their own cars.
--Those pathetic congressmen/women from both parties cannot fucking make a decision--what else do they have to do now that the election is over? This is not brain surgery. It is support for the people thqat got them elected.
--One thing the POTUS administration has suceeded in doing is expediting the execution of Federal death row inmates.Trying to squeeze them in before that ol lefty Joe Biden arrives.
--Barr really was the handmaiden to POTUS. And no one should say one kind word about him. Ditto for Steven Miller.
--On a more somber note: DH has been my friend for just about 70 years. I learned that his wife passed away recently. Thinking of him and hoping he has all the support he needs.
I hope some of you had a Happy Hannukah. And a merry christmas to those of you celebrating.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Thanks to Brother Ray and Sister Gladys for loaning me this title. I won't be on the train but it is on my mind. I do not believe both Georgia senate seats will be won by the Democrats; but I am feeling like one of them may. My totally uninformed thought is that Reverend Warnock has a better shot than Jon Ossoff. First of all Kelly Loeffler is an idiot. Plus I happen not to like Jon at all. POTUS is there today and maybe he will totally go off script and fuck things up. Whatever--if I am Joe, I am on the phone today with Romney. He is a Senator who actually has congratulated Joe and who mght actually in some rare instances cross the aisle and vote with the Democrats. Those other Repbublican snators are plainly embarassing themselves and this country. Not even acknowledging the victory--a bunch of babies. Moving on.
--Kayleigh refused a question from a CNN reporter because the reporter was an "activist". What does that mean to a liar like Kayleigh? She is like the asskisser from High School who got better grades than me. Even though I was smarter!!!
--John Kelly came to the party way too late. I am not interested in his opinion of POTUS now--not after he was one of the chief enablers just a year ago.
--Will not even waste words on Lindsey Graham.
--The election is over folks--Joe won by almost 8 million votes. And yes, I do know POTUS got a bazillion votes also. Too bad for his supporters. But he can say whatever he wants about fraud. But it is OVAH as we say in the Hub.
--The virus is rampaging through the upper Midwest. Governors who fully bought into the rants of POTUS and chose to ignore Dr. Fauci--those governors are now dealing with major increases in the incidence of the virus. They are also states with limited mdical care and likely chose not to expand medicaid options even though much of the financial increaes were reimbursed by the Feds. Just saw a video of the South Dakota Governor bird hunting and dropping a pheasant or two. Great shooter but not a big believer in science.
--I believe in a free press and free speech. But I am already sick of the media for being already critical of Joe for not doing this or doing that. He is 5 weeks away from the inaugeration. Then he has 4 years. Judge him after January 20th. I know these are the same people who heavbily criticized POTUS; but at least those comments were based on actual performance not future predictive decisions.
--What was that crap dripping off Rudy's face? He realy has gotten.unhinged--have you seen him in action recently?
--The Globe reported about a wild turkey who attacked some folks. Big headline along with a cat rescued from a fire. Yikes.
--Jacob Sobronoff is an MSNBC reporter. Just read his book about the separation of children from the3ir parents at our southern border. Makes me want to drain the swamp of heartless bureacrats who just pass the buck. At its heart,however, the book is so so sad and should embarass us all.
--On the other hand, Carl Hiasen's recent book is a laugh a minute and is set near Casa Bellicosa in Palm Beach. That is a made up name for Mar -a-Lago.
--No good deed goes unpunished cagtegory. The Children's Museum announced that Stonewall Kitchen will open and operate a cafe at the Museum. Stuck there with kids, food becomes impportant as many of you know. But lo and behold, they will serve PB and J. So all the anti peanut folks are up in arms. You just cannot win. Please do not tell me abouit peanuit allegies--I am aware of that issue.
Happy holdays to all of you. Hope in the coming year, you remain healthy and stay safe. See ya in 2021.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Biden got more votes than POTUS--that's a fact,Jack. But even in defeat, POTUS has stolen the limelight. Headlines are all about him and how Biden is just the perfect gentleman in the face of people like Pompeo saying: "the transition to a ssecond Trump administration will be smooth". Lackey's all of them and I have not even gotten to Mitch. Meanwhile as POTUS bitches, the virus is runing rampant.
--The Senate defeats were disappointing especially the win by Susan Collins. And I do not beieve both Democratic candidates in Georgia will win--maybe one but not two
--Some mixed news for you pet lovers. The good news is that if Biden actuially gets into the White Hoiuse, he will bring two dogs one of whom is a rescue dog. The bad news is that Marty, the pet cat of the staff of the Mt. Washington Observatory, has died. Naturally the Globe reported this. I assume he never ventured out in the winter.
--Most mportantly,there is a major happy event in the life of my family. OH is having a bar mitzvah--a virtual one but, nonetheless, something to enjoy and something for all of us in his family to feel good about. Positive/good news has been hard to come by. All of us are excited for this milestone.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
I start with this heresy--even if HE wins, I want this over. I am tired of both Hannity and Maddow; tired of FOX and MSNBC; and tired of checking every god damn poll multiple times a day. I know it will be awful if HE wins--but it will be over. Over and done with--the yiddish word for that is (not sure about the spelling) "fachtich". Just in case HE wins, I decided to share a few thoughts in advance because, if the unthinkable happens, and HE wins, I will be speechless/wordless.
--How can anyone be undecided? I might not agree with those supporting HIM but they have decided and so have Joe's supporters. You cannot be of sound mental health if you insist, 96 hours before this stupendously important election, that you cannot make up your mind. Seriously? Thats yet another reason that it shouild be over NOW. Forcing those undecided to actually decide.
--Two anecdotes about children. First we have the parents of young hockey players in my fine state saying it is unfair that hockey rinks have been closed due to the virus. Unfair to whom? These games,rinks,and practices are incublators for the virus--closing those rinks protects me. All of us just have to put on our big boy/girl clothes and deal with it. Here is how it could be much worse for kids/parents. Your child might be one of the 545 still separated from you because of Stephen Miller and his wretched policies. I dont want to hear that it's the fault of "coyotes' or the couintries of Central America. It is the fault of this administration. Growingh up withiout your parent is more than unfair--it is criminal when it is perpetrated by your government. And it is a damn sight worse than missing hockey practice.
--Rachel might have labelled Dr. Altlas the "rambo raqdiologist". Maybe not. But whoever said it was right on target. He has apparently taken over from Fauci and Birx and is HIS chief Covid influencer. Ask the people in the Midwest (the ones with Republican governors) if they should have worn masks.
--Speaking of doctors. that bright light Jared is quoted in Woodward's book as bragging that the administration has "taken control back from doctors". And this week, HE blamed those doctors for juicing up the cost of Covid treatment in order to make more money. No science/no medicine/no brains.
--Go watch "Bend the Arc" if you want to see what committed doctors actually do. It is a documentary about Partners in Health and the work they do. If Obama-care is overturned, they might need to start working in America as opposed to what we call "third world"countries.
--On a more positive note, the Pope has recognized same sex civil marriages which promptly drew a blast of criticism from the Bishop of
Proividence--a notorious man wishing us all back to the dark ages.
--And the Hasids? Pissed off at the NYC Mayor for refusing to approve a license allowing the wedding of the son of the Grand Rebbe--proposed attendance was going to be 10,000. And their community was already in a high Covid status.
--That's it. Good luck to us all. Here's hoping the Proud Boys stand down if HE loses.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Plus, more than a few of you complained when nothing went out on 10/15. On the other hand, I needed an outlet for all my anxiety and nervousness. Despite saying I did not trust any of the polls after 2016, I find myself looking at them more than a few times daily. In virtually every one, the results indicate a big Biden win plus the Dems taking over the senate. All of which makes me nervouser and more nervouser. Like I should check into the hospital for the very very nervous whose Superintendent is Mel Brooks. If only, Carl Reiner could be my psychiatrist. Moving on.
--I did not wish good health or even a prayer to POTUS or Ms. POTUS when they had Covid. Let them suffer, I figured. But I did care a smidgen about Baron because he did not ask to move into the White House. But nada for the Prez and Melania. He does not care about the 200,000 plus Americans who have died from the virus and were impacted by his disregard for any preventative measures--you know,like masks. So I do not care about him and his health. He is still running around the country with no masks and infecting those MAGA attendees. So, screw him.
--His return from the hospital was marked by his demand that his White House re-entry be reshot because he did not like how the original turned out. It is all a show, after all.
--You can be doubly sure I do not care about my fellow tribe member Stephen Miller or his wife. No prayers here. Let them suffer just like those children separated from their parents and living in detention facilities. A double screw him.
--In yesterday's NYT, the entire opinion section was devoted to an endorsement of Biden. In support of that worthy goal, they included quotes from a group of individuals who had worked for POTUS. Putting aside their words, I am sick and tired of these folks who said shit while working for him but have now seen the light. Where were they before? Fuck 'em.
--And Kayleigh with her gold cross can also be kicked to the curb with that crew. She is a little weasel.
--The SNL skit with Jim Carrey and the fly was hysterical.
--Another member of my tribe (Sheldon Adelson) just gave POTUS' campaign $75 million dollars. They seem to be running out of money!! But who cares. Adelson is all about AIPAC and POTUS and his casinos which virtually print money. He is an embarassment. Like Bobby Kraft.
--Over and beyond the election, it is a joy to see Kamala smile and laugh. She is enjoyable and makes the other 3 candidates (including Joe) seem very boring.
--Erdogan has not done enough damage to his own country so he is using his influence and military in an effort to crush the Armenians. He is yet another dictator who is an ally of POTUS.
--I have a sports comment or two but if you quit here, I'm fine with that and will be in touch on or about 11/4--hopefully with a celebratory hangover.
Watching the Pats yesterday was painful. If they had scored at the end of the seattle game or scored at the end yesterday, they could have been 4-1. But winning at the end of games is something great teams do--the Pats are not that.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
I prayed for her regularly. She faced her ongoing illnesses with more bravery and dignity than i could have mustered. But secretely, my prayers were as much for me as for her. I knew that with her passing, POTUS would get a shot at filling her seat. And he has. I know nothing about RBG's replacement--she might end up being terrific tho I doubt it. I do know this: Being noiminated by this President is a very bad sign. Moving on:
--I had promised myself not to follow all the polls since I felt burned 4 years ago by Nate and the 538 crowd. But every day, and sometimes more than once a day, I am looking at them. I fear if I share the latest ones, I will hex the whole process so I will only say as of right now, they look fine. My focus and my little donations, remain on the senate and that is looking extra fine.
--This is being written about 36 hours after the first debate. None of us should be surprised by the behavior of POTUS. In the absnce of any major accomlishments, he is running on white anger and white racism. He has nothing else. His toadies (especialy, that prunish McConnell) continue to do all sorts of damage in the absence of anyone putting the brakes on. He is a bully and the danger is that he has a very important bully pulpit to spew from.
--You do know that a signifcant number of ICE detained women had forced hysterectomies--and most of us (includingl moi) are not surprised. We have simply become inured to the indignities and the dangers of this man and his crew.
--Let me remind you that CVS is NOT offering anything for free. So when you see those big signs offereing free flu shots, they are not free. CVS just bills some insurance company.
--Those Sturgis party goers out there in South Dakota rode their choppers in with no masks of course and now a bunch of them have the virus. In a state with a Governor who is a female version of POTUS. The virus is just the flu kind of state. Good luck.
--I really do not want to read something Michael Cohen's daughter wrote. And who set her up to go public?
--A skunk got his head caught in some srt of container. And, of course, the Globe scooped that story and blared the headline of a policeman freeing that poor animal.
--Sometime in the last month, Christopher Muther had a terrific travel column in the Globe. In it he focussed on how he and his parents out foxed the state of Maine by travelling there for a few days. At that time, Maine pretty much had banned the fine citizens of Mass. from coming up. He was all masked up and his column reads like some sort of mystery novel.
--The Bruins were eliminated kind of pathetically. The Celtics got closer than I expected but then just choked up. I remain a fan of Jaylen.
--Watching the Pats is kind of fun. I especially enjoy not watching Tommy sulk on the sidelines.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Had a major technological snafu--those bright minds at google decided this website needed a new format. That took me a few days and a lot of four letter words to figure out. I kind of believe that they are not being malicious but just that they have nothing else to do to justify their work. It has been awhile so I will get right to it via a bunch of bullets. Here goes.
--The John Lewis eulogies showed that the Democrats have a whole group of better speakers than the Republicans. Unfortunately it does not necessarily mean that therefore they will win the presidency.
Potus had nary a word to say except that Lewis did not attend his inaugeration--a tit for a tat. But if you have heard Potus try to read from a script, then you did not miss a thing except has flat monotone. On the other hand, (tho I disagree with anything that comes out of his mouth),I have to admit his off the cuff words are way more effective.
--Did you see his remarks from the clubhouse at Bedminster? A rousing red meat speech delivered to club members most of whom had no masks and no distance. Run of the mill Americans who paid 350K for membership. Quite a white group. He is verging into George Wallace territory--the land of racism demagoguery.
--I tell myself not to check the polls after what Nate Silver and crew did 4 years ago. But by the end of every day, I am looking and getting scared shitless. Keep seeing every headline beginning with "Potus" this or that. I wish Joe and Kamala were out, about, and more visible.
--An aside: read a Globe breaking news story which basically said a great white shark was off Block Island heading to the Cape. It is the ocean, right?
--The Bucks refusal to play their game lit up the NBA and the Afican American community. The shut up and dribble folks need to shut up themselves. In the aftermath of the temporary cancellation of the
NBA playoffs, I heard Charles Barkely tell Wolf Blitzer two cogent things: he said that it was exhausting to be an African American man in America and wondered why every time there is a death involving use of police force, someone asks him what it all means. Charles might at times act like a fool, but he walks the walk.
--The Conways must be in family therapy. Both have left their jobs to concentrate on raising their children. DUH.
--The anti-vaxxers should have a field day with the Covid vaccine in the future. They already hate vaccines which have gone through stringent clinical trials . And now we have the possibility of a vaccine rushed out in order to help Potus. Oh,and they have hooked up with the groups of militia who are wandering around with god awful weaponry. Vaccine nationalism is rearing its head.
--Hats off (or I should say masks off) to the Florida sheriff who banned the wearing of masks in the County sheriffs office.
--In my fine state, 51A's (child abuse reports) have been filed against some parents whose children are not complying with on line learning. Mostly poor people who may not even have access to computers. Really?
--The gun toting couple from St. Louis spoke at the Republican convention. If they had hurt someone they might have gotten even more time.
--Got a covid test (negative) but noticed that the 3 people woking at the site were: all women of color. An Asian woman, a Hispanic woman, and a woman who was black and probably from the Caribbean. When Stephen Miller needs hospice or a nursing home, he better fucking hope the immigration laws are more flexible because there are very few white folks lining up for these jobs.
Shalom. Hope to return on or about 10/1.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
We are living in a very dark time. If we observed another country, especially in the so called "third world", which had a leader who assaults truth on a daily basis--we would condemn that country, condemn that leader, and boastfully point to ourselves as an exemplar of a better place. Instead, we have come to expect the worst from POTUS and his cronies. During the same week that John Lewis was buried, POTUS (presumably with the support of Ben Carson) eliminated an Obama era mandate that outlawed discrimination in public housing. Reaching out to the suburbs, he told us that this change will keep suburban people safer. Such blatant racism should not surprise us anymore. I want the election to occur next week--but, as if it were a joke, this guy raises the possibility of not even having an election. Have you ever? I must move on.
--A grocery clerk whose last name is Durso had an incredible op-ed piece in the Globe of 7/18. Among other things, she talked about being "essential" while putting up with customers verbally abusing her and wages that are inadequate.
--The no mask wearing National Security Advisor is now quarantined because he tested positive. Along with Louie Gohmert, he did not believe in the science. I only wish old Louie had spread the virus to all the occupants on that plane one of whom was you know who.
--I cried when I walked across the Pettus bridge. Never did go there for any of those marches. But it is such a powerful symbol--I almost (underline almost) wish that the name does not change. It should be a reminder of those men and women who led that struggle. And too many of us will applaud a name change and believe we are in a better place. But beneath the surface, I sometimes think nothing has changed.
--I cannot stand Mayors/Governors and other politicians trying to tell us that this or that ugly behavior does not reflect our town or our state. It does exactly reflect on us and the communities we live in.
--I do not care one iota about Miuchael Cohen. But how infantile if not downright dictatorial that he got thrown back into prison. Barr is a smarmy fat guy approving such shit. He needs to go and buy a suit that fits.
--Jared has not been seen in a while. Must be because he is tired after resolving the conflict in the Middle East, managing the drug epidemic, and then helping the economy to rock and roll in June. And his ties are too thin.
--Two VERY important local items. First, the Mayflower has returned to its berth. I am sure that will relieve many of you who have been waiting. Second, and an even bigger return, the great whites are back and we are wringing our hands over that. Though I do not want anyone to perish that way, sharks do live in the ocean and we kind of should know that.
--I am proud to say that I live in one of those cities led by a liberal Democrat. I also happen to live in a state which has a Republican Governor who lo and behold believes in both science and medicine.
--RBG was hospitalized again--I pray for her regularly and hope she can continue to fight off her many illnesses.
--AW tipped me off to the novels of James McBride. His most recent book is Deacon King Kong. Just wonderful.
--This is not nice but I do hope one of these professional sports leagues collapses from the weight of the virus. And I am totally pissed at Michigan and the rest of those big schools which are allowing college football to proceed.
See you in September. Stay safe. Shalom
--A grocery clerk whose last name is Durso had an incredible op-ed piece in the Globe of 7/18. Among other things, she talked about being "essential" while putting up with customers verbally abusing her and wages that are inadequate.
--The no mask wearing National Security Advisor is now quarantined because he tested positive. Along with Louie Gohmert, he did not believe in the science. I only wish old Louie had spread the virus to all the occupants on that plane one of whom was you know who.
--I cried when I walked across the Pettus bridge. Never did go there for any of those marches. But it is such a powerful symbol--I almost (underline almost) wish that the name does not change. It should be a reminder of those men and women who led that struggle. And too many of us will applaud a name change and believe we are in a better place. But beneath the surface, I sometimes think nothing has changed.
--I cannot stand Mayors/Governors and other politicians trying to tell us that this or that ugly behavior does not reflect our town or our state. It does exactly reflect on us and the communities we live in.
--I do not care one iota about Miuchael Cohen. But how infantile if not downright dictatorial that he got thrown back into prison. Barr is a smarmy fat guy approving such shit. He needs to go and buy a suit that fits.
--Jared has not been seen in a while. Must be because he is tired after resolving the conflict in the Middle East, managing the drug epidemic, and then helping the economy to rock and roll in June. And his ties are too thin.
--Two VERY important local items. First, the Mayflower has returned to its berth. I am sure that will relieve many of you who have been waiting. Second, and an even bigger return, the great whites are back and we are wringing our hands over that. Though I do not want anyone to perish that way, sharks do live in the ocean and we kind of should know that.
--I am proud to say that I live in one of those cities led by a liberal Democrat. I also happen to live in a state which has a Republican Governor who lo and behold believes in both science and medicine.
--RBG was hospitalized again--I pray for her regularly and hope she can continue to fight off her many illnesses.
--AW tipped me off to the novels of James McBride. His most recent book is Deacon King Kong. Just wonderful.
--This is not nice but I do hope one of these professional sports leagues collapses from the weight of the virus. And I am totally pissed at Michigan and the rest of those big schools which are allowing college football to proceed.
See you in September. Stay safe. Shalom
Friday, July 17, 2020
This is what happens when I leave the house in the summer: get a hat; get my sunglasses; get my reading glasses just in case I need them; put on my hearing aids; and then put on my mask. So I got three things using my ears as "home" and invariably one or more of those things will not stay on due to the crowd up there.. This ordeal explains why this medical discovery is so important. Thanks to late night tv (home of phil swift--google him if you don't know who he is), I learned about ear extensions!! I have just returned from CVS and bought a pair--and knowing me, you probably guessed correctly that I bought a back up pair. Any how they adhere to the top of your ear which, in turn, gives me more space to hang all those things that travel with me. I urge all of you to get a pair before the supply is runs out. Or call: 1-800-blah blah blah. Moving on.
--First off: A prayer for RBG. I have to assume that Potus will lose. If he does and if the Senate has a
Democrtic majority, she has to make it until mid January.
--I get pretty worked up with all the media when they start with "a new "COVID" record--in cases, in hospital admissions, in deaths, or anything else. Records do not matter in the midst of this crisis. People matter.
--You all know, don't you, that Potus disbanded the office in charge of the nations response to pandemics.
--Governor Desantis and Governor Kemp are embarassments. And, along with Potus, they are embarassing this country for all the world to see. The media is at fault, according to them,as their states implode.
--During the course of this past week, I came to believe that Stephen Miller and Betsy Devos were running the country. First of all they have had their Kool Aid. More importantly, they are smarter than Potus and pretty much get approvals for anything that further erodes our support of public education and then gets coupled with further restrictions on immigration.
--It never occurred to me but there is a strong argument to be made about licenses for law enforcement personnel since we do require licenses of barbers and other professions.
--Among other indignities, use of the words "they" or "them" really separate us from each other. The words alone are kind of neutral. When used with vitriol and venom, they send us down the road to George Wallace country.
--That itsy bitsy press secretary is a big liar and does it with a fat cross visible around her neck. That type of consistency is consistent (!) with the other shenanigans. If you or I lost a case at the Supreme Court, we would likely just comply. But this tax case is being appealed despite what the court said. Call in the lawyers. And we just say oh that's just Potus being Potusd.
--On a lighter note, since it is summer, the sharks are back and many people are wringing their hands over the sightings. Don't people have other things to worry about?
--Disney has reopened with the permission of the Florida governor. Who the fuck would take their kids there right now?
--I cannot even discuss that smarmy Roger Stone.
--I have a fantasy that one of these major sports leagues will not reopen because of the virus. I have no/zero sympathy for owners who are losing money. They wanted to make money and have made money--lots of it.
I have a bit of sympathy for the marginal players who have families to support and unlike the mega stars will be in a bad financial state should a league shut down.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
That's a quote from a song by John Prine. The song is on his last CD and it has stuck in my mind ever since his death. The more popular cut ("when i get to heaven") is the final song on that CD. But inside MY head, this is the song that resonates. There is just too much going on sometimes. I have even begun to respond to Mike Pence when he appears on my tv. In many ways, he is worse than POTUS. They are both smarmy but anyone who calls his wife "mother" is a step worse. They are both liars except one of them is in charge. It is no longer humorous to hope that Moe shows up to take charge. Please understand that the one lie about the curve flattening actually harms people and sometimes kills them. Moving on.
--I am a child of the South. I have mentioned before that my schools were segregated for my entire public school experience. I have mentioned before the white lines on the bus which separated the "Negroes" from us. I have mentioned before the sight of 4 bathrooms in public places: one for white men, one for "colored" men, one for white women, and one for "colored" women. That is part of my history; a history that I was reminded of these past few weeks. I am glad the Confederate flag has been lowered in Mississippi.
But, that does not change history nor does it change the fact that the south is different--and not in a good way; not kind of quaint or charming. Just because you have virtually all African American football athletes at your two big universities does not mean things have changed--it just means you want to win.
--Then there is Atlanta. Like Miami, we are supposed to think of it as not really southern city. But it too has a history despite having Mayors who are African American. But go look up at Stone Mountain and tell me who is carved on its cliffs.
--John Bolton is not a hero. He is a slime ball who gutlessly refused to testify in front of Congress and preferred writing a book. That does not mean what he wrote is a lie--it just means he does not deserve all these accolades shortly after these same media outlets were castigating him for his hawkishness. And I wish to hell he got rid of his yellow pad.
--And Dr. Brix should ditch her scarves unelss she can tell me how I can get my hair cut from a 6 foot safe distance.
--When and if I ever have to dial 911,I do not want to find out that the service has been defunded. I'm not sure what needs to happen but I do know it requires a massive culture change. When I was hired to run a state hospital, the person I replaced smilingly informed me how hard it was to turn the Queen Mary around.
Culture change is not easy or quick.
--Anyone seen Jared or Rudy lately?
--So sweet that both POTUS and Roger Goodell want Kapernick to play now. Thats their committment to equity--now that he is probably too old to lace them up.
--Just because I can get and wear a Morehouse tee doe not mean I am such a great person--it just means I can afford it.
--Seen any tv ads lately? Seems as if corporate america (actually the corporate world) has decided that some customers are actually people of color. They get no credit in my book for coming to the party way too late.
--Carl Reiner passed away. He and Mel Broks were hysterical. On an episode of "Comedians in Cars...", they had dinner together every night and ate on those old fashioned tv tables some of us used to have. Watched tv together and yakked.
--I will leave you with this quote from a 7 minute video by Arthur Jafa:
"What wold America be like if we loved black people as much as we liked black culture".
--I am a child of the South. I have mentioned before that my schools were segregated for my entire public school experience. I have mentioned before the white lines on the bus which separated the "Negroes" from us. I have mentioned before the sight of 4 bathrooms in public places: one for white men, one for "colored" men, one for white women, and one for "colored" women. That is part of my history; a history that I was reminded of these past few weeks. I am glad the Confederate flag has been lowered in Mississippi.
But, that does not change history nor does it change the fact that the south is different--and not in a good way; not kind of quaint or charming. Just because you have virtually all African American football athletes at your two big universities does not mean things have changed--it just means you want to win.
--Then there is Atlanta. Like Miami, we are supposed to think of it as not really southern city. But it too has a history despite having Mayors who are African American. But go look up at Stone Mountain and tell me who is carved on its cliffs.
--John Bolton is not a hero. He is a slime ball who gutlessly refused to testify in front of Congress and preferred writing a book. That does not mean what he wrote is a lie--it just means he does not deserve all these accolades shortly after these same media outlets were castigating him for his hawkishness. And I wish to hell he got rid of his yellow pad.
--And Dr. Brix should ditch her scarves unelss she can tell me how I can get my hair cut from a 6 foot safe distance.
--When and if I ever have to dial 911,I do not want to find out that the service has been defunded. I'm not sure what needs to happen but I do know it requires a massive culture change. When I was hired to run a state hospital, the person I replaced smilingly informed me how hard it was to turn the Queen Mary around.
Culture change is not easy or quick.
--Anyone seen Jared or Rudy lately?
--So sweet that both POTUS and Roger Goodell want Kapernick to play now. Thats their committment to equity--now that he is probably too old to lace them up.
--Just because I can get and wear a Morehouse tee doe not mean I am such a great person--it just means I can afford it.
--Seen any tv ads lately? Seems as if corporate america (actually the corporate world) has decided that some customers are actually people of color. They get no credit in my book for coming to the party way too late.
--Carl Reiner passed away. He and Mel Broks were hysterical. On an episode of "Comedians in Cars...", they had dinner together every night and ate on those old fashioned tv tables some of us used to have. Watched tv together and yakked.
--I will leave you with this quote from a 7 minute video by Arthur Jafa:
"What wold America be like if we loved black people as much as we liked black culture".
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Whoops!! No, not that fence down there on the US/Mexico border. The one separating the citizens of this country from the White House. You know: the White House where the President of the United States lives and the House that is visible from Pennsylvania Avenue. Not so much now. You can only see the top of the house because we now have a fence all around the grounds. We have it because Mr.Scaredy Cat ordered a fence built after he got scared shitless during a demonstration. Baron and the Missus went down there with him for the "inspection". I wonder if Baron's therapist joined them.
--This same POTUS then took a walk to a church for a photo op. Apparently, he was no longer scared because the protesters had been dispersed by police/national guard. The demonstration was a peaceful one.
But they were forcibly removed so we could see POTUS raising an upside down bible. The Episcopal leadership in DC were not informed of this visit. The police and Guard had covered up their name tags. It was the 60's all over again. Then the General, in full combat fatigues, decided to survey the scene as if he was on a battlefield.
--I acknowledge his apology. But I am sick and tired of people yakking out loud and then, the next day, walking back all the impulsive shit they said.
--I am also sick and tired of hearing we need more training for the police. We need fewer macho men who are living out some perverted dream of being in control--and they are usually white guys putting knees on the necks of black men. You do know that officer in Minnesota had 18 complaints in his personnel folder, right?
--On the other hand every picture I see of a police officer taking a knee with a protester gives me some hope.
--Being only liberal, I am not in the mindset to defund the police. But I do wonder why they need armored personnel carriers and other military-like weaponry.
--My "free delivery" of prescriptions from CVS (and advertised on tv by Joe Willie Namath) is a big lie. Someone is getting billed for that service. Nothing is free tho I appreciate not having to go into the store in this day and age. My guess is that either Medicare pays or Medicare Advantage pays--but it is not free, it is just safer.
--He cancelled the G-7 blaming it on the virus but in truth Angela and Macron said no thanks and he was just trying to avoid embarassment. We are also withdrawing from the WHO because, well you know, we don't need them because we did such a great job with Covid.
--I am also clear about this: I have no sympathy for the franchise owners in professional sports. I'm supposed to care that they are now losing money? They are bazillionaires who are mainly overseeing leagues that virtually resemble the plantations of the olden days. Not too many owners are people of color but I have noticed the color of the skin of the majority of players.
--Check out Alex Beam in the Globe of 6/8. And Maureen Dowd in this past Sunday's Times interviewing Greg Popovich the NBA coach. Such good writers.
--In the midst of all this chaos, a neighborly opinion. I completely regret joining one of those neighborhood websites where you can ask your neighbors for this and that and offer all sorts of opinions on anything. So I now know about the albino squirrels and could see their pictures if I wish. I can also hear from all sorts of very privileged folks (a lot like me) about why their asparagus did not come up yet. Have tried to unsubscribe from this and have yet to succeed. EEK!!
--Not sure it is a trend but Gorsuch and Roberts came through in a big way yesterday.
--This same POTUS then took a walk to a church for a photo op. Apparently, he was no longer scared because the protesters had been dispersed by police/national guard. The demonstration was a peaceful one.
But they were forcibly removed so we could see POTUS raising an upside down bible. The Episcopal leadership in DC were not informed of this visit. The police and Guard had covered up their name tags. It was the 60's all over again. Then the General, in full combat fatigues, decided to survey the scene as if he was on a battlefield.
--I acknowledge his apology. But I am sick and tired of people yakking out loud and then, the next day, walking back all the impulsive shit they said.
--I am also sick and tired of hearing we need more training for the police. We need fewer macho men who are living out some perverted dream of being in control--and they are usually white guys putting knees on the necks of black men. You do know that officer in Minnesota had 18 complaints in his personnel folder, right?
--On the other hand every picture I see of a police officer taking a knee with a protester gives me some hope.
--Being only liberal, I am not in the mindset to defund the police. But I do wonder why they need armored personnel carriers and other military-like weaponry.
--My "free delivery" of prescriptions from CVS (and advertised on tv by Joe Willie Namath) is a big lie. Someone is getting billed for that service. Nothing is free tho I appreciate not having to go into the store in this day and age. My guess is that either Medicare pays or Medicare Advantage pays--but it is not free, it is just safer.
--He cancelled the G-7 blaming it on the virus but in truth Angela and Macron said no thanks and he was just trying to avoid embarassment. We are also withdrawing from the WHO because, well you know, we don't need them because we did such a great job with Covid.
--I am also clear about this: I have no sympathy for the franchise owners in professional sports. I'm supposed to care that they are now losing money? They are bazillionaires who are mainly overseeing leagues that virtually resemble the plantations of the olden days. Not too many owners are people of color but I have noticed the color of the skin of the majority of players.
--Check out Alex Beam in the Globe of 6/8. And Maureen Dowd in this past Sunday's Times interviewing Greg Popovich the NBA coach. Such good writers.
--In the midst of all this chaos, a neighborly opinion. I completely regret joining one of those neighborhood websites where you can ask your neighbors for this and that and offer all sorts of opinions on anything. So I now know about the albino squirrels and could see their pictures if I wish. I can also hear from all sorts of very privileged folks (a lot like me) about why their asparagus did not come up yet. Have tried to unsubscribe from this and have yet to succeed. EEK!!
--Not sure it is a trend but Gorsuch and Roberts came through in a big way yesterday.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Grew up there. Left there after high school graduation. It has been on my mind as the tension and violence ripples through the large cities of America. With fake ID's, we used to head to the "CND" and its night clubs. Back then, now more than 50 years ago, we would go to the "Central Negro District" to listen to James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Sam and Dave, and others. I am not trying to establish some credibility here. I am trying to say that Miami is on my mind as the confluence of the virus and the violence erupts around me. This quote from Chief Headley in 1967 (I was already physically gone): "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" has set me off on this nostalgia trip. A quote appropriated by POTUS and used in reference to the protesters he called "thugs". Already felt helpless and immobilized by the virus--now feeling doubly so as protest turns into violent chaos--to steal a phrase used by the mayor of Atlanta. I feel as if the 60's changed everything and nothing. The guys with automatic weapons walked into the capital of Michigan and there was no collective outrage. Were we/you/us serious?
Some other items:
--POTUS claims he is taking hydroxychlorine (I don't even believe that) based on no science and no medical facts. Wonder how many of his supporters have followed suit. Supplies of it have run low and people who really need it are having trouble getting it.
--Lebron produced a one hour commencement show for 2020 HS grads. At the very end, Obama spoke and epitomized what being a leader is all about. No one could imagine POTUS reading those words let alone saying them.
--Renee Graham in the Globe of 5/20: "we are the home of white fragility"..and that was before we saw the ugly videos of a white police officer with his knee on the neck of a handcuffed black man.
--And where is Rudy anyway?
--Twitter, his favorite mode of communicating, sets some mild limits on his lies. His response is to escalate the fight with social media and attempt to limit their power. All of which has me more sure of never ever posting a word on Facebook, Mark Z. is a grandiose power hungry robot.
--John Roberts just sided with the 4 liberals to rule that churches/houses of worship can be closed during the virus. And, I think, some people thought Kavanaugh would be a moderate? Not likely.
--Not missing sports as much as I thought I would. Am loving German soccer--the Bundesliga.
--Please do not hold up Dr. Birx as an exemplar of someone moderating POTUS. She is just an exemplar of scarf selection.
Two less intense thoughts:
--Amy Shumer has a cooking show with her chef husband that is just hysterical and yummy. Monday nights.
--Watched a You Tube concert with the Dropkick Murphys. Guesting was Mr. Bruce from Asbury Park. Played in an empty Fenway Park. I played it as loud as possible and forgot many of my troubles.
Some other items:
--POTUS claims he is taking hydroxychlorine (I don't even believe that) based on no science and no medical facts. Wonder how many of his supporters have followed suit. Supplies of it have run low and people who really need it are having trouble getting it.
--Lebron produced a one hour commencement show for 2020 HS grads. At the very end, Obama spoke and epitomized what being a leader is all about. No one could imagine POTUS reading those words let alone saying them.
--Renee Graham in the Globe of 5/20: "we are the home of white fragility"..and that was before we saw the ugly videos of a white police officer with his knee on the neck of a handcuffed black man.
--And where is Rudy anyway?
--Twitter, his favorite mode of communicating, sets some mild limits on his lies. His response is to escalate the fight with social media and attempt to limit their power. All of which has me more sure of never ever posting a word on Facebook, Mark Z. is a grandiose power hungry robot.
--John Roberts just sided with the 4 liberals to rule that churches/houses of worship can be closed during the virus. And, I think, some people thought Kavanaugh would be a moderate? Not likely.
--Not missing sports as much as I thought I would. Am loving German soccer--the Bundesliga.
--Please do not hold up Dr. Birx as an exemplar of someone moderating POTUS. She is just an exemplar of scarf selection.
Two less intense thoughts:
--Amy Shumer has a cooking show with her chef husband that is just hysterical and yummy. Monday nights.
--Watched a You Tube concert with the Dropkick Murphys. Guesting was Mr. Bruce from Asbury Park. Played in an empty Fenway Park. I played it as loud as possible and forgot many of my troubles.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
I have been watching way too much tv. John Prine once sang about"blowing up his tv". I am more surprised that my tv has not just sat down in the room and decided he/she had had enough with how much he/she is being used. The first ever sit down strike of a tv. I try to watch commercial free channels. But sometimes, just sometimes, I watch a channel with commercials. Every company, with the bucks to pay for ads, tells me I am on their team during this pandemic. We are all in this together just like "health care professionals". Or, we are all part of the same family. No and no. We are not on Team Toyota and, even if we were, the ER team is a real team working collaboratively. The softer ads telling me that I am in their family are truly worse. Buying a new house from a specific realty company does not make me that company's nephew. In both of these instances, and others, I am not on the team and have a real family.
--There is a thread (see: I know electronic threads) that links the protesters carrying automatic weapons to the anti-vaxers to the anti-semites. Someone smarter than me needs to write something about it. Meanwhile, I believe in its existence. Angry about any attempt to assert authority in order to address the better good. Let me bring that AK 47 into the State House. And while I do that, I want my unvaccinated child to attend school. But make sure there are no homosexuals or Jews in that building. I am not paranoid bu I am scared.
--Saw a bit on the 538 website about all the polls that show Biden ahead (these are the same people who predicted a Clinton victory). But people in those polls still say the Trumpster will win. I believe both those things are true. I am trying not to believe any of the polls and am deeply worried about November.
--BTW, these people hate us for all the usual reasons plus we live on the coast.
--When RBG was hospitalized last week, I needed to immediately get under the covers.
--The two main topics of conversation around here are what is for dinner in the next week and what is on tv tonight. I think I forgot how to read.
--Saw Joe on some msnbc show. He appeared with Stacy Abrams. My final take on that was she should run for President. Joe has trouble connecting sentences into a coherent thought. I shutter to imagine Joe debating POTUS.
--I have come to like my Governor a lot. His daily news briefings are terrific except for some of the most stupid media questions. Hot topic this week (even as we prepare to re-open): when will the golf courses open up? Really? It is not enough that you cannot pray at your house of worship. you also want to play golf? Pathetic.
--On 5/5, the Boston Pops zoomed a song written by John Williams. He played the piano and Keith Lockhart led the virtual orchestra. I loved it.
--A Native American tribe in South Dakota (I believe they are a branch of the Cheyenne River Sioux) are blocking a state highway which goes through their reservation. The Gov is upset, The same
governor who did nothing in the face of the pandemic and its impact on employees at meat packing plants. Its all a hoax perpetrated by the deep state and the medica.
--Speaking of science, Deborah Brix seems to have an unlimited supply of scarves. Her career is in serious jeopardy after sh explained how hair salons in Georgia could work with customers from a 6 foot distance. Only Edward Scissorhands could do that.
--The White House rejected the first draft of the CDC report which focused on how states can safely re-open. Science denial is also on their agenda unless it affects them personally. All government is bad unless I need something like a bailout.
--Did anyone see Rand Paul try to to outsmart Fauci? He did not succeed but oh my--Rand is a physician who does not believe in science.
--A reminder to Mitch: There was a nearly 70 page report left by the Obama administration. So you lied.
--A remembrance. DP would not play cards with me until I stopped cheating. I will never forget that. Seems like a minor issue but it has stuck with me. RIP.
--There is a thread (see: I know electronic threads) that links the protesters carrying automatic weapons to the anti-vaxers to the anti-semites. Someone smarter than me needs to write something about it. Meanwhile, I believe in its existence. Angry about any attempt to assert authority in order to address the better good. Let me bring that AK 47 into the State House. And while I do that, I want my unvaccinated child to attend school. But make sure there are no homosexuals or Jews in that building. I am not paranoid bu I am scared.
--Saw a bit on the 538 website about all the polls that show Biden ahead (these are the same people who predicted a Clinton victory). But people in those polls still say the Trumpster will win. I believe both those things are true. I am trying not to believe any of the polls and am deeply worried about November.
--BTW, these people hate us for all the usual reasons plus we live on the coast.
--When RBG was hospitalized last week, I needed to immediately get under the covers.
--The two main topics of conversation around here are what is for dinner in the next week and what is on tv tonight. I think I forgot how to read.
--Saw Joe on some msnbc show. He appeared with Stacy Abrams. My final take on that was she should run for President. Joe has trouble connecting sentences into a coherent thought. I shutter to imagine Joe debating POTUS.
--I have come to like my Governor a lot. His daily news briefings are terrific except for some of the most stupid media questions. Hot topic this week (even as we prepare to re-open): when will the golf courses open up? Really? It is not enough that you cannot pray at your house of worship. you also want to play golf? Pathetic.
--On 5/5, the Boston Pops zoomed a song written by John Williams. He played the piano and Keith Lockhart led the virtual orchestra. I loved it.
--A Native American tribe in South Dakota (I believe they are a branch of the Cheyenne River Sioux) are blocking a state highway which goes through their reservation. The Gov is upset, The same
governor who did nothing in the face of the pandemic and its impact on employees at meat packing plants. Its all a hoax perpetrated by the deep state and the medica.
--Speaking of science, Deborah Brix seems to have an unlimited supply of scarves. Her career is in serious jeopardy after sh explained how hair salons in Georgia could work with customers from a 6 foot distance. Only Edward Scissorhands could do that.
--The White House rejected the first draft of the CDC report which focused on how states can safely re-open. Science denial is also on their agenda unless it affects them personally. All government is bad unless I need something like a bailout.
--Did anyone see Rand Paul try to to outsmart Fauci? He did not succeed but oh my--Rand is a physician who does not believe in science.
--A reminder to Mitch: There was a nearly 70 page report left by the Obama administration. So you lied.
--A remembrance. DP would not play cards with me until I stopped cheating. I will never forget that. Seems like a minor issue but it has stuck with me. RIP.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Just got back from Georgia. Flew down with a friend from Kindergarten. We first got massages (done by masseuses without gloves) and then went next door and got tattoos. I got one like Ben Affleck covering my whole back. A bit painful on the flight home but I had a whole row to myself. Couldn't figure out where the other passengers were. Steven Miller is now affixed in ink on my back. Forever. My tattoo confirms the theory that: "Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you."
--In hindsight, why didn't the Georgia governor open up car washes which seem much safer than massage parlors and tattoo shops.
--If you, dear reader, have been reading this screed faithfully, you know I was worried that Steve Miller was going to use this pandemic as a way to further limit immigration. And guess what, he succeeded. Our borders are now officially closed except for some minimal exceptions. He acknowledged his success in some conservative media interview.
--Gotta give a shout out to Governor Whitmer of Michigan. She extended the stay at home order despite seeing white thugs with assault rifles in the Michigan state house. They want the state open and who cares about people of color who live in Detroit anyhow--and you know we would never go to Detroit because it is not safe.
--Can someone please tell Dr. Brix to ditch the scarves and, while she is at it, perhaps ditch the Prez. I'm thinking her career is over. Once she tried to explain how barbers/hair stylists could maintain 6 feet of distance, she was done.
--I will not worry about the oil companies as they wring their hands about the drop in oil prices. Fuck 'em.
--Ditto for the big banks. Nik Paumgarten in the New Yorker said the following so try it out: "Bank higher ups get paid like geniuses but every 10 years, they need a bail out". Oh yeah.
--According to Jared (now that he has stabilized the Middle East), our government's covid 19 efforts will be a success during the month of June.
--And yet each day brings more deaths and more cases.
--An aside: During this crisis the Globe decided to explain what we could learn from mother bears in terms of daily activities for our children.
--That bright shining light Pence defends his mask-less visit to the Mayo clinic as an effort to normalize. Bet the Medical staff could tell him how not normal things are not.
--When I hear politicians or advertisers (kind of similar, no?) tell me I am part of the team or we treat you like family, I want to puke. I'm on my own team and know who my real family is. EEK!
--John Prine died way too soon. You need to listen to one of his latest songs in light of his death. It's called "When I Get to Heaven".
--Cuomo and Baker are not perfect but boy have they come through for their respective states.
--I immediately demand that the new White House press secretary rid herself of that gold chain with a big cross. No need to remind us that God is on her side.
--Nada on the sports front.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
But first this: I hope each of you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
--Rarely, if ever, have I sympathized with POTUS, But as I watch his press briefings, I kind of think the reporters are really in a gotcha frame of mind. They know what he said yesterday, last week, last month, or whenever. And they nail him every time. On some level he cannot win. And maybe he shouldn't--but there is a moment for me when I think, oh fuck, they are "gotcha-ing" him. Lets move on.
--He deserves every gotcha he gets. He is an inveterate pathetic liar who is more infant than adult. He cannot even correctly read what is in front of him in his prepared remarks. When he does read them, he interrupts himself and goes to his ritual of "greatest"' "most beautiful"' "biggest"'--a litany of grandiosity that only an insecure deranged person would dabble in.
--Speaking of which, I miss not having Hunter Thompson around to witness this. He would have already convinced me that POTUS was on some sort of pyschedelic drugs imported from indigenous tribes in South America--curare or something.
--But his ratings are excellent. And people in his base never did like NYC or the NY Times anyhow so he is just feeding them reassuring messages
--Does anyone else think Jared is really one of the Munsters or a member of the Adams family?
--So, here we have my home state of Florida whose Governor believes professional wrestling is an essential service and will let them wrestle but without an audience. The same governor who kept beaches open during Spring Break. The same governor who won election by less than a hair.
--His non biological sister is the Gov of South Dakota. While the state remains open (she suggested to residents that they do not watch the news), Smitfield closed its meat processing plant in Sioux City after 50% of its employees tested positive. The Mayor wants a stay at home order but not the Gov.
--I listen intently to Cuomo, to my Governor Baker, and to my Mayor Walsh. They each actually believe in facts, believe in science, and as far as I can tell, speak honestly with compassion. They do not get into pissing matches with the media to prove how big their bully pulpits are. Maybe they are all still pols. But in this moment, they are also leaders. POTUS has no clue.
--Would you like to have the virus and be in the district of the Indiana Congressman who said if it is a choice betwen the economy and saving lives, the economy comes first. Might as well phone the funeral home so he can go get his Big Mac.
--What to make of conservative members of Congress when they read that both China and Russia are making donations to us to fight the virus. Are they not virulent haters of those reds? Or will they also speak differently when this is all over.
--I become scared when I hear POTUS say he has total authority even though he changed his tune the next day. My fantasy is he thinks he can cancel November elections.
--Biden and the Dems better figure out a way to get air time. POTUS is getting all this free/daily tv time during which he mainly boasts and lies and Joe can only respond from his basement. But Bernie did come through and it was not some mealy mouthed support speech like with Hilary.
--And in the midst of this pandemic, we pull out of WHO. Really it s not surprising. Any effort at being good neighbors has been killed. We are building a bubble but one that is not permeable.
Watching a bunch of games from yesteryear.
Stay safe.
--Rarely, if ever, have I sympathized with POTUS, But as I watch his press briefings, I kind of think the reporters are really in a gotcha frame of mind. They know what he said yesterday, last week, last month, or whenever. And they nail him every time. On some level he cannot win. And maybe he shouldn't--but there is a moment for me when I think, oh fuck, they are "gotcha-ing" him. Lets move on.
--He deserves every gotcha he gets. He is an inveterate pathetic liar who is more infant than adult. He cannot even correctly read what is in front of him in his prepared remarks. When he does read them, he interrupts himself and goes to his ritual of "greatest"' "most beautiful"' "biggest"'--a litany of grandiosity that only an insecure deranged person would dabble in.
--Speaking of which, I miss not having Hunter Thompson around to witness this. He would have already convinced me that POTUS was on some sort of pyschedelic drugs imported from indigenous tribes in South America--curare or something.
--But his ratings are excellent. And people in his base never did like NYC or the NY Times anyhow so he is just feeding them reassuring messages
--Does anyone else think Jared is really one of the Munsters or a member of the Adams family?
--So, here we have my home state of Florida whose Governor believes professional wrestling is an essential service and will let them wrestle but without an audience. The same governor who kept beaches open during Spring Break. The same governor who won election by less than a hair.
--His non biological sister is the Gov of South Dakota. While the state remains open (she suggested to residents that they do not watch the news), Smitfield closed its meat processing plant in Sioux City after 50% of its employees tested positive. The Mayor wants a stay at home order but not the Gov.
--I listen intently to Cuomo, to my Governor Baker, and to my Mayor Walsh. They each actually believe in facts, believe in science, and as far as I can tell, speak honestly with compassion. They do not get into pissing matches with the media to prove how big their bully pulpits are. Maybe they are all still pols. But in this moment, they are also leaders. POTUS has no clue.
--Would you like to have the virus and be in the district of the Indiana Congressman who said if it is a choice betwen the economy and saving lives, the economy comes first. Might as well phone the funeral home so he can go get his Big Mac.
--What to make of conservative members of Congress when they read that both China and Russia are making donations to us to fight the virus. Are they not virulent haters of those reds? Or will they also speak differently when this is all over.
--I become scared when I hear POTUS say he has total authority even though he changed his tune the next day. My fantasy is he thinks he can cancel November elections.
--Biden and the Dems better figure out a way to get air time. POTUS is getting all this free/daily tv time during which he mainly boasts and lies and Joe can only respond from his basement. But Bernie did come through and it was not some mealy mouthed support speech like with Hilary.
--And in the midst of this pandemic, we pull out of WHO. Really it s not surprising. Any effort at being good neighbors has been killed. We are building a bubble but one that is not permeable.
Watching a bunch of games from yesteryear.
Stay safe.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Thanks to the advanced technology skills of members of my family, I have now zoomed twice this week. Truth be told, it has seemed like the intro to the Brady Bunch tv show from the olden days. You know--the one with each character's face in a square box all looking around at each other. Being a card carrying member of the Luddite Club, I was obviously not too excited about yet one more thing to learn. But given each of our circumstances, how else to see daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, assorted other relatives, and friends. I have no clue how it all works but when you can play boggle with people in Texas via this zoom business, I have to acknowledge its values. Now, lets move on after I first have a sip of my "quarantini"!!
--On most days, I have seen POTUS and his crew doing updates. I have seen Governor Cuomo do his updates. I have seen my Governor (Baker) doing updates. I have seen Marty Walsh, my mayor, appear daily in front of the cameras. POTUS cannot even accurately read his script on the pages he is holding. He also cannot stick to the script and has consistently underplayed the dangers of the virus. And, he has used these media briefings as if they were one of his rallies--attacking the the fake news and all sort of real or imagined enemies. On my score sheet he finishes fourth in this group of leaders. Marty comes in third and it is a tie for first between Cuomo and Baker. The last two actually emote.
--My paranoia is such that when our borders with Mexico were closed, I was convinced that Stephen Miller was using the health crisis as a way to minimize if not eliminate legal immigration. And I am not yet convinced I am wrong.
--By the way, where did Rudy go?
--We do know that since there is peace in the Mid East, Jared now has time to oversee the governments response to the crisis. He is so smart. Close your eyes and try to imagine him in a bathing suit--kind of icky, huh?
--I give myself a 10 out of 10 for my skills as a blogger. And obviously any information to the contrary is a product of the fake news media.
--Those 3 guys down there in Lousiana are very religious and go to church weekly. They all have underlying medical conditions (asthma, high blood pressure) and are in the over 70 high risk age group. But their pastor continues to hold services because God has yet to close other businesses so why should he close his. Head to the ER gentlemen.
--Can Fox News and their mouthpiece POTUS stop with the blaming of Obama and even Bush for the mess that caused this pandemic. POTUS failed to fill staff positions that were peopled by scientists working on responses to the possibility of pandemics. Yikes.--And while I am at it, I do love Dr. Fauci who is an actual scientist.
--What is Rand Paul up to and why should I care.
--MORE SERIOUSLY: Given the odds, I am guessing some number of my readers may be sick with this ugly virus. If so, I do hope you get better. For all of you, thanks for reading or just deleting. Stay well and be safe.
P.S. I will miss Mr. Brady but I am so glad it is over.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
People of a certain age likely remember the end of that title. It went like this: "for McGovern". It was 1972 and I know that because a close relative was born that year. The folks right here in the hub of the universe and our allies in DC were the only ones voting for George. So we got Nixon and we know how that ended. I offer this preamble in light of all the Democratic town halls/debates. Will they ever coalesce around a single candidate in order to throw that POTUS rascal out? I have told you how much I love my Senator--Elizabeth Warren. If she is unable to carry her own state, she needs to get out of the way. Ditto for Amy. I kind of believe that my fellow citizens would prefer a gay man to a "socialist". But Bernie is winning!! And I am worried. Moving on.
--The Democratic primary results in Iowa and New Hampshire are kind of factually unimportant. They tend to matter only in terms of perceptions--and that may or may not be enough. Basically, they were about white men winning in states who have very few people of color. And two of those white guys are older than me. Trust me when I say you do not want someone older than me winning--and I don't care how many young people love Bernie.
--I saw a clip of Bernie on one of those talking head shows. He could not come up with a number for the cost of his Medicare for all Plan. I completely support health care for all as a right. But it costs money and it involves that ugly "T" word--taxes. He better come up with an answer to that cost question if he is on the debate stage in the fall. He also better figure out what he does or does not want to say about Cuba. I guarantee you that those 3 old guys sipping bourbon and smoking (somewhere down there in bum fuck) already think he is a commie and the Cuba business will confirm it.
--Speaking of those 3 guys. They are a fine example of law and order Republicans closing there eyes and covering their ears at the behavior of POTUS and his band of cronies. Exonerated, my ass.
--Have you seen pictures of Roger Stone? How do you think he will look in orange coveralls?
--The blog called "Fast Forward" written by Teresa Hanafin does not come out daily but it is terrific.
--The following two thoughts were shared with me by close friends and admirers:
1. Apparently, in some circles, Mayor Pete is not seen as "gay enough".
2. Mayor Pete should go home, have a glass of warm milk, get tucked in, and come back in 10 years.
Just sayin what was told to me. Don't go yellin at me!!
--What Barr is doing to DOJ is criminal.
--Fine, they don't like people like me. But they also do not like intelligence professionals and do not believe in science. Heard John Kerry last night who is waging a very uphill battle about the reality of climate change. This administration is leading us down the path that should not be taken.
..One of my favorite authors (Louise Penny) dedicated her most recent book to her dog. EEK!!
--While in NYC recently, went to the Metropolitan Operea. Thanks to friends A and L. Cannot say I became a big fan but I liked it a lot especially since they provide the translation of the lyrics on the seat back in front of you. And I was way younger than most attendees. That's always a positive.
--Dan Shaughnessy of the Globe had a great column this week. I rarely agree with the guy. He basically wants Brady to leave: shit or get off the pot. I am with him 12 million per cent.
--The Democratic primary results in Iowa and New Hampshire are kind of factually unimportant. They tend to matter only in terms of perceptions--and that may or may not be enough. Basically, they were about white men winning in states who have very few people of color. And two of those white guys are older than me. Trust me when I say you do not want someone older than me winning--and I don't care how many young people love Bernie.
--I saw a clip of Bernie on one of those talking head shows. He could not come up with a number for the cost of his Medicare for all Plan. I completely support health care for all as a right. But it costs money and it involves that ugly "T" word--taxes. He better come up with an answer to that cost question if he is on the debate stage in the fall. He also better figure out what he does or does not want to say about Cuba. I guarantee you that those 3 old guys sipping bourbon and smoking (somewhere down there in bum fuck) already think he is a commie and the Cuba business will confirm it.
--Speaking of those 3 guys. They are a fine example of law and order Republicans closing there eyes and covering their ears at the behavior of POTUS and his band of cronies. Exonerated, my ass.
--Have you seen pictures of Roger Stone? How do you think he will look in orange coveralls?
--The blog called "Fast Forward" written by Teresa Hanafin does not come out daily but it is terrific.
--The following two thoughts were shared with me by close friends and admirers:
1. Apparently, in some circles, Mayor Pete is not seen as "gay enough".
2. Mayor Pete should go home, have a glass of warm milk, get tucked in, and come back in 10 years.
Just sayin what was told to me. Don't go yellin at me!!
--What Barr is doing to DOJ is criminal.
--Fine, they don't like people like me. But they also do not like intelligence professionals and do not believe in science. Heard John Kerry last night who is waging a very uphill battle about the reality of climate change. This administration is leading us down the path that should not be taken.
..One of my favorite authors (Louise Penny) dedicated her most recent book to her dog. EEK!!
--While in NYC recently, went to the Metropolitan Operea. Thanks to friends A and L. Cannot say I became a big fan but I liked it a lot especially since they provide the translation of the lyrics on the seat back in front of you. And I was way younger than most attendees. That's always a positive.
--Dan Shaughnessy of the Globe had a great column this week. I rarely agree with the guy. He basically wants Brady to leave: shit or get off the pot. I am with him 12 million per cent.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Got all my snacks and adult beverages lined up. Put new batteries in my remote. Reserved my special chair. That way i will be all comfy cozy when Punxsatawney Phil decides to appear. Yup, in a major coincidence, Phil and the Super Bowl occur on the same day. Such a relief that Mr. Brady and the boys are not in it--that would have caused some serious internal conflicts. And, yes, I am one of those folks wringing my hands about the prospect of Tommy leaving. Oh, the sadness.
--I do have friends who remain optimistic about the November election (Im talking about you BG). But, I am getting more and more worried. Up here in the Hub of the universe, I remember the bumper stickers that read "don't blame me, I voted for McGovern". That should have taught us a lesson.
--But then, I see POTUS with those head shots on tv. Adoring white people with their MAGA hats
behind him. They love him and, while they are at it, they hate us eastern white liberals because we have "forgotten" about them out there in the heartland. and that is not paranoia--it is my very private reality.
-- With the likes of Netanyahu and Steven Miller, we Jews no longer have a claim on morality. We used to or, minimally, said we did. But these two and others are just evil and lead us not just into temptation and not just into the desert; no, they are leading us to an unleashed demagogue.
--Jeff Jacoby is the Globe's "conservative" columnist. But he is one of those mainstream ones who cannot stand POTUS. He is also a member of my tribe. In a recent column, he linked the anti semites on the right with those on the left. You know the Neo-nazis who want to purify the country and the folks on the other side who are gung ho in support of all things Palestinians.
--This business with the Prince and his bride seems way unimportant tho I hope they love Canada. Some of the response by the British citizenry is more than tinged with racism given Meghan's skin color.
--And it is official they are not part of the EU.
--I am astounded by law and order Republicans who have no problem with the White House refusing to honor subpoenas.
--Let's be clear--the leaks, the whistle blower, the witnesses who did appear, and the House Dems have all been proven correct. but that Hahvahd lawyer (Alan, Im talking about you) tells us that was all in the national interest and, as such, it is not impeachable. POTUS is right, he can grab whatever he wants or even shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his people will still support him.
--Just as long as he keeps out those "filthy" immigrants, just as long as he reduces support to poor people, just as long as he goes to pro life rallies, and just as long as he dehumanizes his opponents--as long as he continues to do all that, we will still support him.
--Do not tell me I have to listen to the other side; Do not tell me I misunderstand my fellow Americans; do not tell me I should watch Hannity and crew. I have gotten the message and it is all about white bread.
--Collins and Romney get no reward for being courageous. Its is not courage when you do what you are supposed to do.
What do you think of William Barr? How about Rudy? they are running amok and making a case for really tightening up on Law School admissions.
--I do have friends who remain optimistic about the November election (Im talking about you BG). But, I am getting more and more worried. Up here in the Hub of the universe, I remember the bumper stickers that read "don't blame me, I voted for McGovern". That should have taught us a lesson.
--But then, I see POTUS with those head shots on tv. Adoring white people with their MAGA hats
behind him. They love him and, while they are at it, they hate us eastern white liberals because we have "forgotten" about them out there in the heartland. and that is not paranoia--it is my very private reality.
-- With the likes of Netanyahu and Steven Miller, we Jews no longer have a claim on morality. We used to or, minimally, said we did. But these two and others are just evil and lead us not just into temptation and not just into the desert; no, they are leading us to an unleashed demagogue.
--Jeff Jacoby is the Globe's "conservative" columnist. But he is one of those mainstream ones who cannot stand POTUS. He is also a member of my tribe. In a recent column, he linked the anti semites on the right with those on the left. You know the Neo-nazis who want to purify the country and the folks on the other side who are gung ho in support of all things Palestinians.
--This business with the Prince and his bride seems way unimportant tho I hope they love Canada. Some of the response by the British citizenry is more than tinged with racism given Meghan's skin color.
--And it is official they are not part of the EU.
--I am astounded by law and order Republicans who have no problem with the White House refusing to honor subpoenas.
--Let's be clear--the leaks, the whistle blower, the witnesses who did appear, and the House Dems have all been proven correct. but that Hahvahd lawyer (Alan, Im talking about you) tells us that was all in the national interest and, as such, it is not impeachable. POTUS is right, he can grab whatever he wants or even shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his people will still support him.
--Just as long as he keeps out those "filthy" immigrants, just as long as he reduces support to poor people, just as long as he goes to pro life rallies, and just as long as he dehumanizes his opponents--as long as he continues to do all that, we will still support him.
--Do not tell me I have to listen to the other side; Do not tell me I misunderstand my fellow Americans; do not tell me I should watch Hannity and crew. I have gotten the message and it is all about white bread.
--Collins and Romney get no reward for being courageous. Its is not courage when you do what you are supposed to do.
What do you think of William Barr? How about Rudy? they are running amok and making a case for really tightening up on Law School admissions.
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