Sunday, June 16, 2013


Some of whom are actually women.  Seriously, Happy Father's Day to all of you who are fathers, were fathered, or aspire to be fathers.  I had a terrific day though of course in my world (which is about me), there needs to be an additional thought.  Namely, I have struggled and perhaps succeeded in being a better father (and now grandfather) than my father was to me and his grandchildren.  Won't pursue that further except to hope i have achieved that goal.

Forget about gun control, approval of judges, immigration, or any other seemingly controversial legislation.  The fucking Senate could not even pass a student loan bill which in essence would have capped and limited interest rates for students.  The Republicans simply would not go for it.  It really is pathetic and makes the 2014 mid terms real important if Obama is going to get anything through.  Base closings--nope. Guantanamo closing--nope.  Immigration only after 13 years of who knows what.  And the House Republicans (in the majority) are even worse. Reduction in food stamp allocations--oh, that will pass.

Predicted here first--fighting spread from Syria into Lebanon and,worse, Hezbollah has publicly acknowledged assisting Assad and fighting with him to suppress the rebels.  The tide seems to have turned in Assad's favor and then lo and behold we have agreed that the "line in the sand" was crossed and Assad did use chemical weapons.  Kind of coincidental, don't you think?  But it means that arms will begin flowing from us via Jordan and Turkey to the rebels.  McCain and his buds will likely push for more of something once this starts moving.

Speaking of Turkey, turmoil in a very important country literally on the cusp of the Arab world and the European world.  A beautiful place with a Muslim majority but a relatively benign non religious democratic leader. Relatively being the operative word. They just hate Kurds but are dying to be part of the European Union. Meanwhile let's not forget the Israelis who continue with settlement expansion even as they permit the religious right to block women from praying at the wailing wall.

Senator Chambliss, one of our fine Southern gentlemen Senators, believes it is just a hormonal problem that causes sexual assaults in the Armed Forces.  Honest to god, they are just stupid and would like to take us all back to Noah and his ark.  Thankfully, Boehner and Cantor have kept their mouths shut,.

So I signed up for Markey's senate campaign and was told to expect a call that day.  That day was 10 days ago and because I frequently act like an infant, I decided to not help out until I was called.  Still waiting.  But it looks like he will be fine.  Every ad from Gomez, his opponent, starts off with jets landing on aircraft carriers.  His service record is both impressive and irrelevant--especially when he nonchalantly talks about overturning Roe v. Wade.

Ends and odds:  Truly, in the last week alone, the Globe had stories about seals, sharks, and bears.  All on the front page.  Some southern states have approved legislation allowing local communities to license teachers to carry weapons in class rooms--terrific.  Dunkin Donuts is now offering a glazed donut sliced horizontally like a bagel.  Inside is a cheese, egg, and ham concoction probably prepared months ago.  Wonder what the nutritionists think of that one.  A key question is whether I will see a casino in Massachusetts during my life time.

But Oliver and Lilli--can't wait until your imminent return.


What's with all those straw hats at the French Open.  Does it mean something that I don't understand.  And the bouncing of those Europeans between serves--whats up with that?  Didn't help the women.

Hate the Heat and Phil (The man with the shit eating grin/the great white hype) Mickelson.

I admit I was not optimistic about the Bruins but they are so responsive in the face of adversity.  I also admit, because of prior commitments, I have seen only brief parts of the 2 games.  But home is where the heart is and they are home tomorrow night and I will be front and center perhaps with a cocktail.


Sunday, June 2, 2013


A few shout outs--Yo, Yvette.  You are fighting the good fight and you are showing us what strength is.  Yo, Lilli/Oliver.  What a joy and pleasure it has been for me to spend almost a week with you both.  I am so proud of you.  Yo, Holly.  I admire, respect, and envy your courage.
I do not consider myself profound in a deeply intellectual sense.  Even in an every day sort of way, I struggle with the words to describe my own thoughts and feelings about the 4 people I have mentioned.  I am pulled in so many directions by them and wish I could sensitively yet accurately put words to what I am experiencing with them.

Moving on. Two more animal stories in my favorite Globe.  Giant snails are on the loose in guess where--Florida, of course.  Escargot anyone?  And of course there are bears in the suburbs of Boston so stay inside probably forever.

I swear that the Arizona woman arrested and jailed for drug trafficking set the whole thing up to guarantee her 15 minutes of fame.  I really do believe that in my over simplified world view.  Speaking of over simplified, I give you John McCain who has snuck into Syria and decided we need to give the rebels more arms and perhaps put feet on the ground.  He is joking, right?  We do not even know who all the rebels are and when this is over, there will be a whole lot more weapons available than would be considered safe.  Meanwhile, I worry that Israel will be pulled in (as they minimally already have), that Lebanon will become destabilized because of Hezbollah involvement (which it already is), and that Jordan will be next on the list of countries rocked by civil unrest considering the number of refugees it has.  The sale of jets by Russia to Syria also has raised the stakes for Obama and other Western countries in terms of what Assad now has in his arsenal.  It is a fucking mess.

Speaking of messes, I give you John Boehner (he of the perpetual tan).  Wants someone, anyone, to go to jail for (pick one):  the IRS clumsy mess, the AP records clumsy mess, or the Benghazi mess.  He likens it all to Watergate which is so fucking off the mark, he is not even aiming in the right direction.  Like all Republicans he has adopted the "I will not approve anything for Obama" position.  The latest is that the Republicans are gearing up to decimate if not eliminate Obamacare.  I hope every person with a child under 26 who now has insurance is really listening.  On the other hand, the financial hand that is, the front page of today's NY Times has an article about the cost of our health care--using the example of colonoscopies.  I am here to say , one of those procedures saved my life and I am willing to talk out of both sides of my mouth when I say I would pay anything for one--even though I know these are costs bankrupting us. 

A recent article in the New Yorker about the Colorado governor (Hickenlooper) was excellent.  It focused on how a pretty mainstream governor had to deal with fairly restrictive gun legislation, legalization of pot, and support for civil unions.  This guy is no screaming liberal--just a middle of the road normal kind of guy who actually is also thoughtful about issues.

This post-Marathon bombing business is getting curiouser and curiouser.  Linked to murders a year ago; the death of someone who knew them in the midst of an FBI interview; and more video.  It boggles the mind.

I wish I could believe Obama will actually close Guantanamo.  I just feel he is better at okaying drone strikes than at muddling his way through the mess down there on the island of Cuba.  Let alone ever normalizing our relationship with the rest of the island.

Then there was the picture of the 12 most highly paid CEO's--all white men.  Terrific.

Cannot even fathom what people in Oklahoma must have experienced.  Do have memories of Miami in the 50's and a hurricane blowing the roof off our apartment.  Spent the night in a local bar with my still yet to be divorced parents.


I just loved how ugly the Penguins got last night--Crosby and Malkin both yakking but doing NOTHING.  This may not last but it was such a pleasure to see the Bruins bang them around.

Gronkowski should not be allowed outside the house until he grows up.

And if Miguel Cabrera is actually able to win back to back triple crowns, we will have very few descriptors for how good a hitter he is.
