Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Since that would be me, I am mortified that my editorial side neglected to acknowledge the death of Nelson Mandela.  I really have no words which adequately capture the grace of the man--though it is enough to be clear that apartheid is no longer in place in South Africa.  There are tons of other issues but that is gone in large measure due to him and in some measure (a small measure) due to deKlerk.

Condolences to Steve's family and John's family.  I hope the memories of these two men and the strength of your families will give you the support you need in the coming weeks and months.  Over and above the death of those close to us, this forces us to confront our own mortality.  Since Yvette's passing, I have been preoccupied by just that--death and dying and wondering how to maximize whatever time I have.  It is not an easy feeling to struggle with. I do believe that no matter what religion we are part of, the structure of our funerals and their aftermath makes it "easier" for us to grieve.

Moving on to better and brighter (hopefully).
--Partners got told no--it could not acquire South Shore Hospital.  Good--and then they decided to move some jobs to Somerville.  Good for Somerville but what message does it send when the alternative the City of Boston offered was in Roxbury and Partners passed so they could locate in a mall.  They deserve to be kicked to the curb.
--Aleppo is being flattened and this time I am on the side of getting more involved--at least with more weapons and more advisers. In a month, I am not sure what I will think. What Assad is doing to his own people (well he probably does not consider you a person if you are not an Alawite) is nothing short of murder.  And the refugees--come on.
--Two terrific New Yorker articles.  One about the whole issue of the NSA spying on Americans.  Ron Wyden, an Oregon Senator, really has a lot to say (most of very unpleasant) about what we don't know.   The second article is about Pope Frankie written by James Carrol--himself a former priest and now an editorial writer in the Globe.  This guy should scare the bejeezus (!) out of Conservative Catholics.  I only hope he is around for a while considering he is in his mid 70's.
--In the space of a week, we learned:  that a child in Central Mass. had been missing since the fall and no one did anything; that a teacher at the prestigious and private Park School may have been molesting students; and that an aide in the Brookline schools may have also been molesting students.  There is no end to the lack of respect we as a society have for our children. It never ends and it makes me want to puke.,  In the first situation, DCF was involved but their Social Worker apparently lied about making home visits and her lies were covered up by superiors.  That job is a thankless one made all the worse by the union jumping up and blaming caseloads.  Lies are different that caseloads. It was said the kid was in Florida--at the racetrack?
--Richard Deitsch of SI gave out some journalism awards.  I did not read them all but some were terrific articles.
--Suffolk Downs and the plans for a casino there are on life support.  The one in Springfield might actually happen and force some of us to go visit the Pioneer Valley.
--Good luck Thursday, Norma.
--A happy and healthy New Year to all of you.

--As I write this, Kessel has 17 goals, Seguin has 19 goals, and Thornton has 35 assists (first in the league).  None of them "fit" the Bruins philosophy.  Yeah I know we got some bodies in exchange and we won a Cup but don't you think we need a scorer?
--Michigan should not be allowed to play in a bowl game ever again.  They simply sucked this year and in general screw up in the bowl games.  In spite of his spaceman sunglasses, I am not sure about Hoke.
--The Pats, bless their souls, get a bye by playing the most rookies in the league and discovering a running game.  McCourty has to come back and it would be terrific if whoever plays Denver put a sock in Peytons mouth.

Sayonara--loved seeing you, Anna

Monday, December 16, 2013

AND THE WINNER IS......................

According to my crack accounting team at Price Waterhouse, they have certified the winning submission that pushed the blog over the magical 100 mark.  It just so happens it is a person I am related to--not in my immediate family; but in the extended one.  This person worked very hard to support the groundswell of interest and got her referrals time stamped by the crack accounting team just ahead of a tough competitor from the Big Apple.  But, knowing how selfless all of you are, I am sure the prize was of less interest than being a member of the "100 Club".  Kind of like the 700 Club but then I am not like Pat Robertson. Congratulations to all of you.  Moving on to some very deep topics.

--The lawsuits have already started regarding the casino process in this fine state.  The chair of the commission awarding the contracts has been found to have had a "business" relationship with one of the applicants. Really, they will totally fuck this up and one can only wonder why they just did not integrate the whole deal into the lottery organization.  After all, it's all gambling, right?

--Syria is a lousy mess.  At first, I thought we needed to get in there with some sort of multi-national group. Now I am thinking we should stay the hell away.  I know Assad is a mean spirited murderer; but there are no boundaries in that country and no way of telling the good guys from the bad.

--Socialite item:  RFK's son has a daughter who made her debutante debut in Paris.  If that does not boggle the mind, nothing would.  Would Bobby have been there?

--Those funny google engineers are at it again mucking up with the format of my access page and just in general messing with my mind.  Maybe they should all just play ping pong all day and stay away from changing fonts and formats and other words beginning with f.

--Obama shook Raul Castro's had at Mandela's funeral and the world did not fall apart though some of those surly right wingers were quite upset.  That fine senator from the state of Texas, Mr. Cruz, just up and left the service in protest of something or other.  One can only wonder what he was doing there in the first place.

--Speaking of the right's bright lights (how's that for being a rhymin Simon?), Rush Limbaugh has decided the Pope is a Marxist.  Mostly because he is trying to get his flock to think about poor people more and profits less. Old Rush nearly had a coronary.

--John Boehner has decided that the Tea partiers are not being helpful--this in response to the recent budget deal.  John is angry at their rigidity--oh my.  I actually was hoping that these guys would not catch on until after the 2014 election--but I guess they can see the writing on the electorate wall.  Next thing you know, we might get an immigration bill.

--Obamacare is moving along and seems to have overcome the initial hysteria about computer glitches.  And I do love Elizabeth Warren--just terrific. Now we even have a Congresswoman to go along with all our white male Congressmen.

--That crazy Kim fella over there in North Korea just killed  his uncle.  Cannot say I care but I do wonder how many relatives he has.  Bad for tourism too.

--I have been contacted by folks planning my 50th High School reunion (!)--scary in and of itself.  What startled me more was the number of Hispanic students on the list.  I knew only one and only because he was on the basketball team.  I am thinking they were some of the early refugees from Cuba--but also am thinking what a closed world I was part of.

--Doonesbury had about a two week sketch focussing on hiring a nanny and poking fun at all the current crop of parents and their worries.  Funny stuff.

You heard it here first--Cano is gone to the soggy Northwest--though I do love Seattle.  He will remain one of the top 5 players in baseball; but I have no problem with his departure.  Too many years for Ellsbury though he is an improvement over Granderson.  Michigan football remains an embarrassment on the defensive side of the ball a la the Pats.  The guy who hit the Gronk weighs 190 and the Gronk goes about 260.  The tackler claims he never meant to hurt anyone--no offense to him but he is full of shit.  Those guys are trained to inflict pain and people frequently get hurt. He aimed for and hit the Gronk's knee nearly straight on.  Brady may need to pass for 500 yards per game if the Pats are to get anywhere. and they better get more than 3 points down there in the red zone. Getting a bye is important.  Finally, if you have not seen Thornton's battering of Orpik, watch it and get sick.


Saturday, December 14, 2013


Yvette, Barbara's mother, passed away this week.  Like so many of you, Barbara and I have now experienced the passing of both parents.  We are at the head of the table even if, as in my case, I still wish someone would show up who is the "elder" and sit in that seat.  I don't want to be there. It carries too much symbolic weight and meaning.  But no matter how often I have that wish, it will not change a thing--it is up to us now.

I am pretty clear that only time helps--not words on a page like this.  Memories help also. Like this one--I am coming off a 4 stop propeller flight from Detroit to Scranton on good old Allegheny Airlines.  It is 1968. My Levis have just been patched (in my man area) by a close friend.  Barbara and I  are to be married in less than a year. Yvette is berserk about how I could look like that; but, more importantly, how could they have been fixed and by whom. She frequently reminded me of this episode.  I was a stranger in a strange land who was met with hugs, kisses, and warmth.  Then, of course, fed.

She was a professional woman at a time when there were few of them.  But, like Al her husband, that professional role was only a supplement to her core values--her love of family and her strong religious belief. Her family "tent" was enormous.  Cousins twice and three times removed were welcomed and sat at her table.  And not just welcomed--made to feel comfortable.  Much like the way she made me feel.

Over the last few months, as she struggled with her diminished capacity, I marveled at her absence of fear. Yes, she complained of the pain; but she never said "I am scared".  There is no doubt in my mind that I will be scared silly if (or when) I am ever in a similar situation. This strength comes from within; but also comes from her strong reliance on faith--this characteristic is something that her generation has that most of us in my generation do not have.  In many ways, I am jealous.

Finally--to Jess, Anna, Tess, Jake, Lilli, and Oliver--hang onto the memories, remember the anecdotes, take strength from her strength, and be proud of what she accomplished.  Remember her values and how they can help guide you as you each move through life.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Bet you thought I would be delayed or have to postpone or otherwise totally disappoint all of you who have been waiting anxiously for this entry.  Probably needed meds to get through the withdrawal.  But here I am with all the stuff that is hugely IMPORTANT.

First of all, in my endless striving to embarrass my adult children, I would like to congratulate the younger child for buying and moving into a condo.  I would then like to congratulate the older child and her hubster for having a purchase and sale signed for a house they will be buying.  The American dream in action. 

Now the ends and odds:

--Of note is that the Supremes upheld the Texas abortion law which is truly restrictive.  It was a typical 5-4 vote with Roberts and Kennedy siding with the the three stooges.  There really is no hope unless and until Kennedy swings the other way--he is the equivalent of being bisexual.
--Rush Limbaugh compared the Senate filibuster vote to being raped.  As if he even knows what that is like.  I actually am not sure what I think except it could come to bite the Dems in the ass should the Republicans win a majority,  Until then, let the nominations flow.
--George Zimmerman was arrested.  If there is anyone left who does not believe old Georgie should have already been in jail for the death of Tayvon, please just shut up and sit in the corner.  He is an unpleasant human being.
--JFK's assassination was 50 years ago.  Not so coincidentally my 50th High School reunion is next Spring.  The day he was assassinated, I was in my last class of the day and we heard the announcment that he had been shot.  I left school and noticed the flag at half mast--he had died.  I typically hitched home and got a ride with a black man who was just crying his eyes out.  Memories.  On other other hand, the Globe outdid itself with some very maudlin coverage.
--The minute Kerry got the breakthrough on Iran's nuclear weapons, Netanyahu went ballistic.  There has got to be an Israeli alternative to him that is balanced in its approach to Israel's neighbors.  Otherwise it is an endless and, perhaps, losing position that he consistently takes.
--I have mentioned a writer on the SI website named Richard Deitsch.  He is just terrific.  Through his column I read an article on Gawker about Florida State and its football program.  (NOTE: IT IS NOT ABOUT SPORTS; IT IS ABOUT THE CULTURE).  Just a terrific piece especially coming out the same week their quarterback is being accused of sexual assault.
--Three women Marines passed all the physical requirements to be soldiers and not in supportive roles but out there where people die for us.  But the Marines will not deploy them because they simply don't know how to do it.  Ugh.
--Happened to have been in both Costco and Whole Food just before Thanksgiving--PEOPLE LET ME TELL YOU , TH ECONOMY IS BACK.  Folks are buying all sorts of shit filling shopping carts to the brim.  Oh my.
--An unnamed person attended a conference at Gillette Stadium which apparently has conference space.  Her comment upon attending this conference was that the room was as big as a football field (!)--but I responded the football field was outside the window.  Something about communication breakdowns.
--"This Town" by some guy whose last name is Leibovich--terrific non fiction account of the big shots who really run the country. 
--Any comments about casinos is a waste--just keep buying lottery tickets and pretending that the lottery is not gambling.


Been 3 Patriot games since last I wrote.  Gronk did get held in that Panther game.  But they deserved the loss.  On the other hand they also did not deserve to beat either the Broncos or the Texans and they won both games.  This puts them on the inside track for a bye--which may not help their swiss cheese defense.

The Yanks signing McCann is huge but I continue to wish ARod would go away.

The Bruins are practicing for the playoffs by playing low scoring games and having the best goaltending in the league.  But do check out how many goals Seguin and Kessel have, wont you?

Hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving and an enjoyable Hanukkah.
