Friday, March 27, 2020


Thanks to the advanced technology skills of members of my family, I have now zoomed twice this week. Truth be told, it has seemed like the intro to the Brady Bunch tv show from the olden days.  You know--the one with each character's face in a square box all looking around at each other. Being a card carrying member of the Luddite Club, I was obviously not too excited about yet one more thing to learn.  But given each of our circumstances, how else to see daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, assorted other relatives, and friends. I have no clue how it all works but when you can play boggle with people in Texas via this zoom business, I have to acknowledge its values.  Now, lets move on after I first have a sip of my "quarantini"!!

--On most days, I have seen POTUS and his crew doing updates.  I have seen Governor Cuomo do his updates.  I have seen my Governor (Baker) doing updates. I have seen Marty Walsh, my mayor, appear daily in front of the cameras.  POTUS cannot even accurately read his script on the pages he is holding.  He also cannot stick to the script and has consistently underplayed the dangers of the virus.  And, he has used these media briefings as if they were one of his rallies--attacking the the fake news and all sort of real or imagined enemies. On my score sheet he finishes fourth in this group of leaders.  Marty comes in third and it is a tie for first between Cuomo and Baker.  The last two actually emote.
--My paranoia is such that when our borders with Mexico were closed, I was convinced that Stephen Miller was using the health crisis as a way to minimize if not eliminate legal immigration.  And I am not yet convinced I am wrong.
--By the way, where did Rudy go?
--We do know that since there is peace in the Mid East, Jared now has time to oversee the governments response to the crisis.  He is so smart.  Close your eyes and try to imagine him in a bathing suit--kind of icky, huh?
--I give myself a 10 out of 10 for my skills as a blogger.  And obviously any information to the contrary is a product of the fake news media.
--Those 3 guys down there in Lousiana are very religious and go to church weekly.  They all have underlying medical conditions (asthma, high blood pressure) and are in the over 70 high risk age group.  But their pastor continues to hold services because God has yet to close other businesses so why should he close his.  Head to the ER gentlemen.
--Can Fox News and their mouthpiece POTUS stop with the blaming of Obama and even Bush for the mess that caused this pandemic.  POTUS failed to fill staff positions that were peopled by scientists working on responses to the possibility of pandemics.  Yikes.--And while I am at it, I do love Dr. Fauci who is an actual scientist.
--What is Rand Paul up to and why should I care.
--MORE SERIOUSLY:  Given the odds, I am guessing some number of my readers may be sick with this ugly virus.  If so, I do hope you get better.  For all of you, thanks for reading or just deleting.  Stay well and be safe.

P.S.  I will miss Mr. Brady but I am so glad it is over.