Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Close readers of this screed will know that I promised a new post on Labor day or thereabouts--so fulfilling my promise to you, it is now officially "thereabouts".  On a very somber note, AM passed away this past weekend.  I had not been a good friend to him over these last years--not seeing him; not contacting him or his partner.  But guilt is not helpful.  As I said to a close relative, the word "centered" is way overused and misapplied.  Except in this case.  If you were to look up the definition of centered, AM's picture would appear.  YB used to tell me that, as she got older, at least once a week she attended a funeral.  I am not there yet; but I can see that on the horizon.

Here are some other, rather less important, thoughts and factoids:
--In light of that first paragraph, a great column by Kevin Cullen in the Globe (and not about animals).  He writes about all of a sudden he is attending more wakes than funerals.  This aging business does seem to come crashing down quickly.
--Speaking of the Globe's fixation on animals, they are overboard (!) with the sharks.  They update us daily on which beaches have to close and what we are supposed to do in response to the appearance of the great whites.  I still don't get it--it is the ocean and they are wild animals.  Maybe, POTUS will build a wall to keep them out.
--Speaking of which (yet again), POTUS is taking Pentagon money and using it to build more of the wall on our southern border.  I am not sure I care about the Pentagon having less money but please don't tell me it is an emergency.  The detainees are in emergency conditions as are their children.  But the physical wall is not an emergency.
--Children legally admitted to the states because they have precarious medical conditions--this group is the new target and one wonders how Stephen Miller can sleep at night. POTUS is not smart enough to have thought of this on his own.  Miller is and is a member of my tribe to boot. This administration
and its core group of acolytes despises kids, poor people, people of color, and any combination of those.
--Barr pridefully announced he knew the names of the 5 inmates to be executed once the Feds decided to pull the switch.  No shame.
--Can this be true--POTUS played golf while Dorian put millions at risk?
--Mother Pence, her hubby, and his Mama stayed at a hotel owned by POTUS 150 miles from the site
of his meetings.
--Not enough words for Mr. Epstein--am glad he is no longer with us.
--Will be publishing once a month from now on/hope you don't get anxious in the meantime.

Sports Talk
--Going to Fenway Sunday night to relive the glory days of the Red Sox/Yankees.

Shalom and to some of my readers, Have a happy and healthy New Year.