Tuesday, October 31, 2017


And then I went to a men's clothing store and bought  a dozen $5,000 suits.  I deposited all the left over money at my bank--First National Bank of Cyprus.  I am using a Cypriot bank because my good friend Wilmer Ross is on the board and also happens to be the Secretary of Commerce.  This has nothing to do with the White House or POTUS--just a weird series of coincidences.  I have been told to get rid of my rose colored glasses by an excellent center fielder--but each time I take them off, more dirt flies into my face.  So they are back on.

Actually, the amounts of money involved are breathtaking.  But it seems clear that those guys are not even good thieves and could not even figure out a way to cover up the cash trail.  They were working for god awful dictators in countries that are god awful places and clearly had no compunction about the ethics involved in their work.  It boggles the mind. They are simply dangerous assholes.  Moving on.

--I worry that some steam has been lost in the effort to get to POTUS via these investigations.  Certainly, the protests have waned among regular citizens.  Hanging my hat on Mueller seems kind of weak but I am not sure where else to hang it.  Listening to Rachel Maddow has become more difficult as she sounds more and more like my 8th grade civics teacher and her efforts to knit this stuff together starts to sound shakier.
--No, we will not have any new laws to control gun ownership though let's not tell the families of the Las Vegas victims.  Automatic weapons are fine because you could use them for hunting, I guess.  And re-assembling weapons to make them automatic is just an effort on the part of people to sharpen their mechanical skills. The NRA just suffocates Congress and is another reason (Supreme court appointments are the first) why every senate election is crucial.
--Why am I ill at ease with the idea that Corker, Flake, and McCain are heroic. By the way, Arizona is close to being like its neighbor New Mexico--a majority minority state and may have two Senate vacancies.
--So POTUS is slowly dismantling Obamacare by executive order; is possibly getting us out of the Iran nuclear deal; and wants to eliminate the children's health Initiative (CHIP) program.  The ugly vindictiveness of that is embarrassing and more reflective of a third world petty tyrant.
--Then there is Rex Tillerson portrayed in a recent New Yorker article and is so out of touch that it is scary.  Relies more on the military options than on diplomacy even though he heads up the State Department which is supposed to work on diplomacy.
--But at least Sara still has her pearls and is as defensive as she is stupid.
--You must immediately make some reservations and go directly to Ljubljana.  It is the capital of Slovenia and bustles with youth, terrific outdoor markets, and wonderful cafes.  The central core of the city (in Boston think of the Government Center/Haymarket/Fanneuil Market area) is all a pedestrian car free zone.  They add a block each year to expand it.

The Gordon Hayward injury was gruesome.  It has, however, allowed the Celtics to force Tatum into a bigger role and he has responded well.  Still not sure they can beat the Cavs.  The Pats have been winning ugly but winning nonetheless and just traded Jimmy which means they think Brady can play until he is 50.  the Yanks exceeded expectations yet fired Girardi.  The red flops under achieved and fired Farrell.  Go figure.

Shalom and Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Honest to god, that lecture in geography from the POTUS, while not a direct quote, is so unimaginably infantile that I have no words for it.  Alec Baldwin and the SNL crew did have a few funny words for it and I must see all of it.  Meanwhile, those bourbon sipping seniors down there in bum fuck Louisiana must love the lesson being taught.  What's the big deal, they might say, we survived Katrina.  Barely.  And, ahem, many people of color did not survive.

Saw the President of the NYC Council on the tube.  She is a Latina originally from Puerto Rico.  She said it out loud:  the racist response of our POTUS to the disaster in Puerto Rico is more than just a bit different than his response to the disasters in Texas and Florida.  He seems to not even know the folks on that island were U.S. citizens. And his battle with the Mayor of San Juan is scary.  In the midst of the disaster, in the midst of losing out on Obamacare repeal, in the midst of a verbal (so far) war with North Korea, and in the midst of being the President, he has time for twitter battles with the Mayor and with NFL players.  To use his language:  "so sad".

Some columnist or other made it clear that Price's firing/resignation was for the wrong reason.  The charters are a sideshow from the fact that he was the losing lead on dismantling health care for poor people.  And I am tired of having to thank John McCain for being heroic.  And what took Susan Collins so long to say she would vote no.  The POTUS and his crew of white appointees seem to have been born without the empathy gene.  Betsy DeVos and Beauregard Sessions want to re-visit Obama regulations on campus sexual assaults because too much emphasis has been place on victims.  Honestly?

Three further random thoughts about POTUS.  His speech at the UN was nothing short of an embarrassment.  Please tell me the man is not my president.  Second, too cute by half his release of a video showing him hitting a golf ball at Hilary. Lastly, don't look now but he is filling the ranks of lower level Federal courts with people who you do not want to know about.

Other points of interest:
--Interior Secretary Zinke is moving ahead to reduce the number of national monuments and wants to open up vast areas of Alaska to drilling.  Hope none of you are caribou.  The new monument in Maine was donated for god's sake and supported both by hunters and environmentalists.  Looking a gift horse straight in the mouth.
--I do not want to hear one more word about Aaron Hernandez.  He was a thug and, yeah, he might have had a diagnosis of CTE--but he was a thug
--What's up with the U.S. embassy in Havana?  All I know is that it seems to be a fine excuse for POTUS to back out of the relationship developed by Obama.
--Non sports sports items:  The FBI did the NCAA's job for them by going after Pitino and other college athletic staffs.  It is totally unsurprising that sex and money are at the heart of recruiting. And what to make of Kraft and other owners (all big supporters of POTUS) who sided with the players in the latest kerfuffle?
--The big silver bird is warming up and will take us East in a week.  See you in November.

My bad thinking Aaron Judge would fade away.  He came on stronger that I expected.  They may get by the Twins but that's it for them.  The Red flops will not make it out of the AL.  Mr. Brady and the boys lucked out last week but should improve today.  Thursday in Tampa Bay should be much tougher.  Good news that hockey is back this week--lace 'em up, boys.
