Saturday, October 31, 2020


I start with this heresy--even if HE wins, I want this over. I am tired of both Hannity and Maddow; tired of FOX and MSNBC; and tired of checking every god damn poll multiple times a day. I know it will be awful if HE wins--but it will be over. Over and done with--the yiddish word for that is (not sure about the spelling) "fachtich". Just in case HE wins, I decided to share a few thoughts in advance because, if the unthinkable happens, and HE wins, I will be speechless/wordless. --How can anyone be undecided? I might not agree with those supporting HIM but they have decided and so have Joe's supporters. You cannot be of sound mental health if you insist, 96 hours before this stupendously important election, that you cannot make up your mind. Seriously? Thats yet another reason that it shouild be over NOW. Forcing those undecided to actually decide. --Two anecdotes about children. First we have the parents of young hockey players in my fine state saying it is unfair that hockey rinks have been closed due to the virus. Unfair to whom? These games,rinks,and practices are incublators for the virus--closing those rinks protects me. All of us just have to put on our big boy/girl clothes and deal with it. Here is how it could be much worse for kids/parents. Your child might be one of the 545 still separated from you because of Stephen Miller and his wretched policies. I dont want to hear that it's the fault of "coyotes' or the couintries of Central America. It is the fault of this administration. Growingh up withiout your parent is more than unfair--it is criminal when it is perpetrated by your government. And it is a damn sight worse than missing hockey practice. --Rachel might have labelled Dr. Altlas the "rambo raqdiologist". Maybe not. But whoever said it was right on target. He has apparently taken over from Fauci and Birx and is HIS chief Covid influencer. Ask the people in the Midwest (the ones with Republican governors) if they should have worn masks. --Speaking of doctors. that bright light Jared is quoted in Woodward's book as bragging that the administration has "taken control back from doctors". And this week, HE blamed those doctors for juicing up the cost of Covid treatment in order to make more money. No science/no medicine/no brains. --Go watch "Bend the Arc" if you want to see what committed doctors actually do. It is a documentary about Partners in Health and the work they do. If Obama-care is overturned, they might need to start working in America as opposed to what we call "third world"countries. --On a more positive note, the Pope has recognized same sex civil marriages which promptly drew a blast of criticism from the Bishop of Proividence--a notorious man wishing us all back to the dark ages. --And the Hasids? Pissed off at the NYC Mayor for refusing to approve a license allowing the wedding of the son of the Grand Rebbe--proposed attendance was going to be 10,000. And their community was already in a high Covid status. --That's it. Good luck to us all. Here's hoping the Proud Boys stand down if HE loses. Shalom

Monday, October 19, 2020


Plus, more than a few of you complained when nothing went out on 10/15. On the other hand, I needed an outlet for all my anxiety and nervousness. Despite saying I did not trust any of the polls after 2016, I find myself looking at them more than a few times daily. In virtually every one, the results indicate a big Biden win plus the Dems taking over the senate. All of which makes me nervouser and more nervouser. Like I should check into the hospital for the very very nervous whose Superintendent is Mel Brooks. If only, Carl Reiner could be my psychiatrist. Moving on. --I did not wish good health or even a prayer to POTUS or Ms. POTUS when they had Covid. Let them suffer, I figured. But I did care a smidgen about Baron because he did not ask to move into the White House. But nada for the Prez and Melania. He does not care about the 200,000 plus Americans who have died from the virus and were impacted by his disregard for any preventative measures--you know,like masks. So I do not care about him and his health. He is still running around the country with no masks and infecting those MAGA attendees. So, screw him. --His return from the hospital was marked by his demand that his White House re-entry be reshot because he did not like how the original turned out. It is all a show, after all. --You can be doubly sure I do not care about my fellow tribe member Stephen Miller or his wife. No prayers here. Let them suffer just like those children separated from their parents and living in detention facilities. A double screw him. --In yesterday's NYT, the entire opinion section was devoted to an endorsement of Biden. In support of that worthy goal, they included quotes from a group of individuals who had worked for POTUS. Putting aside their words, I am sick and tired of these folks who said shit while working for him but have now seen the light. Where were they before? Fuck 'em. --And Kayleigh with her gold cross can also be kicked to the curb with that crew. She is a little weasel. --The SNL skit with Jim Carrey and the fly was hysterical. --Another member of my tribe (Sheldon Adelson) just gave POTUS' campaign $75 million dollars. They seem to be running out of money!! But who cares. Adelson is all about AIPAC and POTUS and his casinos which virtually print money. He is an embarassment. Like Bobby Kraft. --Over and beyond the election, it is a joy to see Kamala smile and laugh. She is enjoyable and makes the other 3 candidates (including Joe) seem very boring. --Erdogan has not done enough damage to his own country so he is using his influence and military in an effort to crush the Armenians. He is yet another dictator who is an ally of POTUS. --I have a sports comment or two but if you quit here, I'm fine with that and will be in touch on or about 11/4--hopefully with a celebratory hangover. SPORTS TALK Watching the Pats yesterday was painful. If they had scored at the end of the seattle game or scored at the end yesterday, they could have been 4-1. But winning at the end of games is something great teams do--the Pats are not that. Shalom

Thursday, October 1, 2020


I prayed for her regularly. She faced her ongoing illnesses with more bravery and dignity than i could have mustered. But secretely, my prayers were as much for me as for her. I knew that with her passing, POTUS would get a shot at filling her seat. And he has. I know nothing about RBG's replacement--she might end up being terrific tho I doubt it. I do know this: Being noiminated by this President is a very bad sign. Moving on: --I had promised myself not to follow all the polls since I felt burned 4 years ago by Nate and the 538 crowd. But every day, and sometimes more than once a day, I am looking at them. I fear if I share the latest ones, I will hex the whole process so I will only say as of right now, they look fine. My focus and my little donations, remain on the senate and that is looking extra fine. --This is being written about 36 hours after the first debate. None of us should be surprised by the behavior of POTUS. In the absnce of any major accomlishments, he is running on white anger and white racism. He has nothing else. His toadies (especialy, that prunish McConnell) continue to do all sorts of damage in the absence of anyone putting the brakes on. He is a bully and the danger is that he has a very important bully pulpit to spew from. --You do know that a signifcant number of ICE detained women had forced hysterectomies--and most of us (includingl moi) are not surprised. We have simply become inured to the indignities and the dangers of this man and his crew. --Let me remind you that CVS is NOT offering anything for free. So when you see those big signs offereing free flu shots, they are not free. CVS just bills some insurance company. --Those Sturgis party goers out there in South Dakota rode their choppers in with no masks of course and now a bunch of them have the virus. In a state with a Governor who is a female version of POTUS. The virus is just the flu kind of state. Good luck. --I really do not want to read something Michael Cohen's daughter wrote. And who set her up to go public? --A skunk got his head caught in some srt of container. And, of course, the Globe scooped that story and blared the headline of a policeman freeing that poor animal. --Sometime in the last month, Christopher Muther had a terrific travel column in the Globe. In it he focussed on how he and his parents out foxed the state of Maine by travelling there for a few days. At that time, Maine pretty much had banned the fine citizens of Mass. from coming up. He was all masked up and his column reads like some sort of mystery novel. SPORTS TALK --The Bruins were eliminated kind of pathetically. The Celtics got closer than I expected but then just choked up. I remain a fan of Jaylen. --Watching the Pats is kind of fun. I especially enjoy not watching Tommy sulk on the sidelines. Shalom