Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Oh yeah, they are related in my twisted mind.  As I approach my 50th High School reunion (and nope I have not fully committed to going), I have been thinking a lot about what has changed in these 50 years.  A bunch of shit for sure--but, coincidentally, today the above two words hit me in the course of my daily life.  You all know that back then, neither existed.  First of all, tilapia exists now only if farm raised.  You cannot go fishing and catch one--they are cheapish for fish but are not wild.  Someone "made" them.  And reflexology?  Did not exist either--I suppose some bright therapeutic star (no doubt on some serious illegal drugs) just stumbled upon it while delirious--almost sounds like something out of a Hunter Thompson novel.

Before moving on to other edible and non edible items, I would like to share with you a list of things which I offer as a balance to any of you with resolutions for the New Year.  I call them my "Sick-of-Lutions".  I no longer want to hear about the seawall in Scituate while we are in the midst of a snowstorm.  Nor the woes of the folks owning houses 10 feet from that sea wall.  Why don't we hear from them in the summer when they are out in the water or tanning themselves on the beach.  Who asked them to move there anyhow?  I no longer want to hear the Jamaicaway referred to as the "JWay".  You are an out of towner if you use that phrase and need to be kicked to the curb.  You especially need to be kicked if you use the phrase while wearing Birkenstocks with wool socks while it is snowing.  Proving what exactly? And I especially would appreciate not seeing any more pictures of Bob Kraft and his almost underage girlfriend frolicking with identical sunglasses--Myra is rolling over in her grave over that.

Now other assorted items:
--Africa and the Middle East are exploding.  It is sad--two of the poorest areas of the world and they cannot stop killing each other.  I am really out of any insight except religion is part of the whole deal.
--My jam making monks out there in Spencer, Ma. are branching out--they will now make beer.  Their jam is terrific and I wish I could still drink beer because I bet that will be good also.
--An article sent to me by a close relative called "Don't ask/Please Don't Tell" by Joyce Waddler.  About what us boomers are now talking about and it is usually some ugly medical chat.  The Times apparently has a regular column for Boomers.
--Speaking of newspapers.  The Globe announced it had hired a new reporter to focus on "Catholics"--their word choice not mine.  Slamming home the point that they know who their audience is and it surely is not members of certain other religious groups.
--The Not a Big Surprise Department:  Governor Christie got caught.  The guy is a fucking bully and we should not be surprised he also retaliates. I just saw a clip from last night's Jimmy Fallon show--Fallon and Springsteen satirizing Christie with the "Born to Run"tune but different lyrics.  Hilarious.
--The Who Cares Department:  Liz Cheney dropped out of the Wyoming senate race after first trashing her gay sister when she began running.
--Until our Child Welfare agency (DCF) starts funneling money into prevention, there will be story after story like last week''s about the kid who just "disappeared" and no adult did anything except lie and cover up. There are clear indices which put kids at risk that everyone knows (e.g history of parent's alcohol or drug abuse)--and yet so little money is put into prevention programs it is pathetic.
--Three of my close relatives have serious illnesses and a friend lost her father.  The new year has not brought much good news but I hope these folks gather strength from friends and family

--A great quote from Leigh Montiville in the Globe:  "if you can't figure out your wife after 25 years of marriage, how can you be certain what Brady is like".  This in repsonse to all those folks who think they KNOW.
--Any day that Nick Saban and Urban Meyer lose a football game is a good day for America.  They are both assholes who are really half as smart as they think they are.
--Seguin and Kessel each have 21 goals and Thornton leads the league with 45 assists.  No Bruin has more than 15 goals.  But these three were not good enough for the Bruins who cannot score at all.
--Julian Edelman has Hebrew letters tattooed on the inside of his upper left arm--but is not Jewish.  Whats that about?
--The Pats were wonderful this last week against the Colts.  Life gets tough this weekend.  I will be pacing and hoping they do not fall behind.
--Texas just hired its first African American coach in any sport and it was in football which prompted one of their bright light benefactors to wonder about his abilities.  Ah, the South.
