Monday, September 14, 2009

Cleaning Out My Desk Drawer

Every so often, one of my favorite Globe sports writers more or less writes an odds and ends column. Peter King, from Sports Illustrated, also does something similar. So this is me stealing those concepts.

1. If I were a Yankee fan (which I am), I would be very worried about a third starter for the playoffs given the way Burnett is pitching. They only need 3 but he is crashing. The good news for the Yanks is that they will hit. If, on the other hand, I were a Red Sox fan (which I am not), I would be feeling a might optimistic. Bucholz, Lester, and Beckett give them the 3 they need even if Big Papi does not hit.

2. I almost want to avoid the Patriots tonight. I am very worried about Mr. Brady getting hurt and they have NO back up worthy of the name.

3. We have a state house even more dominated by Democrats than Congress. They meet ll months a year, make a lots of money, and cannot make a decision. They are not making a decision this time about whether or not we need a second senator prior to the January elections. Come on--of course it is inconsistent with what they did when John Kerry ran for president. Inconsistency was never a problem for them before.

4. Here is what I have to say about Joe Wilson. South Carolina deserves him just like they deserve the Governor. (It is pathetic that the media actually believed the governor was on the Appalachian Trail in South Carolina when it does not even go through the state. I guess geography is an elective). Wilson is vile. But what is truly scary is that many of our fellow Americans are encouraged by him and old Rush did not even like his one half assed apology. The color of our president's skin is playing right under the surface here and, I believe, in almost every issue of contention. The South is trying to rise again and not just in the South.

5. If Olympia Snowe from my favorite state of Maine says no public option (as she did yesterday), then bet on it. I will blame the Democrats for fucking that up and partly Obama for not getting aggressive enough soon enough. Somehow the crazies took over the debate and even my friends Olberman and Maddow are shaking their heads.

6. By the way one of the consistent guests on Olbermans show is the Washington Editor of The Nation (name forgotten) who is just wonderful and oh so bright. and no older than 12.

7. Milestones: Jessica and her family returned from Germany with the kids really yakking in German. Anna is coming up this weekend for the holiday. Catherine (some of you likely don't know her but trust me when I say she is special) just entered college, and I visited my mother's grave in August--its been 23 years.

8. I am totally repulsed by Netanyahu and you have to read the article in the recent NY Times Magazine about J Street--a major important advocacy alternative to the mainstream Jewish advocacy groups who basically kiss up to Israel on everything

For those of you who celebrate it, Happy New Year. May it be sweet, healthy, and peaceful.


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