Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, I swear I started this at 10 this morning and was nearly finished until I hit some screwy key and the whole thing vanished. I either need a plastic surgeon specializing in the slenderizing of fat fingers or someone to tell me where in the ether this shit goes. I have no fucking clue and it was quite good.

Yesterday, I needed to buy some Doritos for our nephew who is coming tomorrow. I get in line right behind a rather scruffily character (scruffily unlike me)who is buying up lottery tickets--I mean he bought $42 worth because I overheard the cashier. Then in today's paper, there is the usual article about how stuck the legislature is about casinos and slots and whoa is me because these folks are just wringing their hands and don't know what to do. As I have repeatedly said to you, my kind readers, the lottery has worse odds than slots and we have already crossed that bridge and entered the evil empire. I have my own remedy. Pass the casino only bill and eliminate the lottery for the same reason no one likes slots. Don't you think some cities and towns might literally go belly up. In any case, these folks think they were elected to make easy decisions--like no texting in cars which has just been banned--that's a "DUH" decision. This is hard and I just wish they would make it and get it over with.

Scotty Brown had another tough decision to make and finally decided to support the financial reform bill which likely does not go far enough. But he managed to get some concessions out of Barney. He acts like he is really thoughtful but is basically just down at the trough with the rest--am I supposed to feel better that he took care of two big Massachusetts corporations at the expense of a tougher bill?

Senator Jefferson Davis Sessions from Alabama (and I did not make his name up--he just conveniently forgets to use his full name)who was rejected by his current Senate colleagues for a Federal judgeship because of his thoughts about race--this guy decided to hold up Elena Kagan's nomination because he is just not comfortable--just for a week mind you and in the face of the fact that she will get confirmed anyhow.

The Globe gave way too much notice on its editorial page to the crazy rantings of that anti-Semite Mel Gibson. He should be ignored and kicked to the curb publicity wise. I hereby vow never to watch another of his movies.

Harvey Pekar died. He was the subject of one of my all time favorite movies--"American Splendor". He's the guy who worked with R.Crumb on those comics (name forgotten). I believe he did the words and Crumb did the drawings. Paul Giamatti (son of Bart, a Commissioner of baseball for too short a time and former President of Yale) played him in the movie and I thought it was wonderful.

Saw "The Kids are All Right". I came away believing that if you go into it with an open mind, you see it as a movie about families, relationships, and adolescents. Otherwise, pro or con, you can get ugly about it. I loved it and actually thought the kids were right on.


We Americans suck at soccer. Tough for us I know; but once I watched the Spaniards play the Dutch, I knew we could not compete with them. Oh sure, ever so often we can upset one of them (like that lucky win over England) but in total, we just don't have the players. Those Spanish players were like dancing fleas--moving, moving, moving/nipping, nipping, nipping/then bang a goal-all without Torres who is probably one of the best players in the world.

Great article about Big Papi in the recent New Yorker. He apparently has felt overly criticized by the the Boston media and not coincidentally opened up to the guy from the New Yorker.

My Yanks better find someone other than Joba to set up Mariano. If they do, its lights out.

Here's what I think about the LeBron business. He is like so many other sports figures and politicians--egos as big as this room. I could not care less about his signing. And if I am Chris Bosh, I better get used to being the third person on a two man bicycle--he may never touch the ball until he gets rebounds from other two. Only one ball last I looked.

That's it. And no mis-hit keys!!


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