Friday, June 13, 2014


And that my friends is my bilingual capacity in French-oui. Had a great anniversary trip to Paris despite ugly weather most of the time and crowds which overwhelmed us a couple of times.  Went on multiple forced marches through the city courtesy of the Drill Sergeant and also took the Metro all over.  Saw Mona but had to fight our way in and, surprise, she is quite small--loads of folks taking selfies with her in the background and them in the foreground.  Otherwise we also saw the Venus Di Milo and fled.   Ditto the Eiffel Tower which is really an erector set but it too caused us to flee.  My favorite museum was the Rodin--the guy was just so prolific and in multiple media (ah, there goes Mrs. Reynolds smiling at me again from Latin heaven).

Re-read my last post and it even made me a bit squirmy--so my apologies.  However, in the end, it was a powerful positive experience even if I ended up confronting some ugly history.

Now, it so happens my main man Eric Cantor (he who is a member of my tribe) has been kicked to the curb--and deservedly so though it is a bit crazed to get too excited since someone to his right beat him.  I am also not one who thinks this is a BIG MEANINGFUL message about the 2014 or 2016 elections--though I could be wrong about 2014. Actually could be wrong about it all.  I cannot believe people of color, women, or any moderate to liberal leaning person will in the end want to return to the dark ages.  The deniers of climate change, the hateful folks opposed to gay marriage and abortion rights, the ones still crying over obamacare--I cannot believe they will prevail. Some of the states with strong Tea Party factions are write offs for the Dems anyhow--so screw 'em.  Call me naive but I cannot believe Jeanne Shaheen will lose to Scotty up there in NH.  You know what they say about paranoid people--just because you are paranoid does not mean they are NOT out to get you.  My paranoid thought of the week--was there a taint of Anti-Semitism in Eric's loss?  Just saying.

Ends and Odds:
--You can now carry a visible weapon in the great state of Texas--including bringing your rifle into Burger King.  They also passed a law in support of reparative therapy for gay people.  And Ric Perry is not even running.
--On the same day, the Globe had the following stories--one about Bears, one about Bobcats, and one about Bobtail rabbits.  Oh my.  I do, however, like their new weekly political section.
--Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, and Libya.  All combusting and McCain wants us in all of them along with John Boehner (he who has a perpetual tan).  They learn nothing. They are just all in on hating Obama.  One result of all this is that the Kurds could easily end up with their own country since they seem like they actually know what they are doing and are prime buffer territory.
--That rabbi in Sharon, Ma. is an embarrassment and worse--reminds us all that men in positions of religious authority can be very dangerous.
--John Oliver absolutely eviscerated FIFA on 6/8.
--Am I wrong or is there now at least one shooting in a school every week?  And the NRA continues to tell us that if we had more guns we would have less shootings--hello!!

--You heard it here first and more than once.  In the wake of the Bruins elimination, folks on talk radio are clamoring for someone who can score and maybe not play so much defense.  Sounds like Sequin to me--especially when you get shit from Louie.
--Danny Ainge will do something--he is not going to sit on all those draft picks.  I prefer Love over Melo.  With Melo, you would get the second head case (rondo being prima donna numero uno).
The Spurs are beautiful and despite how good Lebron is, I hate the fucking Heat.
--Rask never elevated his game like Tim Thomas did.

Happy anniversary to S and J.


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