Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Yup, the deal with Iran is neither ideal nor perfect--but it is a deal and it is better than no deal.  And who cares if the heads of every Republican candidate explode anyhow--there is nothing inside their heads except air.  They have no new ideas and increasingly are marginalizing themselves and I don't care about polls in NH showing how well the Donald is doing--him with the hair and his despicable comments about Mexican immigrants.  Jon Stewart tore him a new one right after that and it was terrific. A great satirical piece by Andy Borowitz (not sure where it got posted) about how Obama is eliminating our enemies (Iran, Cuba) with this diplomacy thing and how awful it will be if we have no one to fight with.  Benny Netanyahu is messing with our politics again and hates this deal but does love all the financial and military support we provide.  He should just shut the fuck up and make some sort of deal himself--with the Palestinians.  He is like the Republicans--a head empty of ideas and a mouth full of negative comments about Obama.


--No one should applaud or praise the Governor or be thankful for the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse.  Nine Black people died and that fucking flag should have been removed by enlightened politicians a long time ago.  Nine people died and they had to have a debate over the flag's removal.  Nine people died.
--Speaking of that medieval area, the Governor of Alabama is a M.D.--a dermatologist.  But he refuses to allow any expansion of medicaid because he does not like the Affordable Care Act even though the feds pick up the lion's share of any expansion.  Just cannot stand those poor folks who do not know how to live healthy lives.
--On to North Carolina.  Three Muslim students were murdered seemingly over a parking space dispute but really about a crazed neighbor deciding they were Muslims and deserved to die.  Great article about these bright young people in a recent New Yorker.
--Unemployment is down to the lowest it has been in 7 years--not a peep from the Republicans about this success since clearly Obama had something to do with it..
--We all KNEW the Cos did something and that he was lying through his teeth.  He needs a good kick to the curb and maybe a bit of prison time.
--If it were not so pathetic, it would be funny.  Those bright lights senators Cruz and Rubio do not like the deal with Cuba (and now we are up to 5 Southern states) and will block any attempts to establish an embassy in Havana.  Saw an article some place that basically says demographics are not on the side of these weird Republicans.  People of color are slowly but surely becoming the majority in some of these southern states.
--Greece is so screwed up, I can barely understand the situation there.  I do understand they hate Merkel who is one tough customer.
--Chris Christie for President!!  If you have a bridge in your state, you may want to think twice about electing him.
--As a transition, two semi-sports items.  First, did everyone see Abby Wambach plant a big fat kiss on the lips of her wife after the U.S. victory.  It was amazing that Fox let it be shown and further amazing that it was no big deal.  Would not have happened in 1999.  Then there is the NFL which daily has players arrested for DUI, weapons charges, domestic abuse, child abuse and, in our state, murder.  Greg Hardy, convicted in a court of domestic violence, got his suspension reduced to 4 games.  That is the same suspension Brady got for squeezing footballs.  It really is beyond words.

--The U.S. women were wonderful.  Plus that whole tournament and the play of the athletes makes me like women's soccer better than men's.  Much fewer phony falls and players writhing on the grass only to be up and going after 2 minutes.  I feel the same way about women's ice hockey.
--Anyone go to Vegas last January and put money down on the Yanks being in first place on July 4th?  If you did, you are far brighter than me.  Now I am not sure they can take it all the way (I kind of like Toronto and Baltimore) but they sure do have the best bullpen in the AL.


1 comment:


    Do nonbelievers receive forgiveness from sins when they are baptized in water?

    If atheists and other nonbelievers are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit do they receive forgiveness from sins? Of course not.

    John 8:24 Therefore, I said to you, Your will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.(TBVOTNT)

    Water baptism alone does not wash away sins. Nonbelievers will die in their sins.

    Mark 16:16 He who has believed, and has been immersed, will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.(TBVOTNT)

    Nonbelievers will be condemned.

    Acts 3:19 Repent, therefore, and turn again, in order that your sins may be blotted out, so that there may come seasons of refreshment from the presence of the Lord; (TBVOTNT)

    Water baptism that is not preceded by repentance is meaningless. There is no forgiveness without repentance. Repentance means to change from unbelief to belief. Repentance means to make a commitment to turn from sin and turn toward God.

    Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, Let each one of you repent and be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, in order to the remission of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(TBVOTNT)

    Atheists and other nonbelievers do not have their sins washed away by being immersed in water.

    Newborn babies and small children do not have their sins washed away by being immersed in water. Why? First they have not committed any sins and they are not guilty of sin. Second, if they were guilty of sin they are incapable of believing in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    Jesus did not know good from evil as a small child and neither do newborn children know right from wrong. Babies are not sinners, nor are they guilty of sin.

    Isaiah 7:14-16"Therefore the Lord Himself will give a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. 15 "Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. 16 "For before the Child shall know to refuse the evil and choose good, the land that you dread will be forsaken by both her kings.(NKJV)

    There is an age of accountability.


    NOTE: (TBVOTNT-The Better Version of The New Testament by Chester Estes)


    Posted by Steve Finnell at 6:44 AM No comments:
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