Sunday, July 15, 2018


Took me a while to come up with a title until I decided to steal a headline from the Globe.  You know that when you drain a swamp, smallish objects can get can swept away.  Like one year olds who have been separated from their parents and cannot explain why they are sad. And those 3 fuckwads in Louisiana sipping their bourbon and smoking their cigarettes --those guys are part of the base which needs to know that this is child abuse plain and simple.  This is not just a culture change; this is trauma.  And HHS cannot even locate all the kids.  How does POTUS explain all this to little Baron?

And a few other things:
--When in doubt, blame Obama or Clinton.  The indictments recently announced could have been avoided if only Obama had been tougher/stronger.  The reality is quite different and the lies only increase the damage done to the country's image.
--During the NATO summit, aside from his vile speeches, the person POTUS cozied up to was yet another bully--Erdogan (of Turkey) who has created a virtual dictatorship.  When Putin is added you have the Mo, Larry, and Curly of bully boys.  That's who our friends are--tough guys.
--Unlike the House Intelligence Committee (led by the idiot Nunes), the Senate's Intelligence Committee blasted the Russians and the Republican campaign committee. The work of the Senate was bi-partisan and supported the efforts of the Special Investigator.
--Trey Gowdy is an asshole and watching him and Louie Gohmert berate that FBI agent was pathetic.
--Pruitt is gone but Betsy survives and, if she has her way,  affirmative action will not be used as an admission criteria for colleges and universities.  They will just end up being campuses for the privileged.
--The Times and the Post are thriving in this environment.  Yet in the face of attacks by POTUS on the media (even to the point of refusing to answer questions posed by CNN reporters and bragging about it), the Globe devoted its entire Sunday editorial section to animals.  Seriously.
--On the much brighter side--it is good to have nerdy friends to help those of us with limited technology skill.  So thanks to RD who figured out our Amazon TV problem.  That allowed us to watch Mrs. Maisel which is hysterical.  And Bosch which is not.
--This week I am making my annual pilgrimage with BB to pay my respects to family no longer with us.  Bringing a special guest.

I am decidedly not a Red Flop fan.  But now that we are post 7/4, I will say this.  They have some very good hitters.  The Yankees are power hitters but have no really good hitters.  I think both teams (except for Sale and Severino) have sketchy starting pitchers and I will take the Yanks bullpen.  But the big advantage goes to the Red Flops in terms of having a better 9 man batting order.

Aren't you tired of waiting for the Bruins to make that BIG trade?


1 comment:

  1. I think the World Court should issue a warrant for T...p's arrest for child abuse.
