Saturday, September 1, 2018


I know it seems like forever when last you heard from me.  And yet, it has only been a month.  Let's start with this:

--The dump in Tyringham (look it up) pales in comparison with the one in Monterey (look that up also).  Plus it is staffed by one virtually silent guy--as opposed to the talkative "dumpster"  attendant in Monterey.  As a bonus, there is a shed in Monterey which functions like the Salvation Army thrift store.  No contest.
--My correspondent in New Mexico had some concerns about how I have used those 3 good ole boys to stereotype Southerners.  Not too many of you have written let alone written so thoughtfully.  Truth is, I am a child of the segregated South and do have some rather villainous thoughts about those folks.  But, truth also is, that I don't have any recent experience with white Southerners--except of course with Beauregard Sessions which is a whole different story.  But in light of the correspondent's comments and my recent experience at two dumps (what, you didn't think there was a connection to the first paragraph? Shame shame), I will henceforth use those two geezers as a point of reference and stay away from the good ole boys--good riddance.
--Seems as if the "successful" deal with North Korea made by POTUS is no longer a deal and might even be dead on someone's doorstep.  But he is not called on it.  He tells the evangelicals that they have to vote for him otherwise the non believers will take over.  They ignore all his non Christian peccadilloes and move in lockstep with him.
--My correspondent on Lung Island (don't look that up) believes the NRA will support your right to carry 3D guns.  Betsy will probably add them to the list of weapons school districts should have on hand.  It's safer don't you know.
--We will eliminate $200 million in UN funding for aid to the Palestinians.  Netanyahu loves us even a he allows the Orthodox rabbis to more and more narrow the definition of who is a Jew.  As those rabbis might say, Lord help us.
--On 9/11, we loved Rudy.  Now he is a frothing at the mouth, wild man, defender of POTUS.  Hunter Thompson would have had a field day with him.
--Did you see the rally in Evansville?  The happy faces behind him?  The lock her up cheers?  The ugly scapegoating of the media?  Did ya?  Did ya?  I honestly do not remember anything so ugly in politics.
--Then today, to honor John McCain, did you see Obama's speech?  Did ya?  Did ya notice a difference between him and POTUS--I mean beside the fact that POTUS was not even invited?  It is so embarrassing. Those are the people who would not convict him if he murdered someone right in front of them--would just blame the media and their fake news.
--Had a great time in our rather tiny mountains this past month.  Bears, deer, wild turkeys, porcupines.  And no tv for the whole month.  Just luscious along with a very wonderful  announcement.
--I also lost an avid fan during the past month--RIP, Aliyah.
--For those who celebrate, have a happy and healthy New Year.  Be strong.

--Its fall and you know what that means--it's time for Michigan football!!  Plus the Yankees are in deep doo doo.


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