Saturday, December 1, 2018


Oops, I guess he lied about that too.  Those embedded Middle East terrorists must have returned to their Middle Eastern countries because they did not show either.  The soldiers stationed there without A/C and without cooking facilities in that fucking Texas heat must be happy they did not have to capture any children.  By the way, as of earlier this week, we (that means us, the citizen of the US) have 14,000 children in facilities where they are separated from their families.  That ordains a large future load of PTSD clients for therapists.  And the younger those kids are, the more they will be damaged.

Sure, we have a liar for President (he faintly just remembered a project in Russia; but just faintly);  a marbly mouthed Senate President; and a base which has a large percentage of neo Nazis.  But forgetting about them, I blame myself and my fellow citizens for the following:  We have moved on and forgotten about Parkland, Charleston, and the Tree of Life.  We have let them get away with too much and I am talking about you Evangelicals who care only about abortion (remember Kavanaugh?) and forgive all the sins of this President.

A very local aside:  I do not want to hear another word or read another sentence in the Globe about the murderer Aaron Hernandez; the criminal Whitey Bulger; or the art theft at the Gardner.  If we can move on from the deaths of students studying or adults praying, we can do without any information about those 3 items.

The following may seem like sports but truly it is not.  Colin Kapernick of the NFL has not had an on he field job since he knelt on the sidelines during the national anthem.  Kareem Hunt kept his job despite an ugly assault on a women last summer.  He only got suspended (with pay) when a video surfaced of the incident.  Reuben Foster was released by his team after his second incident of domestic abuse--only to be immediately picked up by another team not bothered by his history. The NFL continues to be in the dark about how it responds to this violence.  And it is worth noting that the good old boys (of NFL owners) are a bunch of white guy while the majority of the players are African americans--just sayin'.

Did you know there is much a thing as a dental studio?  Saw a billboard for one this week.  I can hardly wait to visit and just know they have a few artistic types filling cavities.

Had a gret turkey day in the nyc/nj metropolitan area and hope all your bird fantasies came true.  May your Hannukah lights burn bright the coming week.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping our perspectives straight and focused on what’s important
