Monday, April 1, 2019


Went to the Boston Public Library yesterday (its recent renovation/addition is simply spectacular) to see five brief films made by and made about immigrants in the Metro Boston area.  The subjects were from:  India, Bhutan, Uganda, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.  One had been in a refugee camp with his family for 17 years before coming to America.  One was a DACA child and is now a college graduate.  One left his country because the national religion was Muslim and he was a practicing Christian.  Both the filmmakers and their subjects have more courage than me and, unlike me, they still believe in the "American dream".  Work hard and your social/financial/emotional rewards will follow.  But you have to get here first   And POTUS and his slap happy crew are doing everything they can to make sure fewer get here. Better stock up on abodes in case the border is shut. Any of you claiming to be a Mayflower descendant?  Native American?

Moving on:

--Oh that Boston Globe.  A headline:  "2 dogs, a cat, and some people".  Turns out all survived but check out the order!!
--On the other hand a great column in the Globe by Yvonne Abraham.  Her focus was on New Zealand and how their Prime Minister responded to the murders of Muslims praying.  She wrote it as a letter to the Prime Minister asking her for citizenship.
--Climate change is a hoax and no need for vaccinations.  Some imaginary ideas from science non-believers.
--Mike Pompeo believes "God sent Trump to us".  While in the Holy Land our Secretary of State came up with that brilliant thought.  He is an ugly embarrassment.
--Speaking of which, Betsy DeVos wants to cut the Special Olympics.  Seriously--let's just pick on another group that we can  step on.  Leadership is not what this POTUS and crew are about.
--POTUS remains obsessed with Hilary and McCain.  Continues to go after them.  Claims he is responsible for approving use of the National Cathedral for McCain's funeral service.  The Cathedral's religious leaders promptly reply that is not true.  But no retraction just more gibberish from POTUS.
--"Womb Cleaning and Connection Ceremony".  That is the title of a hand out I picked up in my neighborhood last week.  I am trying to be open minded here and not offend too many people but I have no clue what this is about and I am kind of thinking I don't want to know.
--If I hear one more word from defenders of Robert Kraft that inform me of his wife and his religion and how they guide his 
life, I will puke.  I have no clue why he is fighting this charge but if it prolongs his stay in the gutter, then that's fine by me.
--Are we supposed to understand Felicity Huffman and the other Hollywoodites who used bribes to get their kids into Ivy League schools?
--Watching Belmont play Temple in an early NCAA game was eerie.  I did not know there were any teams in the 
tourney that were both all white and tattoo-less.  That's Belmont.
--Speaking of which, a very much younger relative (OH) of mine was doing better than me in selecting winners.  I just got 
wiped out.  But Zion is positively a handful.
--Federal judges continue to block POTUS and his attempts to drill in Alaska.  Another reason to say my nightly prayer for RBG.
-- Going to Beto's home state on a big silver bird. Hoping for some barby.


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