Saturday, December 19, 2020


At this point, I am fairly confident that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in just about one month from now. I have much less confidence that POTUS will put on his big boy pants and act like a grown up. Bad enough to ignore the hacking stuff; but to remain silent in the face of COVID and its devastating impact is--I'm not sure what word fits here. People are dying and there is not one word of support for the families who have lost loved ones. Have to move on. And no word from him about why each state's vaccine allotments have been cut. --That Loeffler woman running for Senate in Georgia is an idiot and happens to have that Ivanka look--barbie dollish and running on empty upstairs. Oh, she did not know the guy she was posing with was a member of a neo nazi group. Absolutely not. Serioiusly? I kind of think the Dems will not win both seats. But she is the most vulnerable of the two Republican candidates. --I love this item. The day the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine, MSNBC had as a guest a Doctor from Childrens Hospital right up the street. Name of Ofer Levy. Me,I am thinking he might just be a member of my tribe. As the interview concludes, Ofer reminds us all that it is Hannukah and he wants us to know it is a holiday marked by lighting candles. He then links the holiday to the vaccine which symbolically is illuminating our way out of the COVID tunnel. --Not suirprisingly, POTUS has no empathy--just acts like a baby who takes his toys and runs home. We always knew he was missing a few key genes. One factoid for me is that every time I think he has gone way too low--he manages to go lower. With Tucker and Sean egging him on, he is living either on fantasy island with Fernando Llamas (look him up) or on Gilligans Island. I really wonder what the MAGA people think about this. --State dollars are in very short supply here so I get it that the MBTA (our transit syustem) needs to think about budget cuts. But the impact on people who use that system and frequently are low income people of color--those cuts have to be delayed and, if not, will force more people into their own cars. --Those pathetic congressmen/women from both parties cannot fucking make a decision--what else do they have to do now that the election is over? This is not brain surgery. It is support for the people thqat got them elected. --One thing the POTUS administration has suceeded in doing is expediting the execution of Federal death row inmates.Trying to squeeze them in before that ol lefty Joe Biden arrives. --Barr really was the handmaiden to POTUS. And no one should say one kind word about him. Ditto for Steven Miller. --On a more somber note: DH has been my friend for just about 70 years. I learned that his wife passed away recently. Thinking of him and hoping he has all the support he needs. I hope some of you had a Happy Hannukah. And a merry christmas to those of you celebrating. SEE YOU IN A HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER 2021. Shalom

1 comment:

  1. Happy Hannukah! (a little late but we need all the light we can get.) Thanks for firing off these messages which give voice to a lot of what we are all feeling.
