Monday, December 13, 2010


For awhile there, I thought my unending supply of rage had ended. Either do to maturity or the great quantities of drugs I took to get rid of a cold, I could not find it. But, lo and behold, I have come out of my fog and am back in touch with my dark side. You, dear readers, are the very fortunate recipients of my re-connection with this quick special.

1. Don't Ask Don't Tell--So the Republicans have appointed a tea bagger to chair the House Military Affairs committee. He has promised to kill any effort to repeal DADT. Other similar House chairs are going after Obamacare (helped to be sure by today's federal court decision) and abortion rights. We do get what we deserve.

2. I thought I understood the Obama deal on taxes until I read this article by a guy from the Atlantic--Joshua Green. I like him a lot and he said, in fact, that this is a good compromise getting lots of money into the economy and helping the unemployed. He accused some of us (one of whom would be me) of over reacting. If so, I take it all back. However, I still believe the Prez has been way too kind and I would be happy to share some of my rage now that I have re-located it.

3.Temple Avodah in Newton caved in on the question of letting the folks from J Street speak. The big machers (that would be donors for those of you not fluent in Yiddish) probably threatened to pull their money out. Really a bad sign when dissent cannot even be tolerated in the House of God.

OK, both the Jets and the Bears were probably over rated. But Mr. Brady and the boys were stupendous especially in that winter mess yesterday. Brady is simply playing at a level beyond excellent; playing where few people dare to tread. We are lucky to be watching all this.


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