Friday, June 16, 2017


I have been thinking a lot about those words in the title.  They come from an ad for that lifeline thing.  I used to think they were hysterically funny.  But lately, they have not seemed so hilarious.  For many coincidental reasons, I have been home alone whilst my child bride has been out of town.  I realized at various times that if I did in fact fall, I might be unable to get up and could, therefore, be in some peril.  I don't want to get overly dramatic or overly maudlin.  But it is amazing what happens when you reach a certain age.  So, in spite of being in fighting shape, I do worry.  Moving on.

--As the Republicans secretly dismantle Obamacare, a great quote from somewhere:  "poor people will not stop getting sick".  The point is that without Obamacare, people without heath insurance will head straight for the ER.  They will have to get treated (as they should).  If anyone believes that such treatment is free, they have been spending too much time in the sun.  It costs money to see a doctor or a nurse or to get an x-ray. some way or another we (meaning taxpayers or folks with insurance) will pay.  It simply is not free.
--And speaking of sun, down there in the land of fun and sun (that would be Miami, my home town), POTUS did a fine pandering routine with the Cuban Americans who continue to have fantasies of upending the political structure of Cuba.  It does not matter that their grandchildren and great grandchildren have no such illusions.
--"We thank you for the opportunity and the blessing to serve your agenda".  A direct quote from Reince Priebus at that cabinet meeting led by POTUS.  Without getting way too graphic, my fantasy is that they were all on their knees stroking him.
--Jefferson Beauregard Sessions has a very bad memory or so it seems.  As mentioned before, he is named after two Confederate leaders and is a fine representation of that era.  Too bad it is over 150 years since then.
--I am betting that those 3 old boys sipping bourbon and chewing tobacco down South figure Comey is a liar.  I still don't believe this leads to impeachment and almost wish he would try and fire Mueller.
--Betsy Devos, another cabinet member, is doing her part to undo anything connected to Obama or anything to do with the 21st century.  Her thoughtful comments are to wonder whether LGBT discrimination is a settled issue.  She thinks not.
--Jon Osoff may or may not win that vacant Georgia congressional seat--I hope he does.  However, he has already won the contest for the whiniest pathetic emails looking for money.
--And, furthermore, I think Hilary needs to go away for awhile because she is sounding a bit whiny also.  Bad optics as they say.
--Wonderful to have a friend for 65 years.  Can you imagine?
--I hope Barron is settling into his new bedroom with his blanky and brought along his retinue of suits and ties.  Let alone a full staff of psychiatric aides.
--Thinking of A. Bloom.

--The Yankees are struggling out west but they are not that bad either.  Alternatively, at home they were never that good.  We shall see.  What a pleasure to watch the recent Super Bowl replay knowing who won. I could actually watch with my eyes open.  The best thing for Rick Pitino would be jail--he is a sleazy coach on the same slick ride as Calipari.  Good luck to the Celtics on draft night.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Beauregard. That says a lot. Also, I do wish Hillary took a vacay for a long while.
    Enjoy your posts. Thank you.
    Oh, I am a Cuban and wish the Miami Cubans would stop drinking the Kool Aid. Life is easier for Cubans in Cuba when there is more exchange.
    Just sayin'
