Friday, December 15, 2017


But bad in a good way.  I underestimated the power of African American people who live in Alabama. Especially African American women.  The turnout among that community was huge and offset the fact that a sexual predator won the votes of a majority of white women.  But African American men and women turned out and over 90% of them voted for Jones.  I celebrated Hanukkah with a close relative of mine last Tuesday night.  And she said something along the lines of "we need another Hanukkah-like miracle".  Lo and behold, it happened in the deepest of the deep South.  Mr. Jones even wished me and members of my tribe a Happy Hanukkah. Meanwhile, those 3 bourbon sipping boys were last seen heading west for the Alabama/Mississippi border looking for another racist, misogynistic, and predatory candidate to support. Likely as not, they might find one in Mississippi.

Other Random Notes of Interest:
--The judge has yet to concede and, according to him, he is awaiting word from God as to the final results. Good luck on that.  I heard that Bannon looks like a disheveled drunk. He actually does not drink--but he sure as hell looks disheveled.
--It is about to be the fourth night of Hanukkah and I cannot help myself--I just love that stupid Hanukkah song of Adam Sandler.  I was reminded of that when watching that "Meyerowitz" movie recently and wondered why Sandler appears in those stupid movies when he clearly can act.
--Speaking of movies, run to the cinema and see that 3 Billboard movie.  Frances McDormand is just wonderful.
--What words can I use to describe Sara Huckabee Sanders without offending?  She really is special.  Perhaps not a liar; but pretty damn close. How about she manipulates the truth? I get that it is her job to support and defend POTUS.  But does she have no shame? She also happens to be like POTUS because she is a bully who disrespects the press/media.  I have to say she is agile on her feet.  Which frequently makes me wish for Sean or the Mooch who tripped over their tongues fairly regularly. She does have lots of pearls.
--And lets shrink the National Parks while we are at it and maybe even do some more drilling in Alaska. Seriously
--Gotcha Mike Flynn.  Been caught lying about conversations with the Russians both before and after the election.  How can those fervent anti Communist Republicans continue to support POTUS is beyond me and likely beyond hope. Putin publicly thinks POTUS has done a great job and only wishes those mean people would stop investigating Russians.  Then POTUS could really succeed.
--If I watch too much MSNBC at night, I sink into despair and often feel quite helpless in the face of each day's astonishing news.  I have found myself, in the face of this, listening to some of the music of the 60's.  I find comfort in it and comfort in my own thoughts about that time period.  It is not being a Luddite to be reminded of that time, the fights that we fought over important changes, the people that were assassinated, and the influence that period has had on this society.  Nothing happened quickly or easily.  But, in my eyes and from a distance of about 50 years, those years mattered.  They mattered then and the memory of them matters now. The Byrds were in the car today as I drove around JP.  My head, however, was back in the 60's and it was good.

No sports but Happy Birthday to LH.

Merry Xmas to some of you and Happy New Year to all. Shalom

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alan, I very much enjoy reading The Crab. On most occasions I hardly ever agree with most of what you have to say, but it still makes for fun reading for me. And on that note I want to wish you, Barbara and the entire family a Happy Hanukkah. Ciao, Jim
