Monday, January 1, 2018


Just in case you are worried, I am bundled up in layers and have hiked the heat.  Can hardly wait to see the electric bill for the last two weeks.  Woke up this morning in the Berkshires to face a temp of minus 6.  Enough.

--A friend has gone through all sorts of clinical trials--all of which have failed.  His prostate cancer has spread and there is no other intervention.  He is facing the prospect of his demise with more courage and strength than I can imagine.  I would likely be in bed sucking my thumb.  This is the second peer who I have seen go through this hell and it is not pleasant.  I aim aware there will be more.
--Susan Collins caved and got nothing in return.  She should be embarrassed and the Maine voters ought to be angry.  The tax bill, apart from being so overwhelmingly pro business, eliminates the individual mandate.  I dare not brag too much but I do know what that means.  The mandate forced healthy (especially young healthy folks) to get health insurance thereby balancing the pool of those insured.  An insurance pool needs healthy people in it to keep rates low.  Otherwise, insurers will get out of town and not participate because there are only sick people .  It is god awful and, separate from POTUS, we should all be angry at the members of Congress who are gutless wonders.
--According to Fox News, a coup is coming and we should get in our bunkers--the sales of which are booming by the way.
--Who is Jillian Michaels and why is she in my tv so much?
--Enos Kanter is a Turkish behemoth who plays in the NBA.  He apparently said something naughty about the Turkish President and now is banned and could be arrested if he returns to his homeland.  Kind of like a fatwa. Th same Turkish president who pretty much is an asshole dictator.
--POTUS did an interview with the NY Times.  An analysis documented 24 lies in the interview.  And we continue to let him get away with that shit.
--The POTUS wall will prove nothing except that his rabid fans will see some bricks and can pretend it will matter.  The Dreamers are flesh and blood teenagers and young adults.   To essentially offer a trade of the wall for support of the Dreamers is beneath our dignity and ugly.

Happy New Year to all.

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