Saturday, May 2, 2020


Just got back from Georgia.  Flew down with a friend from Kindergarten.  We first got massages (done by masseuses without gloves) and then went next door and got tattoos.  I got one like Ben Affleck covering my whole back.  A bit painful on the flight home but I had a whole row to myself.  Couldn't figure out where the other passengers were.  Steven Miller is now affixed in ink on my back.  Forever. My tattoo confirms the theory that:  "Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you." 

--In hindsight, why didn't the Georgia governor open up car washes which seem much safer than massage parlors and tattoo shops.
--If you, dear reader, have been reading this screed faithfully, you know I was worried that Steve Miller was going to use this pandemic as a way to further limit immigration.  And guess what, he succeeded.  Our borders are now officially closed except for some minimal exceptions.  He acknowledged his success in some conservative media interview. 
--Gotta give a shout out to Governor Whitmer of Michigan.  She extended the stay at home order despite seeing white thugs with assault rifles in the Michigan state house.  They want the state open and who cares about people of color who live in Detroit anyhow--and you know we would never go to Detroit because it is not safe.
--Can someone please tell Dr. Brix to ditch the scarves and, while she is at it, perhaps ditch the Prez.  I'm thinking her career is over. Once she tried to explain how barbers/hair stylists could maintain 6 feet of distance, she was done.
--I will not worry about the oil companies as they wring their hands about the drop in oil prices.  Fuck 'em.
--Ditto for the big banks.  Nik Paumgarten in the New Yorker said the following so try it out:  "Bank higher ups get paid like geniuses but every 10 years, they need a bail out".  Oh yeah.
--According to Jared (now that he has stabilized the Middle East), our government's covid 19 efforts will be a success during the month of June.
--And yet each day brings more deaths and more cases.
--An aside:  During this crisis the Globe decided to explain what we could learn from mother bears in terms of daily activities for our children.
--That bright shining light Pence defends his mask-less visit to the Mayo clinic as an effort to normalize.  Bet the Medical staff could tell him how not normal things are not.
--When I hear politicians or advertisers (kind of similar, no?) tell me I am part of the team or we treat you like family, I want to puke.  I'm on my own team and know who my real family is.  EEK!
--John Prine died way too soon.  You need to listen to one of his latest songs in light of his death.  It's called "When I Get to Heaven".
--Cuomo and Baker are not perfect but boy have they come through for their respective states.
--I immediately demand that the new White House press secretary rid herself of that gold chain with a big cross.  No need to remind us that God is on her side.
--Nada on the sports front.


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