Sunday, January 15, 2017


So over the holidays, I ordered an item from LL Bean (before that relative of LL was outed for being a big supporter of the guy whose name will not be mentioned).  Now to be fair (and I am nothing if not fair and open minded), most packages get delivered on time and to the correct unit.  But sometimes there are problems--like finding packages placed on another unit's doorstep or being told the neighboring Inn has a package of ours.  So I go online, track the delivery, and discover it has been delivered--which of course it has not.  I call LL and am told it is at the Fernandes bodega--which of course they believe is in my neighborhood.  Which of course it is not.  LL tells me they will not re-deliver it and I must go to Fernandes and get it.  So I head on out and, sure enough, Fernandes is apparently the drop off point for all if not most of JP for undeliverable packages.  I am into a full on boycott now especially since it was the wrong item anyhow.  Whew--that took longer than getting to Fernandes'.

--Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as in the name of the nominee for Attorney General.  Jefferson as in the President of the Confederacy and Beauregard as in one of the Confederate Generals. He will be approved but he will not be safeguarding too many rights or too many people.  And no, he does not get a "see how he does pass".
--The Times front page last week had a picture (and accompanying story) of 3 good ole boys from Covington, Louisiana talking about the election and probably sipping bourbon and spitting tobacco (and yup them's my stereotypes.).  Anyhow, they love the man whose name will not be mentioned and really do not like the Eastern liberals, the Eastern media, and us Eastern whiners.  They probably get both Medicare and Social Security but do not like the Federal government.
--Streep laid him out without mentioning his name and then he tweeted that she was a terrible actress anyhow.
--I could not watch his press conference too long but I have a confession.  There was a moment when I really liked his anger at the media.  I mean they rolled over (with very few exceptions) during the election run up and even that did not win them his respect.  Saw a great line that once he dissed the CNN reporter, the next question should have been:  "Could you please answer the question from the CNN reporter?".  But nope--they just went ahead and asked their own VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS so he could then respond with a non answer.
--House Republicans are worse than the man whose name will not be mentioned.  I believe they genuinely hate poor people and especially poor people of color.  Their haste to repeal Obamacare, their desire to support the wall, and their hope to de-fund Planned Parenthood will all impact the poor disproportionately.
--Saw "Fences" and thought the acting was just superb.  In my not so fertile imagination, all I could think of was the symbolism of the fence in the back yard in the film at a time when we are going to build a much larger wall and pretend it solves the problem (whatever the problem is).  Ask the Israelis how that worked out for them.
--Hope some of those corporations stand up to him though I kid of think they are gutless wonders.
--The timing of his inauguration the same week as the MLK holiday is not lost on me.  And probably not lost on Representative Lewis either.

The Pats won ugly last night but did win.  The talking heads will be crazed these week and we should probably put them on suicide watch.  Curiously, I am not so worried.  Brady cannot be that bad again.  It is a great day in America when both Nick Saban and Pete Carroll lose--should be a day off from school or work.  BTW, if you saw the Bama loss, did you see that kid following Saban around with a cup full of something--all game and you want to guess his color?  Ho hum. Isaiah Thomas has the biggest small person chip on his shoulder that I have ever seen--and you know what, he is very good.


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